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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. American Jewish community know there Reuben sandwiches, that looks delicious. I have never eaten an authentic Reuben and do you know this sandwich was created in the USA in more or less the 1920s
  2. Great dinner, lots of nice choices
  3. I started playing Operenica : The Stolen Sun and its been fun so far but I am only 2 hours in. I like East European games because I enjoy the different types of mythology and the overall fantasy interpretation
  4. Yes the case seems clear on a guilty verdict but its better to wait and see the final view from the jury
  5. Yes that is what I thought he said but I am not sure what he is saying but I doubt he will be charged ? Amentep I know you dont normally comment on these outcomes but since you live in Georgia you are allowed to give your view Do you think they will be found guilty and what is the general view from people you know if it comes up ?
  6. I feel compelled to say something important so people are not shocked and suggest the US court system is biased or broken once a verdict is reached The Ahmaud Arbery ruling will also find the 3 x accused innocent of murder .....it was a citizen arrest, the one guy explained it....Im joking obviously The father and son should definitely be found guilty and I dont know what the other guy did? But this case the evidence is almost irrefutable. They provoked a violent attack from him when they were the ones who created the violence in the first place. And there is nothing more annoying than ignorant people trying to lie in court....the son claims they were attempting a citizen arrest yet he also admitted to the prosecutor they didnt announce this so no one knew This is a killing based on racism, I will be very surprised if they walk
  7. I meant to add how much I appreciate these types of honest and constructive views from Obama and especially when its about an aberration in the SJ narrative and he is correct to be concerned how this will effect the overall success of being "woke " and other views of addressing inequality in the US This is a similar to my concerns I have noticed and raised about how some on the left react to certain things like verdicts they dont like and the nature of that debate about these verdicts And then the right has its problems with some with complete denialism of a reality like Biden winning and then believing everything you lose is a deep state issue and their is no truth in the current America But this is more extreme views from both left and right and not everyone
  8. https://www.pcgamer.com/so-what-is-skyrim-anniversary-edition-and-what-does-it-actually-include/ I just purchased Skyrim Anniversary for $20 so it was a bargain, I strongly recommend everyone invests in this latest edition of Skyrim as it has many new features like all the Creation Club mods ever released
  9. Yes this is true and its one of the real problems we grapple with which is high levels of violent crime. The high murder rate is due to gang related violence so it tends to increase the number and the reality is you live your life and its not like you see people getting killed The high levels of sexaul violence is a different issue and concern and we have a small group of men who dont understand what gender equality is and end up hating women for changes in society. The crime of rape is normally not about sex but rather a form of control and domination that men have used as form of hatred towards women But basically everyone in the media, government or who is involved in the SA narrative is always opposed to this crime but since we not the rapists we dont seem to achieve much change on our overall number. So this problem continues
  10. But Gromnir you dont want to get too pulled into the whole " is FOX News really a news channel or is it opinion pieces and pandering to the more conservative views in the USA "' But it isn't interested in trying to help its viewers become better people and Roger Ayles called it when said " most Americans dont want the truth, they want theater " So I think this latest reason for some people leaving now is not a good enough reason because FOX started becoming inconsistent with the truth for years and some people left but most stayed.....only people who lack fortitude and belief in the importance of FOX would leave And Im sure you know this but Tucker Carlson is a very talented, confident and convincing Conservative commentator but you just ignore anything he says that is targeted at the right. But I have seen him comment on things that I agree with or are interesting like his interview with Jordan Peterson and his latest book but I dont agree with most of his opinion political views But there is no point really getting upset with the FOX narrative because Ayles changed the nature of how the station reports on news and people still like it and financially support it But theirs one thing Ayles never considered and that was " but its better to guide the Conservative narrative without hyperbole and feeding peoples views that are rational and irrational "
  11. I am not sure if you joking with this post, being helpful or you are suggesting this is what I am doing? But in the interest of adding to my previous post I am going to assume you think this is appropriate to what I am doing and sorry if I have misunderstood you post but as I said other people raise similar issues with some of what I post so this is not about you but rather a response to them so please dont think Im upset This type of post is an example of the current intolerance and lack of understanding with certain global debates. Firstly you using an Internet colloquialism to describe something that is about RL realities ....who actually would use the words " concern troll " in a normal debate? Also despite the fact I explained what my views on BLM were you haven't asked any questions or raised any concerns ? And like in the USA this is partly the issue with some of the left vs right ideological debates. And thats fine, its your choice how you personally engage with people. I continue to respect the art of debate and I enjoy them and many people share my views about the importance of robust debate And also its very easy to say " I dont like BLM at all and think its a deeply flawed movement" ......I really would say that if I believed it. Most people dont do what I do in the sense their views are more definitive around a binary view of like or dislike but BLM is too complicated to not see the good with the bad But I dont which is why I feel I need to clarify certain views people think I have. But as usual I only generally feel the need to clarify with come people and some debates
  12. @Gorth I wanted to clarify something you mentioned on the closed thread and I have noticed you are misunderstanding something important about my views on BLM or I am not raising some of my criticisms about BLM in the right way. You seem to think I dont care about the killing of BLM protestors like in this Kyle incident ?I dont want the killings of any protestors but more important I need to reiterate my view of BLM because that is where I think the confusion comes from I am not opposed to BLM in respects to its original genesis and what it stands for , end of the day I support any SJ movement that is about a legitimate objective to address some bigotry or make the world better. I have 3-4 issues with some of the BLM realities but that doesnt mean I dont support the movement on other things This matters because their are people who are vociferously opposed to BLM and they will always criticize it on every level and in the USA this has become part of the Conservative\right normal mantra for political speeches and invective when it comes to what the left\liberals has created that they believe is dysfunctional and will lead to the collapse of the USA. But I dont think that about BLM as I mentioned My issues with it only apply to those protests that are violent and where their is looting but I forgot to mention in our last chat that its only a relatively small group of people in every protest that is involved in criminality.Most people are just protesting and raising an issue, even if the issue is not necessarily valid, and they have every right to protest. I realized I didnt explain this but I assumed people knew I was talking about the criminal element and not the vast number of well meaning protestors. And why has this become a talking point and cause of great anxiety in the USA in certain states? Its because through the years certain BLM protests have had days, weeks and even months of protracted violence and its seems to occur in mostly Democrat controlled cities and states where its appears that the mayors dont want to antagonize the protestors and the BLM movement due to the possible political backlash and how Trump also weaponized BLM so naturally many Democrats battle find a line between the rule of law and order and doing what Trump use to suggest so local authorities are reluctant to act so this typically emboldens the criminal element. So I am not opposed to BLM, just certain protests and what they can lead to But we must also remember that much of these political debates in the USA have become uniquely dichotomous and some people on the left and right refuse to engage in any debate with each other and intolerance is rife on both sides. I dont support that type of impasse and I firmly believe in engaging with people on certain issues but that means I accept peoples views will be different to mine and thats fine So when someone like me raises issues with BLM many people on the left\liberals assume Im being racist or I am a Trump supporter and wont respond or will immediately think I am motivated by something other than what I am raising Unfortunately I cant change peoples assumptions about what I say especially when it comes to the USA because that is how many people react but none of us have to repeat this bad habit of no longer engaging in debates when it comes to view different to ours And finally, I mentioned I have 3-4 issues with some of the BLM realities. I mentioned the violent protests and here is another one. Sometimes their is a general comment from BLM but because their are no leadership structures or official commentary from leaders about what is said the comments come from a BLM twitter group and get accepted by most as " what BLM said " but its just some people within the movement who decided to comment and not really authoritative or official from the leaders....because their are no official leaders which is very problematic compared to any successful human rights movement in history https://nypost.com/2021/11/19/kyle-rittenhouse-verdict-protesters-furious-but-not-surprised/ But " BLM " responded to the verdict with some the following below which I quoted and this type of hyperbole and exaggeration I have an issue with because its so extreme Black Lives Matter’s official Twitter page echoed the rage, writing, “This is how the systems conspire to entrench #WhiteSupremacy. “Reminder: the system is working exactly as it is meant to. The system was always meant to protect and uphold white supremacy.” Former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who sparked controversy for kneeling during the national anthem at games to protest police brutality and racism, tweeted, “We just witnessed a system built on white supremacy validate the terroristic acts of a white supremacist. Some people will have no issue with these comments and thats fine. But basically the verdict was about a lack of real evidence that Kyle had killed people outside of self-defense. I had no real view on his intention because how do any of us know the truth but at the end of trial and based on several things that occured I do believe he feared for his life But to suggest the entire US court system is built on white supremacy but only when the ruling goes against what some people were expecting I think is disingenuous and counterproductive to understand the facts or evidence of how verdicts are reached Anyway its not all BLM who would make such a public comment and I am sure you can see how this just spreads misinformation about the importance of any court ruling and how jury's work I hope this post clears up any misunderstandings you felt I had about BLM where you may have thought I dont like anything about the movement
  13. I wonder what is everyone's view on the violent protests we seeing throughout the USA because of this verdict ?
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/joe-biden-kyle-rittenhouse-verdict-204522881.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall Sorry Gromnir but even Biden supports this verdict, we should try not to cherry-pick what verdicts we support because its undermines the importance of the overall court system in the US This case was relatively simple outside the bedlam and bias of the arena of public opinion. The prosecutor had to prove beyond reasonable doubt that Kyle didnt act in self-defense, they failed to convince the jury of this because he acted in self-defense. Its a fair and reasonable outcome
  15. Im not surprised at all with the Kyle verdict, the evidence and view from some that he was guilty before the actual court case meant their were several misperceptions about this particular shooting. For example his father lived in Wisconsin and he had reason to be their and he did feel his life was threatened when he was attacked and had a gun pointed at him Its been an emotional case made more difficult by the political grandstanding of people on the left and right who like to hijack these type of events to score political points but overall justice was done and the final verdict was correct IMO
  16. There is another reason for not mentioning the company name and its a business reason but its better to give the reason he mentioned than give the reason below The new company wants to complete the game and Paradox is comfortable they can technically deliver but the new company would have to complete a proper assessment of how much work is required to truly finish what Hardsuit Labs had started. And I can imagine only once they look at the overall technical progress and problems can they say to Paradox " yes we can deliver the game " and this is definitely the best way to ensure you dont commit to Bloodlines 2 but after 3 months suddenly they realize their is some fundamental Hardsuit Labs design module flaw and they now they need another 9 months or so And Paradox really doesn't need another software company failing to deliver so they would rather wait for the new company to complete its audit. And once the name is released it will be a real sign of delivery of the game
  17. As you may remember I have always believed this game was going to be released and this link just adds more optimism to my view. And when the first image of the update is a hot vampire women it adds to this belief I am one of those traditional gamers that believes if a gaming studio believes in " chainmail bikini armor " artistic design its always a sign of confidence in the game But saying all that the article does highlight how close the game was to being shut down due to the incompetence of Hardsuit Labs and I would have understood the Paradox business decision. But then serendipity and luck occured and another gaming studio was able to convince Paradox to continue with the game and that's an effective sales pitch But I will only really be happy when we know the official name of the new development studio. Until then I will be cautiously optimistic but I am not going to definitely believe it will be released But its a very good update on Bloodlines 2
  18. I see you not aware of the problems with BLM and many of their protests, I assumed you did but I will explain it as it not really about what you think. Also this post is unusual for you because you normally dont make assumptions about what I know or think or what is the issue. I will respond to these assumptions because each one is not related to the issue .....in future just ask me what you not sure about for example " do I think black people can protest peacefully ' Ironically its not about race, the violent BLM protests have plenty of white people who involved in violence and Antifa. The Kyle shooting was about white people but saying all that we wont know the racial demographics until the actual protest but I didnt think this about black people until you mentioned it. And SA is 85 % black and for years we have had thousands of protests and many protests arent violent so obviously I know you can have peaceful protests with black people. Please believe me when I am say I am not raising this because of any reason except for what concerns me The concern and issue is basically how many BLM are started nowadays , they dont protest similar to any of the historical protests that you mentioned like Civil rights but thanks for unintentionally supporting my view because those protests were effective, they made sense and they had objectives that were achievable But many of the BLM protests dont have the same clear reasons and the fact that BLM has no leadership structure like Martin Luther King is part of the problem. How can you have an effective movement with no leadership because who drives the policies and who takes accountability for things And the actual issue is BLM protestors decide before the jury have even been created that someone is guilty of an accusation or crime. And this system of protesting makes no sense because I dont know one example of anywhere in the world where numerous verdicts in a court you disagree with means you now can ignore how peaceful protests wok
  19. Gorthfuscious stop being fastidious !!! You missing the point but I should have been clearer Are you suggesting that their arent peaceful protests in the EU ? Please dont make me research this but really I was making the observation that you absolutely can have peaceful protests over important issues ? You must agree with this surly and then the next part of this great epitome is the most important. Why cant you have peaceful BLM protests.....you can if its what protestors want?
  20. Absolutely and you see protests all over the world that are peaceful like in the EU And that is why I wanted to confirm we all on the page. Now you can see why I keep making the points about some BLM marches. All the protests that object about someone's guilt can be peaceful and that is what I was talking about with Gfted1, in Wisconsin the governor has ordered the national guard on standby because if Kyle is found innocent then their violent protests and looting And then I ask a question, dont you think this should be called out by left\liberals\democrat or at least someone publicly says what you mentioned " you can have peaceful protests '" ? Malc that is most of the point, you can more as the left to just allow it to happen ?
  21. I have a confession to make.....I havent read any of the books but its famous so I do want to watch but does it matter I havent read the books ?
  22. @Gfted1If Zora is right then we must keep it , remember we must always be prepared to deal with violent protestors and you never its important But I am sure tear gas is used extensively ?
  23. I think you guys are misunderstanding this debate and its important because its linked to not just violence in many countries but the violence in some protests. Now Im sure you guys will agree that is wrong and can destroy families and harm societies depending on the level of the violence This is basic SJ 101 which we all learnt because I remember it so I assume that means most of know this So Gfted1 and I are really have an important debate on a certain manifestation of violence which is known as violent protests and this a real SA narrative. Do you guys think you can have protests without violence? Its a real question and I am asking you guys specifically because of your life and journey
  24. I thought you were joking at first because I assumed people would raise the " human rights " issue with drones but you raise an interesting approach that could be used to neutralize the crowd and I doubt its illegal One issue is that the drone approach is effective at almost the entire group of protestors but BLM looting is more individuals being involved or 2-3 people in different places and its not in one place and many people aren't looting but merely protesting, So if the drone was used it would target people who are not involved in looting with pepper spray? And I dont know if this would be considered a human rights issue, I dont think it would be an issue but you have to consider how the left would respond and sometimes they raise something that is seen as an overreaction and an example of Police brutality. All the protests the Police are put under considerable to be seen as draconian If you ask any of the normal, liberal forum members like @Pidesco, @Hurlshot , @Gorth or Shady would they personally support drone usage but only for pepper spray that is typically a good way to confirm it being realistically used? But what can happen to stop violent protests has been successfully implemented in Kentucky and its very effective and achieves the result of protestors not looting for days. In summary the police immediately and effectively arrest anyone committing crime and my approach would not be to charge everyone, some of the criminal acts women are involved, who dont need criminal record but if men are involved I think an example needs to be made? And the entire protests loses emphasis and the levels of violence is vastly reduced because you normally end up arresting the ringleaders or people calm down....and I think I am talking about 100 people. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/87-arrested-outside-kentucky-ags-house-during-breonna-taylor-protest/ So with this strategy it allows all protestors to understand the consequence of criminality and often people seem more restrained which is a good thing
  25. , you and I have discussed this before and sometimes I feel that despite my concern is misunderstood by most. For example even Gromnir suggesting that I would be fine with protestors being shot which is about what Kyle did but I have never suggested that and the Kyle case is more about " he acted because he felt his life was threatened " And I just dont know, the majority of people on Codex believe that but they all have similar views so that is a normal ideological view and people that share that view have no interest in accepting that maybe he didnt and he murdered people....but then on this forum people saying he is definitely guilty. But for me we must wait for the verdict because that would be fairest way to understand this But going back to this verdict, the governor is deploying the national guard because they want to ensure their is no violence. It seems strange to me in a country that has court system that generally does seem to a good system that includes a jury yet the governor still needs to ensure the national guard are prepared ...its seems to me that what some protestors have decided is that unless the jury convict him they will protest and I was sure their will be looting So whats the point of the entire case going to court if the verdict must be one decision, I would assume its easy to just tell the jury what people want and you can skip the trial https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-kyle-rittenhouse-verdict-national-guard-20211115-g4nph6gjrnb3tank4aexjflrxu-story.html
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