My two florins.
I've finished the demo with Anjali and got about halfway with Lucas.
Graphics & Sound
Works very well. The world is on the generic side, but the art direction is pleasing and the little details here and there make it come to life. (I like the flocks of birds flying off and crowing as you approach them) The lighting and shadows both look really quite good and make the game quite atmospheric. I also really like the blurry effect used for the distant land that you see here and there. Shame you see so little of it though. None of the music stood out for me yet, but the sound effects are rather good. The best thing about the graphics, I thought, are the spell effects. Very well done. The second best thing is that the game runs very, very smoothly. I put all the settings as high as possible and it runs great with no stuttering or glitches or bugs that I've seen.
UI & Gameplay
The interface seems to work well. Nothing spectacular, but no complaints. Inventory seems to be easy to use, so the game won't be an IMS (Inventory Management Sim), thank god. Can't stand having to go through games looking at my inventory screen more than i actually look at the gameworld. The camera and controls took me about 10 minutes to get used to (on PC), which is a lot better compared with some other games I've played. (Obsidian's other games among them.) I don't like that the camera view is quite restrictive though. I'd like to be able to look around a bit more and be able to move the camera more freely. The way it is now makes the game feel slightly