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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Another aspect of the war in Libya. Obama and his globalist puppet masters have deep and undivided contempt for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the American people. Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution reads: “Congress shall have power to … declare War.” Congress did not declare war on Libya. The globalist sock puppet Obama did. Speaking from Brasilia, Obama said that he had authorized “limited military action in Libya.” He does not have the authority to call for military action against other countries. The executive branch of the United States government, however, has engaged in this sort of unlawful and flagrant violation of the Constitution since the end of the Second World War. Congress recognizes no claimed power of the president to wage war outside of the War Powers Resolution. Congress passed the the War Powers Resolution in 1973 after Nixon illegally invaded Cambodia. The War Powers Resolution became totally irrelevant when Congress passed the Iraq Resolution or the Iraq War Resolution in 2002 following the flag attack of September 11.
  2. The USA is the most disappointing superpower ever. It took you 40 years to defeat the USSR in the cold war despite the fact that in 1940 it was a pre-industrialised nation with half your population that had just been ravaged by two world wars a revolution and mass purgings. You never had an empire, your cultural contribution is negligible and consists of reruns of friends and scrubs. Despite being the world
  3. Что вы так на Китай взъелись? Почему нам, их соседям, по большому счету все равно, что у них там творится?
  4. lol! Kremlin suggests WikiLeaks founder for Nobel Prize. http://en.rian.ru/russia/20101208/161685835.html
  5. multi-cultural society http://gatewaypundit.firstthings.com/2010/...florence-video/
  6. Wery nice news! Best RPG and another one of the best games ever was Chrono Trigger. I recently played, and beat it. By far, it had one of the best storylines I had ever seen.
  7. The best book on modern Russia. http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2008/feb/1...uardianreview21
  8. http://kokugamer.com/2010/06/20/has-obsidi...ost-its-luster/ Obsidianz. You make people dissapoint(((
  9. He made a girl cry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNQSV3BBtZ4 Yes, the Palestinians Are to Blame.
  10. Yeah! They just killed lots of Jews. http://www.fpp.co.uk/Himmler/Meldung291242b.html
  11. We not forget this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heimosodat and this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnish_Waffen_SS_volunteers
  12. O'RLY? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Finland
  13. And get your ass handed to you like the last time you tried to invade Finland? You mean war with the Finnish fascists? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NByyf5olhEA In general, we then won the war. Karelia is ours now.
  14. Stay clear of Finland the next time, will you? //EDIT: Add the Baltic states to that as well. Finland and the Baltics - the former province of the Russian Empire. Do not worry, we'll take you, we'll do it with maximum tenderness.
  15. Funny Yeah! This means: Best RPG of 2009 is disappointing. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/dragonage/s...&pid=920668 When old games is better than new, it is called the degradation.
  16. What? Your location seems appropriate. http://www.rpgwatch.com Look at "Poll Watch Most disappointing game from 2009?".
  17. What has changed since that time? There was a lot of innovative games? Publishers change their policies? There are fewer cancellations of projects? Dragon Age is called the main disappointment of the year, it is similar to Baldur's Gate but worse. Mass Effect degenerated into a shooter. While their games on inertia selling well, but what will happen next? EA will kill the reputation of Bioware, sales fall, and another bankrupt developer team will be more. EA will find another victim for sacrifice. But this is Bioware - a leader in the production of CRPG! If such things were happening with them, what is happening in others developers teams? Maybe I'm wrong, but this is how I see these things
  18. We hate Gorbachev All that we have now - was built in the Soviet Union. He ruined it. This was not the peace process, in many places there were bloodshed and war broke out. Now Russia is similar to Germany 1928. The most interesting is yet to come.>:3 Now we just use the remnants of its former power to sustain our lives. But Russia will soon be reborn, full of revanchism, hatred and nationalism. And the blame for this man who received the Nobel Peace Prize.
  19. http://www.autofish.net/video_games/creation/scratch.html Please, comment it!!!
  20. Shalom! I too chosen one.
  21. Hmmm. Why JewSA tends to support Israel? This question is too difficult for me.
  22. X-com: Alliance. Make FAIL again. stupid marketers is so stupid.
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