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About obliviondoll

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  1. I've had a handful of minor glitches, but the worst has been a couple of times where I was either a) not in line of sight, or b) invisible, and the alarm was still raised for no apparent reason. Or the times a hacking/lockpicking attempts cuts off 3 - 5 seconds early and sets the alarm off for no reason.
  2. They've actually said she could be anywhere up to 23. News reports that she looks to be 16, but your dossier info puts her as possibly being safely older. And besides, sequel = not necessarily 5 mins after the first game. For all we know, she could become a playable character if a sequel shows up...
  3. If I hadn't killed her on my current playthrough, I'd have considered voting "yes." But I'm not into necrophilia, so no. Needs a new agent as a player character though - like Thorton was at the beginning of AP.
  4. So just expanding the "hub" area from being only the safehouses to including a semi-free-roaming area for various shops and things? Actually, that sounds pretty good - and you could better keep track of who you're buying from (it's a little hard to tell sometimes), which would give more meaning to the various discounts you get. Shop HERE for weapons, but THERE for armour, and ALL THE WAY DOWN THE ROAD for gadgets, because those guys give you the best prices after you (insert action here). Would technically fit into the "minimal interaction free roaming" possibility more than the "less coherent story" one, but it wouldn't need to be as large an area as I thought you meant, so it would probably work pretty well. And they might even be able to directly link some of the conversation missions into that "hub" area. You know there's a "talk to X" mission, and you happen to see that person while shopping, why not take the opportunity to talk on neutral ground instead of going to their house? We all know how badly that turned out last time.
  5. I don't honestly see that adding anything to the gameplay. Not saying it's a particularly bad idea, just that not every game has to have an open world. And I don't see a game like Alpha Protocol working properly while doing an open-world setup justice. It would either become a parkour-free version of Assassin's Creed (the original) with an open world that you can barely interact with, or can only interact with in fairly meaningless ways, or it would force the open world to become the focus, and destroy the coherency of the story by doing so.
  6. Another great example. That warehouse mission in Rome? 17 shots. 13 kills with firearms (I also had one gadget kill, and one melee kill). One enemy took 2 shots (and I confirmed both hit and did damage at the time), and another took 3 (again, all of which hit and did damage). For a total of... 52% accuracy! Ummm... ??? Are you on PS3? If not, might be platform-specific. Also, when i first played, I never had that problem. I've just picked it up again after a while, and it's installed an update I don't remember having previously - I could be wrong about that though - I've had the game sitting for a while (basically since Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood came out last year, I've barely played anything else).
  7. Just posting some selected stats from a mission I completed the other day. Total kills with firearms: 32 Total Pistol shots fired: 45 Accuracy: 26% Basically all I did was shoot everyone I cam across. There were four enemies who didn't die with the first bullet, and needed to be shot again. The rest of the extra shots were from using Chain Shot against someone at long range - double-headshot to be sure of the kill. Even if all of those got the kill with one bullet and count the second as a miss, that's saying 36 hits with 45 bullets comes to 26% accuracy. I've had various odd glitches with the accuracy stats on missions, but that's the most blatantly stupid and obvious example. Anyone else seen anything like this in their game?
  8. My favourite so far is Stealth/Pistols/Sabotage, with a few points to SMGs and the first 3 levels of Toughness - adding 50% to your base health is well worth spending 12AP on, but I rarely get shot/hit enough to need even that much. I guess I just like to have that extra bit of a safety net... Basically, I try to stay mostly invisible, but when things go wrong at point-blank, my SMGs can fix the problem.
  9. Don't know about the later part of the discussion, but I'm pretty sure, in answer to the OP, that the aggressive sexuality of the character is just one expression of her aggressive nature. She's not a feminist figure in the game, she's just an aggressive personality who happens to be female, and directing her aggression at a male most of the time you meet her (namely because you ARE the male in question).
  10. Adding numbers to each point for reference... 1. Fits with "Hardcore" in the title. 2. Fits with "Ninja" in the title. Kind of. Would fit better if tech upgrades were allowed. 3. Fits with... well, nothing, really. Would fit with Ninja if anything goes, because Ninja invented the concept of "anything goes" in Japan. 4. Fits with "Master" in the title. 5. ??? (see below) 6. Basically, just saying "you have to finish the game" here, right? 7. No real argument here, but I'd consider restricting to "not Combat Armour" Ummm... Why is the word "Parkour" in the title? Unless hooking up with all the girls (point 5.) is supposed to count in some bizarre way? Just... you know... curious... confused...
  11. "Combo" is short for "combination" - there's no combination here - just an exploit of one ability (which is already overpowered without such an easy exploit, but that's another story). It would need you to be using Chain Shot along with another ability for the word "combo" to be appropriate. I didn't know about the endurance regen, though, so that was nice to learn, even if I don't ever plan to use that knowledge (maybe if, like you, I'm on my 11th replay or something, but probably not even then). I knew about lining up criticals then canceling - worth mentioning that on PS3, unless you're holding L2 down for aiming BEFORE you activate CS, it doesn't work. If you activate CS before holding the aim button, or without using it at all, canceling and firing won't let you keep the critical hit you lined up. I've used the basic version of Chain Shot like this, popping out of cover and lining up the critical headshot, then canceling CS before firing. Gets the silent kill more often than not, with a slight element of risk, but without making me sit around doing nothing while I wait for a cooldown to come back before I can get past the next guard. Using it like that is more about improving the flow of gameplay for me. I stop doing it when I can land critical hits from behind cover, because that's all I've done with it anyway.
  12. I've only really started to appreciate gadgets on my current playthrough. Previously I'd occasionally invest in a few first aid kits, but that was all. This time around, Grenades, Incendiaries, Radio Mimics (so much use out of these), EMPs... Grenades are good for traps, and for throwing against enemies in corridors, but Incendiaries... I think I enjoy them a little TOO much... You know the "ambush" in Brayko's Mansion that Awareness kind of ruins? 3 Incendiaries, no more ambush. Brayko himself? 2 Incendiaries, spiked cocaine, and 4 Steel Core Bullets from my Pistol. A fifth bullet in the custscene, of course, and that doesn't count my insane SMG blasting when his goons were surrounding me. I mostly take EMPs for bypassing minigames that get a little too tricky, but they make turrets and well-placed cameras a lot easier to get past as well. I haven't really played with Flashbangs and Shock Traps so much, but I'm planning on using them both a lot on my no-kills playthrough (After this playthrough, I'm running SMGs only and slaughtering everything that gets in my way, then I want to try and go without a single kill. I wonder how many non-lethal hits Marburg can take?).
  13. Really? I played it because the branching story setup reminded me of the Way of the Samurai games. The 3rd of which came out before AP, and had more unique endings. Although I suppose the mission-based structure made it different. But not very different. Back properly on-topic, though... Want a follow-up to Alpha Protocol, done the justice the first game missed out on. Don't care if it's a sequel, prequel, spinoff story, new-universe-same-concept, but it MUST BE DONE! Still play AP, by the way, on PS3. I've only completed it a few times, but it's awesome fun. Wish ARs got a lot more love, and either buff everything but Pistols, or pull back their OP-ness a little, and maybe reworking the stealth aspects pretty much completely could help out. Particularly the "sometimes when you're behind a wall in shadow and 100m away, a guard will suddenly "see" you and set the alarm off, and other times you can run around in a brightly-lit courtyard firing wildly with dual SMGs and not alert the guy you're about to kill OR the other 2 guys watching you do it" part...
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