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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. I just completed the final battle. Man was that difficult. The first time around my party was just decimated. I had a fighter/weaponmaster, spirit shaman, rogue/shadow thief of amn/ranger and vanilla wizard. I was doing well up until that point letting my fighter take the heat while the shaman and wizard came in with the heavy bombardment with the rogue sneak attacking from the flanks. I was playing on core rules since I didn't think it was fair that the enemy didn't get critical hits. After tryin several times and dying within seconds, I finally sneaked back outside and made my way to the Thayan Compound in Neverwinter. I realized by that point that I had about 4 million gold coins from all the trade bars, so I just used the cash to load up my wizard with every protective and deadly spell scroll available. Then I went back and missile stormed everything to death. It was quite satisfying. I enjoyed the game but it did feel a little tedious with the walking back and forth, with no means of instant travel to already discovered locations. There was the teleporter between cities, but it seemed only to be one way and you had to walk back. I liked the little random encounters, but I think the interesting ones were too few. Mostly the encounters seemed like small dungeons with monsters. Still it was a fun game for me. I wonder what happens if you make a full yuan-ti party?
  2. I want to go home now. Need more pics of your drunken revelries and karoake. Stop sightseeing and drink more.
  3. hehe I wouldn't mind a new Baldur's Gate in the spirit of the old ones. Please let it be nothing like the Dark Alliance games.
  4. I always found Icewind Dale very atmospheric despite the topdown view. Its somthing about the music mixed with the environments that I find very satisfying. Torment too. Prince of Persia Sands of Time also has great atmosphere.
  5. I bought the game on Friday evening at Best Buy. I spent that night making and remaking parties because I couldn't settle on just one combination. I did the same thing the next night then I had to fly out for Thanksgiving for a week. So I have the game but I haven't actually played it yet. But the music is good from what I've heard, (the title screen) which gives a sense of adventure! I can't wait to get back and play the game.
  6. I might actually get this. The copy I have was bought when I was still living in Korea and the soldiers were replaced with robots.
  7. Man, you guys play a lot of games. I'm jealous. Ever since I quit my job to go back to school I only have enough in my budget to get games that I really want to play. This month was Fallout 3 and that was because it was a birthday present. My girlfriend got me a gift card since she knows I like games but didn't know which one to buy. The perfect present really. This is good because now I can buy Storm of Zehir.
  8. I actually tried getting the collars on the slavers so I could turn the tables on them and give them a taste of their own medicine. Unfortunately I don't think that was an option. It would have been fun though to have the Little Lamplighters have the slavers as slaves. Did anyone find any kind of resolution to the super-mutant presence in the game? Its hinted that they are looking for something by many NPCs, but I never could find out what.
  9. Hmm.. There IS map travel. You need to walk to each and every place first (as in Fallout/Fallout 2, only in 3D), but then all you have to do is click on the places you've found for insta-travel there. Just like Fallout/Fallout 2. Yup, I know about the fast travel map. But sometimes I didn't want to actually walk all the way to a new destination. I would have liked the option to open the world map click on a place and a little dot representing my character would start moving in that direction, the screen reverting to normal First person view if I encountered a location along the way. That was kinda the way the world map worked in the previous Fallouts. I know walking there is probably have the fun of getting there, but sometimes I just wanted to get there. Like when I got map markers for all the Vaults. The Vaults were my favorite places to explore because there was usually some backstory into the twisted experiments that went on there without the knowledge of the residents. Man...I even game lazy. Still enjoying the game though. I do think Bethesda did a really good job and my requests are just little personal quibbles
  10. Everyone likes to explore but me. Its not that I didn't like it totally. I did like seeing stuff off in the distance and finding out what it was. There was just so much of a vast empty wasteland and a lot of times the encounters would lead to 'building with raiders' or 'tunnels with ghouls' that I grew tired of fighting the same enemies over and over again. During play, I found myself missing the old world map/travel system of the two previous Fallouts. I think I would have liked the option to traverse the world map like that, with the game reverting back to FPS mode if I stumbled across something interesting. I am going back and trying to find some places I read about here that sound interesting. I read you could even run into Harold again.
  11. I decided to go back to Fallout 3 do explore new places. Reading the posts here it seems like there a more interesting places out there. Not playing much else.
  12. I wished I wasn't allergic to dogs and cats and anything with fur. I would love to have an actual dog. I kept Dogmeat alive at all costs even if it meant standing between the enemy and him and shooting at point blank range while taking damage. Dogmeat was pretty resilient though. He would only die if three or more of those disturbing crab-men surrounded him or we got ambushed by a Deathclaw or two. Against everything else he was pretty good. Was anyone else creeped out by those crab-men? I found the whole mireluk processing factory scary as hell. And when I first ran into a Mireluk King, I screamed in fear.
  13. I've been playing Fallout 3 all this past week starting from last Tuesday. Its a great game. I actually finished the main storyline in a Bethesda game! I was in the same situation as Walsh at the end with intelligence 10 The overall game was excellent though. I loved the devastated landscape, the VATS system and the overall feeling of wandering around with only a canine for a friend. I did eventually get bored with the samey metro stations, underground bases, vaults and buildings which was when I started pursuing the main quest. I can't help but think that the relatively short main plotline was a deliberate design choice so players had the option to quickly see the game to an end when they eventually got bored. Gotta agree with Newc, that Beth should really cut down cookie-cutter areas with the same enemies. Its fun for the first few times, but later just gets tedious even though there might be interesting encounters in some of them. I also think they should reduce the wide open areas. I appreciate the work and care that went into crafting the world, and it does look impressive, but ultimately I don't think it really serves a great purpose. I did go out of my way to explore the first few hours but then I usually made a beeline to the next map marker that a NPC had given me. If something popped up on the way I would investigate, but after one too many similar areas I would just run past. Later I would even fast travel to really close areas because I didn't want to deal with the tedium of walking and running into radscorpions or moles or dogs and other minor annoyances. I would rather they have a larger hubs for more involved quests instead of scattered settlements with a population of less than 10 people. That was a real immersion breaker for me. You'd think that in an apocalyptic wasteland people would band together in greater numbers for safety instead of scattering. But still...first Beth game I ever finished! Now I'm looking forward to Storm of Zehir!
  14. Oh no~ The last novel of his I read was Prey, which I enjoyed. I have fond memories of reading his novels before bedtime when I was younger. Rest in Peace.
  15. How do you like the Underworld demo Bok? I was looking forward to the release, but after playing through the demo I'm not that excited anymore. The controls were really bad for me especially the camera. It got stuck a lot in corners or it would just focus on Lara and not the environment and I would have to fiddle with it to see where I had to go, which wasn't smooth. Also there didn't seem to be an option for the camera to pan out (like Price of Persia), so when wall jumping in tight areas Lara would sometimes jump into the camera and cause it to spin around. Lara's movements seemed to be off to as sometimes she would jump to her death against my will. This might be because I suck, but I've played through all the recent Prince of Persia games and I could control the Prince smoothly and without problems. The graphics and atmosphere are great though.
  16. I just ordered my copy from Amazon. I had a $50 gift card that I hadn't used from my b-day. I'm really in the Fallout mood, recently having replayed 1 and 2 from Good Old Games. They were just as good as when I first played them.
  17. I think I figured it out! Revan is the mysterious Sith Emperor! He went into the Unknown Regions to battle the Sith but realized they had reached a size much greater than anticipated. Accepting he was facing an unstoppable force he assassinated the Sith Emperor and subvertly took over to mitigate the suffering the Sith would cause down the line. Because he is a lightsider in canon and all. Oh yeah, the Exile came and helped Revan in this. Then 300 years later, unable to stem the maliciousness of his Sith subordinates, the war with the Republic began. It was going well and all then Revan realized a much greater threat hiding in deep deep deep space. It was So he set off to deep deep deep space with the Exile and they'll be secret characters in It all makes sense.
  18. You never now, maybe Revan IS the Sith emperor, his life unaturally lengthened by the dark side. Of course he is doing this to prevent a much larger threat somewhere else.
  19. Its a shame if they disregard the entire K2 plotline. I like it a lot better now than the K1 plotline. I'm still miffed that they went with a MMO but what can you do? I'm interested in how this game will turn out. I think it could be an opportunity for something unique.
  20. Looks pretty good. If the emphasis is on story and I might give it a try. Can't they just make a K3 using the MMO game assets? Since it is set 300 years after K2 there is room in there for another game. I would buy it if Bioware made it.
  21. The game looks pretty cool, but not really a must have for me. It'll probably be one of those filler games while I wait for RPGs to come out.
  22. I'm having a hard time with the controls as well. I really want to play this game, but I can't even get past the third training level where I have to destroy waves of drones sufficiently enough to pass. I tried using the keyboard mouse combo, but the mouse controls seem to erratic maybe...sensitive to get a hang of. Ah well, practice makes perfect.
  23. Whoa, are those FMVs, or pre-rendered backgrounds a la Final Fantasy? Cuz there's no way those are real-time! I'm looking forward to Starcraft II at the moment. I'm also thinking of picking up Fallout 2 via Good Old Games. I haven't played either of the Fallouts, but they both seem to be hot favorites amongst the good folks here. Do I need to have played Fallout to appreciate Fallout 2? No, not really. Fallout 2's storyline is pretty self contained. But Fallout 1 is still a great game. I recently purchased and replayed Fallout via GOG, and its still a great roleplaying game. I'm planning on playing Fallout 2 next. There is even a higher resolution patch and community/fan made patches that fix bugs and add in cut content.
  24. I want a PS3 for the sole purpose of playing MGS4 and eventually God of War 3. LBP looks pretty interesting though.
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