Another aspect of the war in Libya.
Obama and his globalist puppet masters have deep and undivided contempt for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the American people.
Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution reads: “Congress shall have power to … declare War.” Congress did not declare war on Libya. The globalist sock puppet Obama did.
Speaking from Brasilia, Obama said that he had authorized “limited military action in Libya.”
He does not have the authority to call for military action against other countries. The executive branch of the United States government, however, has engaged in this sort of unlawful and flagrant violation of the Constitution since the end of the Second World War.
Congress recognizes no claimed power of the president to wage war outside of the War Powers Resolution. Congress passed the the War Powers Resolution in 1973 after Nixon illegally invaded Cambodia.
The War Powers Resolution became totally irrelevant when Congress passed the Iraq Resolution or the Iraq War Resolution in 2002 following the flag attack of September 11.