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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. Its always a good idea to mix up your training, I have mentioned since the lockdown that I dont go to gyms anymore when they open because in SA they can really be places where the virus spreads So I do my 5km walks, I dont think they as effective as going to gym but its good exercise and I am very fortunate to be living in a city where I can do this easily . But you made me think of something else You live in the Gold Coast right? What is the time their now, in SA its 7am now Also when you say you train at 2-3 am when do you sleep and do you work night shifts? I use to sometimes work at night on certain projects which was optional and it suited me but since I moved to Cpt I work " normal " hours and work during the day
  2. Okay I can now comment with conviction that Sunless Sea is fun and offers a real entertainment factor The key to this for me was understanding the gaming mechanics and accepting outcomes like death are part of the game. But in summary you can gain money, which is critical to survival to buy fuel and goods, by just visiting unusual islands and then reporting this to the Admiralty in London. This is a just one way you survive in the game around increasing your revenue stream And then combat is necessary and once you understand how that works it is also fun. The writing has levels of complexity and humor and I appreciate that So its a perfect distraction for the next 2 weeks while I focus on RL pressures
  3. Well done for exercising and training harder at the gym In these difficult times of pandemic its important to try to stay in good health as much as possible as their is no doubt their is a link between virus severity and your overall health What is your training program and how have you changed things ?
  4. I have watched both seasons now and it really is entertaining, its something different and I love how it ties into the whole Norse mythology with "RL "characters I was always surprised it wasnt more popular on these forums considering how many people love fantasy
  5. You make some good debatable points and someone can easily find examples of some of what you mention in the USA over the last 20 years or so But to be fair to people who voted for Biden they didnt all vote for him because they believe in the Democrats ideas around the economy or how to address inequality or even because of BLM and its current influence . Some people voted for the Democrats because of this but undecided voters made the difference and allowed the Democrats to win https://www.newsweek.com/2020/09/04/undecided-voters-were-key-trumps-win-2016-will-they-deliver-again-1526824.html And I would argue it was the absolutely appalling handling of the pandemic that swung most undecided voters to Biden, I believe this because that is what would have made my mind up at the end if I could vote as a US citizen The midterms or the next election once the pandemic is over will be the true test of whether the Democrats have real policies or strategies that resonate with the majority of US voters
  6. Your brother?? I have been chatting to you on this forum for 11 years and I cant recall you ever mentioning you had a brother .....you not joking when you say you not close Well I hope you have a good reunion because family are important and they matter under most circumstances
  7. True video made in 1971 by the BBC when a female reporter decides to pinch mens bottoms in London ....this was the early days of raising attention to womens rights and its brilliant and hilarious
  8. The art and objective of effective Marketing is you can never prepare people and gather interest in something that is impending sooner enough
  9. I hear you, I suppose its hard to incorporate all the themes of the Witcher world into a TV series and to do justice to them from a time and focus perspective
  10. Im in the same boat .....excuse the pun Anyway I plan to put some effort in today, 4 hours or so to see if the game makes sense on an entertainment level. I am using a Steam game guide to understand the basic rules and mechanics
  11. , ah yes. One of the advantages of living in a country with very little crime...homeless violence is entertaining I envy you
  12. That looks excellent, I cant wait. I am interested in seeing who the other aspiring Witchers are
  13. Im concerned with the US pullout from Afghanistan and how it will impact Bidens legacy if the country collapses under renewed Taliban attacks I have been following several discussions around this and I watched Bidens speech yesterday and despite people saying "The Afghanistan army is 300k strong and well resourced and has been trained " I am not convinced. I hope they can stop the country sliding into chaos and violence....the last thing I want to see is the return of the barbaric Taliban But I also agree its time for the US to leave Afghanistan because the primary goals have been achieved and lots of money, time and resources have been spent training the new Afghanistan army over the last 20 years so I am not sure what else people can expect considering the geopolitical reality ?
  14. You guys love rubbing it in that you can get Disney Channel in the US, nice brother. We dont that channel available yet in SA White, male privlidege is a beautiful thing when you see its architecture and resources...and of course when you on the receiving end
  15. Due to some work pressures and studying I dont want to commit to any game that may distract me for the next 2 weeks so I am not playing anything that is a fantasy RPG of any kind I am messing around with Sunless Sea, I am not sure I understand or enjoy it yet but I will know by Sunday as I plan to give it at least 4 hours. I have spent 1 hour so far Has anyone played this game and what did you think?
  16. Gorthfuscious that has got to be the most interesting and illuminating video I have ever seen around the original ideas and creation of the BG series ....well done for posting it So many things to consider. I even found the frivolous bits of information interesting like the beer, the comic and the MDK2 spell. But the whole time planar " Sword Coast dictatorship " brilliant, a pity they couldn't implement it I also always assumed @Gromnir was just using the sobriquet of an established character , well done Gromnir for being the owner and sustaining this " IP " ....Im not sure what else you can refer to it as ? But great video
  17. The Vortex mod manager is designed with its own analysis tools and tracking of Mod conflicts which is the primary reason you get games crashing due to wayward Mods like you experienced So the entire experience of too many Mods and what Mods will work is reduced and allows you to load hundreds of Mods if you so desire But you still need to do the following which is critical to overall gaming stability Make sure you learn how Vortex works and how to use its own analysis tools, their are videos that go into detail around this on the Nexus website Read the Mod descriptions and only apply Mods that dont create potential crashes with other Mods or not necessary because other Mods give the same functionality
  18. Okay I really enjoyed this trailer for the upcoming Vampire Masquerade Swansong.....I do love the settings and entire Vampire game world
  19. Im glad you didnt ask me that question, Im a serious Mod groupie for most games but particularly Bethesda games I use Vortex the Nexus mod manager and for FO4 I had about 240 mods loaded, the maximum in Vortex is 255 apparently but I was reading now about one guy using 926 mods in Skyrim SSE !!! https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8972413-vortex-maximum-mod-limit/
  20. Its intriguing and I thought the video was well done so I am also interested in early access feedback
  21. But I also meant to say " thanks for funding this game " , I know you didnt enjoy it but your money wasnt wasted because it has its appeal. Just one final example, the combat really becomes strategic and more complex as you progress and you do adopt different approaches like teleporting spell casters to the front so your tanks can attack them and quickly remove them from the field of battle and effectively using " hide " if you a thief but still attacking with poison weapons. It really is fun once your learn the combat mechanics and obviously you need to be motivated and enjoying the game
  22. I dont know if this Forbes opinion is accurate, I went to the Steam M&MX forums and people are saying you can still finish the game but you wont have access to DLC and any bonus content Thats not the end of the world but I do expect to at least be able to finish the game if I purchased it
  23. Damn, I bought this game and Steam and have never played it
  24. Also the criticism towards the Crows dress is really just in jest and not substantive because I can think of many reasons why any assassins guild could and would dress in a certain way For example the symbolism matters so they would sometimes assassinate people and want people to see their garb because you send a message which is " yes we did it cause you messed with the Antivan Crows " so they would openly show who they are But then logically if they play the role of spies they wouldnt wear anything linked to the Crows.....they wouldnt be very effective spies if they had wore a big, flashing neon-light that said " hi, Im an Antivan Crow and I want to spy on you " So I see no issue with their dress code
  25. Didnt the USA already go through " splitting the empire " as a solution to legal and political issues and it didnt work? The American Civil War was the example of this
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