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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. Here is an informative video of how effectively UK Storm Shadow missiles are being used, always interesting to see how the Russians deny successful targeting of there infrastructure
  2. And....you did didnt you? You amongst friends here so you can be honest
  3. You should create a DRC thread but it wont be very well supported and there wont be much interest. Because its an African conflict and if the AU is indifferent and lacks the political will to fix its own problems you cant realistically expect people in Western countries to meaningfully get involved or to really care on a forum like this @Azdeus there is no media black out with what has been going on in the DRC, its well documented and there are numerous stories about the decades of sectarian violence and abuse in Cobalt mining that are owned mostly by the Chinese. International media houses have filmed some of this abuse and there are documentaries about it https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2212037120 https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/12/mining-of-cobalt-copper-in-drc-leading-to-human-rights-abuses-report But I dont want to blame the Chinese because its well known if the government of a country doesnt enforce basic labor laws then the Chinese arent going to do it. And the mines that operate in the DRC dont operate illegally, the government of the DRC is aware of them and they should be the ones insisting on humane work conditions
  4. Yes I agree but I can guarantee you most of those same people will be outraged about any Western country, and particularly the US, doing anything similar to Russia. So they not indifferent when Western countries are involved in wars or invasions, so its selective indifference thats based on ideological reasons and anti-Western bias. This is common in SA from those who support Russia
  5. But Monty if you dont read peoples comments how would you know you dont agree with them? What if someone says something that you agree with?
  6. Its not that, people generally dont relate to wars that are not on there continent, directly impact them or are aligned with there ideological or political views For example in Africa there are now 5-6 military coups, several wars and ongoing Islamic extremist violence but very few people on this forum talk about it But thats because the majority of people on this forum dont live in Africa and they would understandably have other things they focus on.
  7. Its partly because people want to say " look Ukraine is also bad like Russia " because they think its going to the change or reduce the warmongering and brutal nature of the Russian military in Ukraine But it doesn't convince or change anyone's views and who is responsible for this war
  8. Yes and we can go around in circles with that type of argument and historical reasons for geopolitical developments "ISIS wouldn't exist if the Soviets hadnt invaded Afghanistan because AQ was only created because of the outcomes of that war. And then AQ attacked the US in 2001 which led to the understandable invasion of Afghanistan and then the mistake of invading Iraq. ISIS wouldnt exist in its current form if the US hadnt invaded Iraq but the US wouldnt have justified the Iraq invasion without 9/11 so the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan is the real reason that ISIS exists because that spawned AQ which attacked the US " So its easy to do that and doesnt really help or change the reality of the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by Russia or the long list of war crimes that Russia is responsible for
  9. But you know wearing a tinfoil hat prevents this? The Devs cant destroy your gaming experience if you take this type of preventative measure Melkie the rabbit hole is deep but even the deepest rabbit hole cant overwhelm tinfoil hats
  10. I just completed FO1 after about 40 hours or so. As I mentioned earlier it was an excellent CRPG experience that includes open world and a great sandbox overall experience no map quest hand holding on the area maps, you need to explore and ask people questions to complete quests. Like the Deathclaw quest in the Hub deep character customization and this allows you to really create different characters and that can influence your journey great lore and interesting quests unique towns and each one with there own characteristics I dont recall any bugs with Fixt but I might not have known because this is the first time I played FO1 but everything seemed to be fine I ended up getting a Plasma Rifle at Mariposa which made me deadly in combat and I enjoyed how the game provides so many different weapons. I really battled with the final Master fight, I was killed about 7 times before I adopted a winning strategy. I buffed up on drugs and then aimed for his eyes and fortunately scored critical hits and he died after about 5 rounds, I used super stimpacks and ignored the other enemies attacking I didn't particularly enjoy having to run out the Cathedral and Mariposa knowing there was 300 seconds but it was fun to get out the buildings and survive Now Im going to play FO2, Im really in the Fallout mood
  11. Im starting an interesting project remotely in Zimbabwe for a public sector financial institution Its going to be interesting to see the efficiencies and how the project goes. I dont question the customers knowledge or commitment because every public sector financial institution I have ever worked at is always well staffed and people are professional I just want to see how the resources are allocated and how quickly things get done
  12. There are some recommended Morag Tong mods if you like that faction https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42120?tab=description https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/47041
  13. Hopefully, he is a brutal warlord with lots of blood on his hands. No loss whatsoever if another Putin ally dies
  14. Yes I can imagine but I have also seen numerous food channel shows where celebrity chefs eat this fish and they fine with it, they always comment on its smell but they generally positive on the taste or rather they rationale about its taste But also you have to have gastronomic fortitude and experience to eat this type of food, I imagine people who end up vomiting arent very experimental and didnt prepare themselves for the taste of this type of food. About 20 years I changed my eating habits and now I eat everything, except for insects, and I will at least try anything once. For example I love tripe, offal and I eat every part of the animal One day I want to try this dish but we dont get it in SA and no one I know is interested
  15. I am about 25 hours into Fallout 1 and just had an epic battle to free Tandi from the Khans and its an example of why I love this type of CRPG and combat mechanics . It was chaotic and frenetic and I needed to restore several times because I got killed about 5 times before defeating the Khans and freeing her. Also there are several strategies you can use but this was mine I was level 7 with Ian, Dogmeat and Katja in my party. You would assume having companions would always be a combat benefit but they dont always fight logically and sometimes draw aggro outside of my plans or what I instruct them to do. But they still good to use I defeated the Khans outside the tents first using my AK and very useful plasma pistol Then Ian decided to run into the main building by himself while we were fighting outside, he was eventually killed but his sacrifice will he remembered because he seemed to distract most of the main mobs inside the building and they didnt come outside I then used grenades and my AK to defeat the main enemies inside with Dogmeat playing a huge part of the success I found loads of loot and items to sell which is appreciated because I am constantly short of money. But then I had to be selective and leave lots of stuff behind. But the reality of inventory limitation is something I like because it adds to realism and immersion. Now I have finally upgraded my armour And I was down to 4 hp with no Stimpacks when the last Khan died, literally on my last legs of survival. But fun battle and very strategic
  16. https://www.sunnysidecircus.com/countries/sweden/food-drinks-sweden/surstromming/ This is something Nordic I definitely want to try, I have seen it eaten so many times on the food channels and its on my bucket list I imagine this is something that you Nordic members like @xzar_monty, @Azdeus and even @Pidesco ( its common for Portuguese people to eat fish dishes like sardines ) have eaten a lot and its appreciated I know it has an odour to it but that doesnt represent the taste and that applies to most food that has a strong smell like blue cheese. The delicious taste is nothing like the smell @Gfted1 and @ShadySands have you guys heard about this fish dish? Well worth trying if you can get it
  17. I think the offensive is going as well as it can considering the lack of air superiority and how the Ruskies had months to prepare a defensive line which they did effectively I didnt ever expect a quick offensive but Im happy they making progress but these things take time
  18. Why do you think the US wants a traditional war with China? I hear this a lot on Codex but it never really makes sense During the 50 years of the Cold War the likes of The West and USSR and China really hated each other and they didnt go to war and that was because of the reality of nukes and how the risk of MAD was highly likely. Here is good link about the reality of MAD (mutually assured destruction) and its real and it helped prevent a WW3 https://www.britannica.com/topic/mutual-assured-destruction Its fascinating and ironic how views in history change, when Oppenheimer and the US successfully tested the first nuke in WW2 he was deeply conflicted and troubled by what he witnessed around the power of nuclear weapons. He said "Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds " because he guessed correctly that the rest of world would also develop nukes and that the superpowers would destroy each other and the rest of the world in the next WW But he was mistaken because the reality of MAD actually stopped a WW3 during the Cold War. So nukes became a deterrent and not the end of the world And that reality still applies today, no real nuclear power will go to war with each because this is still relevant But trade wars and sanctions can and will happen
  19. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66805897 Really interesting development and they used Neptune missiles "Earlier on Thursday, a number of explosions were reported in the Crimean peninsula, which Russia illegally occupied in 2014. According to the BBC's intelligence source, the Ukrainian operation used drones to take out radar equipment, then cruise missiles to hit air defence missile launchers. "After disabling the radar stations, the navy units hit the S300 and S400 'Triumph' systems, worth $1.2bn, by two Neptune cruise missiles," the source said. Neptune missiles were designed by Ukraine's military for naval use but have been modified for ground targets as well"
  20. I dont take this type of article too seriously, they say " As a result of the push, Russia is producing more ammunition than the US and Europe " Yet Putin is meeting with NK to exactly get more ammunition and other military hardware
  21. https://www.hindustantimes.com/videos/world-news/british-storm-shadow-missile-damages-russian-submarine-warship-in-crimea-report-101694664630994.html#:~:text=Ukraine claims to have hit Russian submarine and,missiles were shot down by its air defences. I found another link and it was
  22. Thats always good news to find out you are generally healthy Have you started going on your walks again, what exercise do you do?
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