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  1. Totally agree, it's a masterpiece of the genre. I wish there was official controller support for PC version though. I really like the direct input for runnin around the map instead of clicking. For most games of this type, I prefer controller for exploration and mouse for combat.
  2. I'd like to see Eora's version of China, it could be a spiritual Jade Empire in cRPG format. I'm not a numbers guy but that seems pretty easy, I'd give might to my fighters and action speed to my priest and ciphers. But the point of Pillars system is that most classes can benefit from either anyway. I definitely agree with that, less is more, doesn't matter what we learn about them, they should still be hidden behind the curtain and left to our imagination. I do feel like Deadfire could have worked better as just an open world game. As soon as I got the ship I was more interested in sailing to different islands to explore rather than go straight to Neketaka. However Eothas Challenge does put a very lore friendly sense of urgency to the campaign and I enjoyed that challenge run, from a narrative and difficulty aspect. Yeah I don't think they did, and it looked so much more modern as well, it almost felt by the change in scenery alone they were trying to get away from the nostalgia. As everyone says for better and worse, it felt more like a pirate game than fantasy.
  3. Good thing these games have a lot of replay value, especially Deadfire. And we're still getting Avowed, I know it's a different type of game but at least the world of Pillars hasn't ended fullstop.
  4. Yeah they're excellent and the best cRPG's I've played. I don't have the most experience with the genre, I didn't play the classics when they came out (played them years later, can appreciate them but it's never the same thing). They're the kind of games where you get out what you put in, the more you invest into the lore and mechanics, the more rewarding the experience. As for a backup copy, why not buy it on GOG so you have a completely DRM free version.
  5. That's the opposite of my impression playing 2; I was impressed by what a big step up it was. Way better graphics, animations, lighting, full voice acting, dynamic weather, fully explorable open world map, RTwP and turn based modes.
  6. I think turn based is 100x better. I learned the mechanics of the game better in 5 hours playing turn based than I did 60 hours in RTwP.
  7. Stacking buffs isn't really a thing in this game is it? Buffs or debuffs, the game always just default to the highest and/or most recent I believe.
  8. I turn the music and voice down, as I find the ambient noise more immersive (turning the other two down lets me raise the volume). Anyway for me the biggest improvement is without a doubt the full voice acting, that's a game changer. It's more immersive, gives more personality to characters, and lets you relax more in a game that has a lot of writing.
  9. Doesn't level scaling upwards fix that though? I always have it on in games.
  10. OK I converted these in photos, good enough to use in game I think:
  11. I thought I preferred RTwP - until I played Pillars lol. I think I still prefer it, just not in Pillars for one main reason; I can't see what the hell is going on. It works in KOTOR, Dragon Age Origins and FFXII because those are 3D games, I can clearly switch between characters, pan the camera around - I'm never lost in the action. In Pillars it's like a bunch of ants are bunched up and I can't see anything. Often I'll click on a character's protrait and I still can't find them on the screen. However I do find that in the early game when I'm controlling only two characters in Pillars, I love RTwP, as soon as you get to 4-5 though, with 6-8 enemies, that's when it becomes a mess. Turn based clears it all up, I can see everything, every action is deliberate, I feel like I'm more in control. Not to mention other issues like characters running or attacking when you don't want them to in RTwP, unless you temporarily turn off their AI.
  12. Well the old Kratos is definitely an evil playthrough lol. Actually that would work well for this game; being used as a pawn by the Gods is a perfect fit for Kratos. Also you should definitely play the new God of War, the combat is amazing.
  13. lol, well I'd say he's largely like that in God of War 2018. He's actually quite pragmatic, he has a line to Atreus "We do what we must to survive. Close your heart to their suffering, do not allow yourself to feel for them, they will not feel for you". And of course in the new Ragnarok trailer Thor says he seems like a calm and reasonable person.
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