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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. If you're invade to Iraq who's to say you won't be doing it tomorrow in our neighborhoods and towns? I vote to nuke
  2. fix ...and I can even push for change on many different levels of slavery... Today as always, men fall into two groups: slaves and free men. Whoever does not have two-thirds of his day for himself, is a slave, whatever he may be: a statesman, a businessman, an official, or a scholar.
  3. democracy <> freedom. In corrupted Russia or in savage Africa you have more personal freedom , then in civilized democratic states.
  4. Because there's no Yuri taking power in Russia. Because russian military like zerg rush.
  5. The Society of the Spectacle by Guy Deborg. Amazing. It only took 154 pages to change our world. Guy Debord's manifesto/book length essay that is truly a masterpiece of writing that borders on the poetic. It is also a crystal clear view how culture is formed in the 20th (and of course the 21st) century.
  6. Classical As of 2006, French literary people have been awarded more Nobel Prizes in Literature than novelists, poets and essayists of any other country. Writers in English (USA, UK, South Africa, Saint Lucia...) have won twice as many Nobels as the French.
  7. The learning of many languages fills the memory with words instead of with facts and thoughts, and this is a vessel which, with every person, can only contain a certain limited amount of contents. Therefore the learning of many languages is injurious, inasmuch as it arouses a belief in possessing dexterity and, as a matter of fact, it lends a kind of delusive importance to social intercourse. It is also indirectly injurious in that it opposes the acquirement of solid knowledge and the intention to win the respect of men in an honest way. Finally, it is the axe which is laid to the root of a delicate sense of language in our mother tongue, which thereby is incurably injured and destroyed. The two nations which produced the greatest stylists, the Greeks and the French, learned no foreign languages.
  8. LOL! Would you expect Putin saying "Russia needs weak military"? Or ANY other President of ANY other nation? Such a stupid article.
  9. obyknven

    Libya 2

    There's nothing so permanent as temporary. Welcome to Tyranny. Leonor: Libya August 28 Anti-Black Racism Among Libyan Rebels . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IA-YYjDfElk...=watch_response
  10. obyknven

    Libya 2

    "Liberated" Iraq A new study published by The Lancet estimates that 655,000 Iraqis, the vast majority of them innocent civilians, have been killed as a result of the bombing and occupation of Iraq. Here's a rundown of the gracious liberties the Iraqi people have been afforded. RIGHT TO PROTEST - Iraqis are routinely arrested and taken to Abu Ghraib style detention facilities for the crime of "showing dislike" to their occupiers. In one case this involved an individual holding up a protest placard. In another incident, an Iraqi had his mouth taped over and was arrested for "making anti-coalition statements." In some cases, protesters are simply gunned down and killed. The media are banned from reporting on protests. Not even Palestinians are subject to this kind of treatment. - In legalese resurrected verbatim from Saddam Hussein?s penal code, the Iraqi government has criminalized criticism and even ridicule of the government or any of its officials. Ridiculing is defined as exposing corruption or questioning the actions of government officials. Iraq's new government considers itself to be so democratic that dissent is unnecessary - so they've outlawed it! PROTECTION FROM UNLAWFUL SEARCHES AND SEIZURES - Iraqis are kidnapped and thrown in some of the same dungeons used by Saddam Hussein for the crime of not showing their papers at checkpoints. Those who cite the threat of car bombs as the necessity which mandates this should recall the incident where British SAS personnel were caught dressed up as Arabs with fake wigs and garb attacking a police station. - Iraqi's homes are routinely raided and all military age men arrested. RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS - Immediately after the invasion and occupation, all Iraqis were ordered to turn in their guns or face arrest. Iraqis enjoyed universal arms ownership under Saddam Hussein. INSTANT EXTRA-JUDICIAL PUNISHMENT - Petty thieves who steal such things as firewood have their vehicles crushed by U.S. Abrams tanks as punishment. - The UN's chief anti-torture expert recently said that cases of torture in Iraq outstripped those under Saddam Hussein and that the situation was "out of control." The outgoing UN human rights chief Dr. John Pace dropped a bombshell when he told an obscure Maltese newspaper that as many as a thousand detainees a month are being tortured to death in Iraq. - Iraqis are subject to "collective punishment" - an staple fascist model - whereby U.S. forces kill ten men from one village in response to a single U.S. army casualty. - Multiple videos have surfaced which show U.S. military personnel driving down Iraqi highways and randomly assassinating drivers on a whim and then laughing and high-fiving. Other videos show U.S. forces zealously finishing off wounded Iraqis with glee, declaring the carnage "awesome" and anticipating the next kill. Another video shows troops bemoaning the fact that they are not able to shoot children who throw rocks. FREEDOM OF THE PRESS - Arab television networks and newspapers that do not obediently tow the line of the occupation are raided and shut down and editors are sometimes gunned down on the street. The U.S. military plants propaganda in newspapers as a matter of course. - A pre-war policy outlined the intention of the U.S. military to target for assassination any independent reporter who was not embedded within U.S. ranks. SInce that order more journalists have been killed in Iraq than the entirety of the Vietnam war - the latest being British ITV reporter Terry Lloyd, who was shot in the head by U.S. troops. Mazen Dana, the Award winning Reuters camera man, was shot dead after uncovering evidence of U.S. mass graves. - "Dozens of Iraqi journalists have been kidnapped by criminal gangs or detained by the American military, on suspicion that they are helping Sunni insurgents or Shiite militias. One, Bilal Hussein, who photographed insurgents in Anbar Province for The Associated Press, has been in American custody without charges since April," reported the New York Times. DEMOCRACY - Local elections and in provincial cities and towns across Iraq were cancelled in favor of U.S. "hand-picked mayors and administrators," that were formerly part of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party. RIGHT TO PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE - Iraqis are subject to snap announcements of curfews and ordered to remain in their homes. Iraq is nothing more than an elected dictatorship.
  11. obyknven

    Libya 2

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UenBxFV4v9Y...player_embedded "liberated" Somalia: Obscenely named "Operation Restore Hope," U.S. and "allied" troops invaded and occupied Somalia in the early 1990s, bringing a reign of terror. While the invasion of Somalia was marketed "operation restore hope," and was supposed to provide food to starving people, Colin Powell revealed the real goal when he stated at the time that pulling U.S. troops out of Somalia would be "devastating to our hopes for the New World Order ..." George Bush I's post-cold war "New World Order" had, in part, the objective of creating a monopoly of U.S. power in regions of the world where the former Soviet Union had held influence, including the horn of Africa where Somalia is located. When he was elected, President Clinton kept U.S. troops in Somalia, while adding tens of thousands of UN troops to the occupation.
  12. obyknven

    Libya 2

  13. obyknven

    Libya 2

    tweets from LibyanLiberal in Tripoli http://mobile.twitter.com/libyanliberal
  14. obyknven

    Libya 2

    NATO hide their war crimes Tripoli 25 august WARNING: GRAPHIC. http://ir-ingr.livejournal.com/951683.html http://ir-ingr.livejournal.com/951850.html#cutid1
  15. obyknven

    Libya 2

    http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?con...a&aid=26177 http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?con...a&aid=26204
  16. obyknven

    Libya 2

    Tripoli city fight http://www.youtube.com/user/justvideoforyo...u/3/oVPOLDQNZrM http://www.youtube.com/user/justvideoforyo...u/4/CXbHBLRaBoU Tripoli devastation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puY5lMBhUgE
  17. obyknven

    Libya 2

    Nato mercs in Tripoli Proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3e-Q4Fptx08...player_embedded http://multimedia.telesurtv.net/25/8/2011/...hia-de-tripoli/ Young Libyan in London - Snippets of A Conversation !
  18. obyknven

    Libya 2

    Mail from "Blue Star Mothers of America" http://www.bluestarsouthbayla.org/ answer
  19. obyknven

    Libya 2

  20. obyknven

    Libya 2

    Nato Hollywood http://www.youtube.com/user/InomineX#p/c/1...D/4/djdQDfaaBug Real Tripoli Green Square http://www.youtube.com/user/InomineX#p/a/u/0/fN-MU3uw6R8
  21. No Rights In Britian ..er Riots
  22. obyknven

    Libya 2

    Meanwhile the capitalist states are scrambling to unlock the over $US128 billion in order to loot the national treasury and foreign assets of the Libyan government. Although no elections have been held, the imperialists and their allies have deemed the rebels as the government of an already internationally recognized state.
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