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Everything posted by Jaesun

  1. Thanks all, I was unsure if The Last Remnant was turned based or not, and it's pretty cheep now on amazon. I might give that one a try. Spectral Force 3 and Operation: Darkness sounds... interesting I'll look into those. And maybe Eternal Sonata. And yea, I'm pretty much sure Last Odyssey is pretty much the only decent one right now, still enjoying it. Thanks!
  2. So I finally bought a new Xbox 360, and already have Lost Odyssey, which is so far pretty cool, are there any other Turn Based jRPG/RPG's for the XBox?
  3. That's true, but there are games where leveling up is pretty much just tedious. I think it has something to do with the general challenge level of the game and the awesomeness of stuff you get when leveling up. Luckily Bethesda had a stroke of genius that made XP gaining in FO3 always rewarding: the ka-ching!! sound. Thank gawd for mods.
  4. mods r fun! Finally finishing Operation Anchorage and Broken Steel.
  5. http://www.sega.com/games/alpha-protocol/ SEGA still says the 6th of October?
  6. BEST FRACKING CONVERSATION FOR AN RPG FOR... EVAR! <3 THAT ONE scene makes re-playing MOTB all the while.
  7. I don't care if it or isn't delayed. As soon as I hear it is available, I'm getting it.
  8. Excellent. I was just listening to Ministry's version of Let's Get Physical. Nice work, love the song, fit's quite well.
  9. Has SEGA even done DLC's for any of their other titles?
  10. I bought the Digital Download of Storm and it removed the DVD check a long time ago. Good to hear it is now finally gone.
  11. Half Life. I WAS trying to re-play Mass Effect AND NOT GET THE ^%$@*%$ Ashley romance, and after 2 re-tries I STILL get the romance. WHY Bioware WHY!? ugh.. SO I asked on the forums for some pointers and so far none of them work. I have one more suggestion that *might* work. But now I am burned out on re-starting Mass Effect for the 3rd fracking time, SO I give up. Also have Blue shift and the other expansion for Half Life. Fun stuff. Sure wish WISH Black Mesa was finished by now. *cry*
  12. That is sad... but quite true really.
  13. ...but the culture from which she originated was very interesting and the coolest thing about Mass Effect. I really hope we get to visit the Flotilla in one of the games. in fact I think it'd be crazy not to utilize it, since it's by far the most interesting concept in the ME universe. (although it's not an entirely new concept of course, Stargate Atlantis had a similar thing, and there's a European comic that also circles around a similar concept, although not as run down) THIS <3
  14. Tali was my favorite character in Mass Effect <3 Didn't the devs already states there is NO WAY you could.. romance her, due to that, well she would die do to her lack of anti-bodies and such? I think a romance for her would be a bit too much, but I just hope she IS at least in Mass Effect 2. <3 <3
  15. oh ok. I'll just wait for the next exclusive funcroc post.
  16. With the occasional locking up of your keyboard and/or mouse. Never had that problem at all... playing an un-modified Fallout 3 (PC). I did get the freaking flying death claw once. That was so awesome.
  17. hahaha! I never tried melee either in fo3. I just never liked it.
  18. YAY! The fixed the HD Audio issue! <3
  19. <3
  20. Yea that looked like one of them to me too. Ground combat looked... clunky... and strange. The space combat looked... kinda cool. Seemed odd though.
  21. Maybe Obsidian could hit up Bethesda with a Star Trek RPG!
  22. Because 99% of them were really stupid. They ate tires for heaven's sake! It almost felt like they were going to explain that, but it probably got cut out or something. Maybe in the Directors Cut version....?
  23. I loved the art direction in WOW when it first came out. Good stuff.
  24. Imagine in that every single RPG game with a romance option, the only option available to you was a Male+Male romance. But on occasion, it would have a Male+Female option. However, you can only think of 2 rpg's with that option. Maybe this should be split up into "The Gay Romance Thread" Anyways... on topic... I've liked the new characters so far.
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