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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. meanwhile in afghanistan: America - win yeah!
  2. NO Proofs - no death http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxgo-bXaO9k
  3. Where's the proof that Usama Bin Laden is dead?
  4. So naive Now the Blood feud begins
  5. Greetings for the holiday, comrades! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
  6. I drink some vodka with a pickle & preparing for night club party .
  7. America http://www.susiecastillo.net/blog/2011/4/2...l?lastPage=true Russia http://www.svo.aero/en/flight-safety/brief/
  8. Actually the richer an american is the less likely they are to be fat, because healthy food is overpriced, and unhealthy food packed with useless calories and sugar is always cheap. This issue is NOT quantity, the issue is quality. Poor people buy unhealthy-cheap food, rich people buy healthy-expensive food. Good food costs more, bad food is cheap. Bad food is cheap, packed with sugars, chemicals I can't even pronounce, and empty callories. Americans eat **** branded as cheap food. I went to US not so long ago, to see a friend of mine, and i saw a similar case of bull****. When you go into a super market there, it's filled with so much crap, processed meat, processed vegetables, damn i'm sure even the canned beer is processed ... So even if i had time to cook there was noway i could eat well for a standard price, the only alternative was 30
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