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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Tottenham Riots ! http://www.londonpatriot.org/2011/08/07/ri...ing-now-london/ Since Tottenham has been totally trashed, the homegrown multicultural terrorists are now starting to destroy Enfield in North London. http://protectyourself.cc/tag/enfield-riot/
  2. bull**** Inventions of the Third Reich (mono-cultural and intolerant): Volkswagen KdF computer, invented by Konrad Zuse 1941. Jet plane in 1939 by Heinkel Flugzeugwerke. The first manned rocket flight in 1945 (unfortunately it lasted only some seconds and pilot Lothar Sieber died) Nazi doctors, in line with their campaign for public health were the first to write a major scientific paper linking smoking with lung cancer, I believe smoking was even banned, for a brief time in the Luftwaffee. Nazis invented Nerve gasses Sarin and Tabun. Invented first effective automatic rifle, single person anti-tank weapons (precursors to RPGs). You can see some magnificant architecture by Speer that was planned in nearly any documentary on the man. Autobahns Stealth technolgy was invented by the Horten brothers during the Reich. Audio technology using magnetic tape was a Third Reich invention. Copying German tape recorders was how the famous American corporation Ampex got its start. Magnetic tape was also essential later for the video tape recorder. Allies hadn't a clue how the Axis was transmitting speeches and programs hours apart to different locations and having them sound "live." It was top of the list of technologies to capture as the war concluded. Management systems for keeping massive and complex development programs on track was another "invention" transferred to the US, along with its scientists and project managers. These systems allowed the Germans to have developments underway in numerous categories and perform them remarkably well. The Wankel engine, which is now referred to as the "rotary engine" was invented during the Third Reich. Mazda uses this engine extensively. Someone mentioned the Autobahnen as really an idea thought up during the Weimar Republic. Yes, but that brings to light another achievement, and that is simply the will and energy to put unemployed workers to work doing things that needed to be done, something the Weimar government was totally inept at doing. "Parliamentary chaos" combined with acquiescence to WWI reparations were the problems. Missile technology: Ground-to-ground, air-to-air, air-to-ground, ground-to-air, ship-to-ship, etc., using wire guidance, TV guidance, IR guidance (everything but laser quidance). Most of these missiles were not at the highest form of development, but their work launched and made a bundle of money later on for corporations like Boeing, Raytheon, Hughes Aircraft, North American Aviation (Rocketdyne Div.), etc. All of these companies had their German "Chief Scientist" heading up research and development operations. The promising IR technologies were mostly all developed during the Third Reich. They had "night vision" devices while the Allies were still wondering if such things were possible. Modern sewer treatment facilities are all derived from Third Reich technology. You've probably seen them with their settling ponds and huge skimmers. While the Englishman, Farnsworth, gets credit for the invention of a very rudimentary television, it was the Third Reich that perfected television and conducted the first broadcasting. Application of geophones for seismic wave detection was used for locating artillary. The "wishbone cannon" was invented and installed at Calais, France. It was destroyed before it was operable. The "rail gun" was another significant invention, which the US and SU copied. This weapon employes a series of ring magnets to propell a rail mounted projectile. The significant feature of this "gun" is that it can accelerate the projectile at a speed nearing infinity -- at least in theory. Conventional explosives are limited by their individual, finite rates of expansion and hence constrained in how fast they can make a projectile move. The intial "invention" of the Third Reich that made everything possible was the breaking away from the international banking system, which made its money on debt finance; i.e., usury. This act was probably the most important event which caused WWII to later occur. In the Thirties the German economy was booming and all sorts of new humane benefits were granted to workers. Elsewhere, deep economic depression was underway, and Roosevelt, for instance, really couldn't get things to moving until we went into a war economy mode. In all, 300,000 patents and copyrights were expropriated from Germany by the Allies after 1945. The Fischer-Tropsch process to produce synthetic fuels from coal, which fueled Germany's armed forces throughout the war. The dicovery of the ingesting of faecal bacteria to cure gut problems Dr Morell used his Mutaflor to treat Hitler's foul smelling stools. And used today as Symbioflor The chemical enhancing of soldiers' ability to fight During the Nazi era, German scientists and engineers either developed or greatly improved television, jet-propelled aircraft (including the ejection seat), guided missiles, electronic computers, the electron microscope, atomic fission, data-processing technologies, pesticides, and, of course, the world's first industrial murder complexes. The first magnetic tape recording was of a speech by Hitler, and the nerve gases Sarin and Tabun were Nazi inventions. Third Reich scientists also performed extensive work in the area of occupational carcinogenesis. Physicians documented the health hazards of asbestos, and in 1943 Germany became the first nation to recognize lung cancer and mesothelioma caused by asbestos inhalation as compensable occupational illnesses. Nazi Germany also pioneered what we now call experimental epidemiology: two striking papers -- a 1939 article by Franz H. M?ller of Cologne, and a 1943 paper by Eberhard Schairer and Erich Sch?niger of Jena -- presented the most convincing demonstrations up to that time that cigarettes were a major cause of lung cancer. Inflatable sex doll - Dr. Rudolf Chargeheimer, a psychiatrist appointed by Himmler to help develop the prototype, wrote that "the purpose and goal of the dolls is to relieve our soldiers. They have to fight and not to mingle with 'foreign women.'" The opiate drugs methadone (the heroin substitute) and pethidine (a powerful pain killer) were Nazi inventions. Our society, in fact Western society in general, absorbed as much of the Nazi technology and social control mechanisms as we could lay our grubby hands on. Turbine engines (the kind on airplanes and in powerplants), modern aircraft designs, rockets, superhighways, propaganda techniques, political manipulation, modern insecticides, nerve gas and audiotape are all Nazi inventions. We didn't invent them, and we weren't working on them at the same time. We took them from the Nazis wholesale (and we were entirely right to do so). Oddly, I'm not hearing anyone getting bent out of shape about the existence of freeways. Much of what we know about hypothermia (re-warming techniques and cold-water suits) comes, chillingly, from Nazi medical experiments. Custom-designed, IBM-produced punch cards, sorted by IBM machines leased to the Nazis, helped organize and manage the initial identification and social expulsion of Jews and others, the confiscation of their property, their ghettoization, their deportation, and, ultimately, even their extermination. IBM's German subsidiary was Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft, known by the acronym Dehomag. For example, one series of punch cards was designed to record religion, national origin, and mother tongue, but by creating special columns and rows for Jew, Polish language, Polish nationality, the fur trade as an occupation, and then Berlin, Nazis could quickly cross-tabulate, at the rate of 25,000 cards per hour, exactly how many Berlin furriers were Jews of Polish extraction. Railroad cars, which could take two weeks to locate and route, could be swiftly dispatched in just 48 hours by means of a vast network of punch-card machines. Indeed, IBM services coursed through the entire German infrastructure in Europe. Microwave cooking too.
  3. Yeah, they flourished and became the empires were - where do you think Europe would be if the Romans had stayed in their own pond? It was when their culture and society started to stagnate that they were invaded by the more vibrant and violent Germans. Thus your entire argument has failed, because you failed to grasp history. Just read Schlosser's World History.
  4. Well, we saw what happened to ancient Greece and the Roman Empire when they started to let other cultures influence their own culture, and the same is happening to the rest of Europe today. On the other hand we cannot be so conservative that we want to keep inferior systems and ideas no matter what, if there are better alternatives. I think we should be open to everything that is in accordance with our blood and our collective meaning of life, and reject the rest. On the other hand, I have never heard a good idea from outside Europe (and by Europe I mean "the European [Nordic] race"), so I don't think this will be much of a problem to Europe. The concept of multiculturalism is just brain-dead crap, as one culture will eventually prevail at the expense of the other cultures in the same area, so if we wish to see our own culture survive we have to be intolerant and conservative, and reject - and even destroy - alien influences. Today the USA is the main problem in this context, because the USA is doing just like the culture of Carthage did. The USA too conquer by trade. The whole world is flooded in American consumer products. The Coca-Cola company, McDonald's, Levi-Strauss, Microsoft, the Hollywood "entertainment" (id est propaganda) industry, and so forth, are destroying all cultures on planet Earth, and are trying to replace it with the American lack of culture. This "cultural" imperialism is of course linked to capitalism, and the American companies' wish to earn money - with no regards to the consequences whatsoever. They don't do this because they are "evil", but simply because they are extremely greedy and unable to think far ahead. We need to embrace our own culture and we need to have a culture of our own, or else we will all become like the average American (and other capitalists too), who spend more money even on chewing gum than books. We will become disgusting and ultra-egoistic, capitalistic and materialistic, hypocritical and stupid, incompetent and lazy, without any sense of aesthetics or taste, racially indefinable and religiously retarded subhuman scum.
  5. Myths About Soviet Tanks Debunked http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KG0uyt2uYA...player_embedded
  6. Eueopeans must be more tolerant. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-20...-UK-cities.html
  7. True nationalists don't kill children of their own nation, even if someone tries to brainwash them, like AUF did. They were not (yet) Marxist extremists; they were just children.
  8. Breivik Asks and Answers His Own Questions: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8...2084895,00.html
  9. Neo-templars http://www.veoh.com/watch/v21123164bZCBQeZ8 Well, well, well ...this is getting more and more interesting as more details are being revealed about the motives of the accused. Yesterday we detailed that Anders Behring Breivik is a freemason. He is a member of the John lodge St. Olaus TD Three pillars of the Norwegian Masonic Order. He has 3 degree status, where the peak is ten degrees.
  10. O'RLY? http://theintelhub.com/2011/06/23/the-ugly...ato-war-crimes/
  11. And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature, saying: Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and to him that sat thereon, it was given that he should take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another, and a great sword was given to him.
  12. There are no good or bad guys there. It's a War! The only good ones are the children. http://www.thelibertyunderground.net/2011/...ng-in-iraq.html
  13. The King is dead. Long live the King!
  14. I have to think you don't know much about US behavior in Fallujani . Yes, Russia does use deadly force, but only when necessary and always trying to minimize civilian casualties. If you don't believe it, you're not well informed and there's no point of arguing with you.
  15. ^**** happens. People die in wars. People lose limbs in war. Their bodies are torn apart by IEDs. Their legs and arms are ripped through by bullets and rockets. They walk streets in villages not knowing who the enemy is or what might be lurking on a roadside, around a corner or behind a door. They get post traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injuries. They lose their sight and their hearing in bomb blasts. They are sleeping in bedrolls outside in the cold. They cook over an open flame. It's just war. If they dont want war, why they did this ****? http://www.politicalforum.com/russia-easte...e-chechnya.html
  16. ^from USMC Report from Afghanistan They like war; they are a war-like people.
  17. Russian air superiority
  18. The Russians have been working for years to provide cheap and effective, simple to use arms to the "People" of the world while maintaining the ability to counter these weapons themselves. Unable to spend like the west for the better part of it's existence the USSR was content to arm the folks who had the nerve to stand against the American Corpratist Empire. Iran is armed to the teeth with guided missiles that cost 1/10th the price of an F-16 and can still penetrate the defenses of a Carrier group. Apparently russian anti-armor weapons have advanced as well. Russian arms appear to have played a crucial role in the strong resistance Hezbollah put up to the Israeli military in Lebanon. Israel lost dozens of tanks, several helicopters and 116 men during its month-long push into southern Lebanon, the heaviest losses it suffered in any of the previous wars against Arabs. This gave Hizbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah reason to claim that his men had achieved "a strategic, historic victory" over "a confused, cowardly and defeated" enemy. Israeli officials blamed the losses on Russian anti-tank grenades and missiles that had been allegedly supplied to Hizbollah by Syria and Iran. http://www.today.az/news/politics/29225.html Soviets were actively (and successfully) using and protecting their tanks in USSR-Afghanistan war. Afghani Mujahideen were also armed with guided ATGMs, and regularly set convoy ambushes on the mount passes. While basic configuration T-72s were vulnerable to such attacks, further M1/M2 modifications with extended ERA and worlds first active Drozd system proved incredibly successful in countering guided ATGM fire. In fact, even after taking multiple hits, modified T-72s were able to return fire and suppress enemy positions. While Drozd was able to provide protection only to forward hemisphere, its further development the
  19. "In 2007, British officials confirmed that an RPG-29 round penetrated the frontal ERA of a top-of-the-line Challenger 2 tank during an engagement in al-Amarah, Iraq" "Claims were made by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that significant numbers of the RPG-29 were passed on from Syria to Hezbollah and were reportedly a major source of Israeli casualties in the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/155...tank-quiet.html
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SV1KveTKWQs
  21. http://video.mail.ru/mail/dima850/473/747.html It's Simple, Darling
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