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So Nathanial Chapman's (spelling?) post sounds like they are going to be putting out some info in response to the range of questions on that thread. I'd love to hear if they have any more plans for the game, but who knows if it will go that far. Lots of angst around, but I have to say I'd buy more content for the game in it's current state.
You've already gotten some good advice here. I am really liking human-only Anjali. The build is will focused. Her specials are cheap, with high will and will ability they do good damage. More important she has tons of ways to stun and knock down, and great health regen. Use her flaming weapons early and max it out, which brings your will into your dps. After will you want to focus on momentum for focus regen, which I am having no trouble with once momentum is 10+. Stun plus dps makes her tough. Finally, pump will in bracelets for fire form. U don't need to never use it, I flip over just to drop a fire patch or pillar, then switch back. Even v bosses I don't fire from it so the pure will focus = big sPecial damage. Combine with stuns and high dps and she is tough.
What would you like to see in a Dungeon Siege IV?
greenpeas replied to C2B's topic in Dungeon Siege III: General Discussion
I just want to know what this line of posts has to do with DS 4? -
What would you like to see in a Dungeon Siege IV?
greenpeas replied to C2B's topic in Dungeon Siege III: General Discussion
You are just saying that the game isn't just healer-tank-dps. That is good, because that model has been done to death. The roles are very different, and vary a lot depending on the type of fight, and even on the build (my human-focus Anjali plays a lot like a tank, while my friend's archon build is a savage glass cannon, relying on immolation when she gets overrun). -
I'd love to hear about the big calls where you felt you (or others) could have gone a different way and why. On Manx - he is disarmingly geeky (which has its appeal). He could have been deep-voiced Count Doku (spelling?) type, or a wizened old Gandalf type. What discussions went on around the personalities of those 4 characters? Were there other characters considered? Tough question: I play the game on PC, and really like it there (the keybinding helped me, though I only made very minor changes from default). Did you talk about simply not doing the game for PC? This forum suggests to me that PC gamers were always going to be angsty about a game on PC and console, particularly if the game was going to go for such a streamlined skills tree (no complaints from me there). PC folks were always going to yell "consolitis" because it offends their deep and complicated dignities about their mode of entertainment. I almost hate to ask, but is PC still worth it? Finally: Is there any chance of some DLC?? A quick and dirty (but very cool) would be higher difficulty new game+ in which you: open up the 1st-tier proficiencies of all characters for upgrade (i.e. lucas can go for the anjali/manx will boost, and the latter 2 could get lucas' will-to-dps), perhaps - add 2nd tier of mastery - if you use an empowered ability enough times perhaps the regular use of the ability becomes empowered (even if only a % of the time) and the empowered ability increases in effect, etc.
What would you like to see in a Dungeon Siege IV?
greenpeas replied to C2B's topic in Dungeon Siege III: General Discussion
This thread has pretty well lost its way. I'm not sure why every thread seems to have the subtitle "or just ignore this heading and use this thread to record your random complaints about the game". Indeed, I kind of wonder why people are taking their time (and others') to continually post their angst over the top of a community of folks interested in DS3. *ahem* what do I want from DS 4 - (Btw - really I want a full expansion for DS 3, but that isn't the question in this thread). Camera & tethering stuff is a given (no point belabouring it). I like the 4 unique characters as a concept, they have a lot of flavour, and feel like heroes from the get-go. Is it possible to customise roles a bit? Not sure how that sits with branding. Keep the multiplayer levelling at the same time (all of our group digs that), BUT how to manage that AND change the "master/slave" multiplayer model? I wouldn't mind if I joined a game and got "de-levelled" to the lowest character - all the game has to do is record my equipped items and drop them again as part of other loot that gets dropped... (maybe makes hacking easier?). IS there a different approach to dialogue than the multiple choice approach? Something that feels a bit more real there would be more immersing. Honestly though, Dungeon siege has always been about a game that gets you in the action quickly and keeps it that way. I hope it keeps going. -
What IS like dungeon siege
greenpeas replied to greenpeas's topic in Dungeon Siege III: General Discussion
The earlier games also had 1). I think you might be referencing Skyrim re: 2). It took me a few games to really get how to do it properly, but I'm at level 20 with Anjali and have 5 out of 9 abilities empowered (2 defensive, and the two most recently unlocked offensive still have some more to go). #2 was definitely DS1 - we played it again this year as a group. -
Keybinding and Move Left/Right Patch
greenpeas replied to The Guildmaster's topic in Dungeon Siege III: General Discussion
Yeah, kudos on putting in a feature that should've been in the game from the very beginning. Quit whining and just be thankful. Many developers produce completely garbage games and don't fix them hardly at all, and then the fixes are also garbage. IE. Brink and Splash Damage. This was the #1 issue for PC players, and they're rolling out the update in less than a month. They told us about their intentions to fix it within the first few days it was released. That is excellent customer service. I haven't seen that quick of a response from any other developer on fixing their games. These days almost every game is released with some kind of issue, with the exception of the extreme high end titles that can afford extensive beta testing and such. Issues that are later patched up. Do you have any idea how many times Diablo 2 has been patched in the past years? Now Obsidian, please fix the camera. It's not unplayable, but its close with 4 players. Combine the bad camera with the fact that people who join the game have crap gear, and they end up dead very fast, and often. Example: 4 of us were doing Because the camera limited their movement and ability to dodge, they all died except me, and it ended up me dodging everything to revive them constantly. Multi-player will be flawless with the following changes in order of necessity: -Fix the Camera. It should be completely freed up where the player still has single player control regardless of how many players exist. Just tether them via a distance check instead of the camera feeling like a leash. -Fix the random gear players start with when joining a MP game. The gear should be randomized to somewhat be similar to what the host character has. Without this fix, people who joing games at later levels do virtually no damage. My standard attack as Reinhart against the final boss was doing like...26 damage a hit? Too weak to really even do anything but revive the host. -Fix loot drops throughout the campaign in MP. This should even out with the presence of human players. 2 players loo should drop 50/50, 4 players should be a 25% split. -Perhaps when you join someones game, give each ability a bit of the master bar filled depending on level. If you join a game in the 20's, each ability should have about 65% of its master bar filled. Empowered moves are a huge part of this combat system and can make or break a fight, but joining someones game you will basically have zero mastery filled. So again a gimped character to run around with. After you fix those issues, MP will be perfect. Until you fix the camera, the best defensive mechanic Dodging is severely restrained due to the camera. You can actually become trapped in an open area by the corner of the camera. So please tether people by distance and free the camera up. Boss fights should feel just like single player where your buddy can be off screen giving you freedom of movement. Then i'll definitely take some sort of New Game+ or preferably an arena type mode to fight waves of enemies. This game has an excellent variety of creature types and that would enable dozens upon dozens of mixed enemies to throw at the team. And you can do so much with an arena mode. Again I point to Dawn of War II's last stand mode. It has a great gear unlock system combined with its leveling, and there's even more creative freedom to be had in Dungeon Siege III. I could sit here and think of tons of ways it could be done, so I can't imagine what the creative minds at Obsidian would be able to conjure up. This guy hit it right on the nail. I dig this game, but I want these changes to knock off the rough edges. NOTE: I don't actually care much about changes to make it work while playing with strangers. I have a great group of friends that I play with. Our games proceed together. So the upside of how it is currently done (ensuring that players always level at the same time) works for me. Obviously developers focused more on supporting play with friends than play with internet strangers. -
So, quick bit of background: I was eagerly waiting for and following the first dungeon siege and I remember what seemed like an agonising long time before it was released. Of the things that really excited me were 1) obviously the 'continuous world'/no loading screens thing, and/ 2) the thing I thought was coolest was the "you get better based on what you do" skill system. THIS was what really got my attention. Wanna be a warrior? swing a sword. The way this is captured in Dungeon Siege 3 seems to me to be in some ways cooler than the original (NOTE: I'm not all the way through the game yet). How: Building up mastery to empowered abilities. So when I am playing, I'm focused on what abilities I use because I know there is a longer-term return to doing that. My real customisation is about what abilities I'm going to get empowered. I have no idea if the game goes on long enough to empower everything - if so, then I'd want to see 'levels of empowerment' in any expansion so that it preserves the sense that the abilities I'm using matter, and that I'm customising my character based on what I'm doing in combat.
SO I haven't even finished the game yet, and I've already played a couple of hours with every character. On some of them I already realise that I want to start again to do a different build. I've played over the first bit of the game several times and am not yet done. So far, I'm not disappointed with replayability...
Keybinding and Move Left/Right Patch
greenpeas replied to The Guildmaster's topic in Dungeon Siege III: General Discussion
Our group of 4 players is about 6 hours into the game. We're having a great time (and together we have played a ton of Diablo, Diablo 2 and Dungeon Siege 1). The camera has been annoying only a few times. The idea that it makes the game unplayable is silly... Yes, I would still like a camera fix though, ideally independent or big zoom out. It is the only tarnish on an otherwise excellent game. -
Some updates re: feedback
greenpeas replied to Nathaniel Chapman's topic in Dungeon Siege III: General Discussion
So I've made less than 5 posts like this in the past year (and this is my first). I signed up for this forum specifically because I played the demo and couldn't believe the amount of angst heaped on the game. This game is cool. YES, key-mapping would be very much appreciated. that is not a big deal, and is minor-patch territory. A different company is making this game. They made it console friendly. that doesn't have to insult us to the bone. Is the game ok or not is the question. IT IS NOT A CLONE OF DIABLO OR DS 1 or 2 (all of which I loved) The combat system is cool and interesting and I feel like I've just scratched the surface. Blocking, dodging, ways to quickly get your abilities recharged, these are all different additions to this kind of RPG. I like the addition. I'm ready to do something different because the characters look so unique and interesting. I like that I don't have to wander around looking for the right way to go. I LIKE that I don't have fights 10 meters from another group of monsters that are apparently oblivious to the massive epic battle happening next to them (including fireballs from the heavens). It is worse when the 'monsters' just out of reach are, actually, humans, who are allies of the people I'm fighting, but are happy to wait their turn until I kills their friends... I like the ambiance, and I like that I can skip through most of it quickly. I like same computer multi-player (however it comes!) I play just a few games. I have a life. I'm keen to play this one. Post from some guy named something like sophex calling me a troll in 3... 2... 1... (PS - where I come from we call that 'attacking the man and not the ball' - which is bad form)