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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Urg, just spent half the day in bed with a grinding headache. It seems to be settling , so I'm making my way out into real life again to deal with food and drink and assorted tasks..
  2. Has anyone actually stated that Asari are actually mammalian? They're blue skinned, monogender aliens who mystically/telepathically attune nervous systems to scan your dna, then shift their own genes in a weird map to copy traits, whilst still keeping purely Asari dna, looks and biology.... And is it odd how focused this conversation is on sci-fi biology?.....
  3. Isn't it more that Asari don't actually have a "sex" per se. They are a mono-gender/neuter race that just happens to look feminine, but they don't actually use any sexual techniques as we know it. They are considered to have "maternal" instincts tho, so they tend to associate with being considered female in general. Biologically, they "attune" their nervous systems to that of whoever they want to have a kid with. They don't take/give genetic material back and forth like male/female sexes do, but the asari dna is altered in mimicry of the parents map.. (its some really weird sci-fi biology). An asari child is purely Asari, they have no genetics from their non-asari parent. But something in the way they think is from both parents. Or something weird along those lines. In purely writers terms.. The Asari are meant to represent the collective "green skinned hot alien chick" from Star Trek/Star Wars and the mystical long-lived elves from most fantasy..
  4. Of course, I was half wondering if the end sequence was going to be the big reveal that it's been a "last gasp, dying dream" of Shephard after being exposed to the Prothean Beacon in ME1 and he never actually made it off Eden Prime...
  5. Yeah, I find it a little unbelievable that ign have pretty much put the entire game up on video already. "You too can watch every section of every mission, as desired via our IGN YouTube connection!!" Edit: And dammit, I still have to wait till Friday for the UK release. Bloody hell, even Russia gets the game before us. Where's the logic?
  6. It's all about the Avon-Love... How many ways is that a magnificent bastard?
  7. .. Oh I love it when you spend an hour working on time sensitive work, and then the document gets corrupted and crashes out word whenever you try to load it. Now back to the beginning. Although hopefully it will go faster since I've gone through the thought processes already.
  8. Blasto 6 - Partners in Crime... http://uk.ign.com/vi...to-6-easter-egg 10 minutes of audio clips from Blasto 6...
  9. And indeed, it looks like Emily Wong won't be seen in game for ME3 now... And of course the reviews are now out.. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/review-mass-effect/727641 IGN ME3 Review Gamespot ME3 Review
  10. and @RealDarthHater is tweeting a lot of stuff from the Guild Summit doohickey.
  11. Happy Birthday! And on the not so jolly note, may the surgery go well..
  12. Heh, and they redid the "Take Back Earth" trailer with FemShep ..
  13. "You know, I had my doubts about the Council, but after years of ignoring your warnings they're finally willing to step up and tell you they just can't help."
  14. Trying to pull various thoughts together to produce some moments of genius and develop some results and analysis... but I'm suffering from scattering of said thoughts. One of those mornings where every little noise or what have you interupts my thinking and sends odd elements spouting through my brain instead. Not sure why it's being such a pain to actually focus. ... It's like I'm pulling a walter mitty with the way things keep jolting my mind off in random directions.
  15. If you're meaning the one that was on Tuchanka that seemed to spawn those "fire-bugs" in Grunt's loyalty test, that was a Harvester. Also seen in the background during a cutscene of landing on a planet during one of the.. N7 missions I think it was. The only appearance by the Rachni (if you had imported a save where you saved the Queen) was by a> the news reports about "mysterious ships that resemble the old rachni", and b> the asari messenger who talks to you on Illium.
  16. I still haven't picked up Skyrim.. that's one that will probably end up in the "wait a year or two until its dirt cheap with a bunch of dlc included".. I think I allowed myself to get caught up in the last few months.. Deus Ex CE, TOR CE, and now the ME3 CE... Of course, apart from those and Saints Row the Third.. I haven't really picked up any games properly fresh in the whole of last year. Just a few cheapies via steam..
  17. Oh yes, that's one isn't it. The Reapers have a "Husk modified version of Rachni" in ME3... is that actually because you saved the Rachni Queen and there are Rachni out there for the Reapers to find.. or is it going to happen regardless of whether you saved her or not? And there shall be a proper in-game encounter with the Harvester (big alien bug/snake with wings lifeform). After being purely part of concept art for ME1, and slipped in as background shots in ME2 (such as the sequence on Tuchanka for Grunt's loyalty mission), you'll finally face off against them. Although, again, it'll be a Reaper modified version...
  18. And for the sad news of the weekend.. Ralph McQuarrie remembered Ralph McQuarrie Passes One of the conceptual designers/artists that helped shape a couple of generations... Although most will remember him for his connection to Star Wars.
  19. Hm, just wrapping up Overlord and then onto Arrival to prep a third "variety" save for potential transfer to ME3. Although I'd remember the whole "dark matter" references on the Tali Recruit mission, I hadn't realised there were a couple of other "dark matter" nods in other parts of the game. Mordin makes a comment about researchers and dark matter in the early..third of the game. And I'm sure there was one or two others scattered around. Does make me ponder on whether that's something for ME3, or just things they're throwing in for other future games set in the ME Universe.... And will the Prothean artifact you gather in Firewalker turn out to be of any use? Inquiring minds want to know...
  20. Been dabbling an extra run through of ME2 over the last week or so. An hour here, an hour there... Just have to finish off Overlord and then do Arrival. Just had to reaquaint myself with some of the background again to get it fresh in the mind, that and to have a third save to import with different choices just so I can see how much they might affect the finale.
  21. Unfortunately, whilst I was out there long enough to listen to the full Invincible album (and onto some Inuyasha ost), smoking a nice santa clara to the nub... What was a totally clear night sky grew hazy and hid the stars. And yes, that was due to the weather, not the amount of port I was drinking.
  22. Heh, for the random interest .. Mars close enough that you can see it glow red in the sky with the unaided eye... And so far the night sky is completely cloud free. I'm tempted to go out with a small bottle of port, a fine cigar, my ipod to listen to some Two Steps From Hell, and see if I can spot it....
  23. Part of the trouble is, people in the emergency services have actually lost their jobs for ignoring health and safety. It's yeah, pretty damn ludicrous. And one of the reasons the mentioned "common sense" law was brought in. But the mix of health and safety regulations brought on by the various governments of the previous decades (and from Brussels and the EU), combined with civil lawsuits thrown at emergency responders for some downright silly reasons.. Can make folks extremely hesitant in situations like this. It's just crazy.
  24. One issue I had in ME2 was the whole.. biotics and tech powers wouldn't work against enemies with different types of Shield / Armour. So you pretty much had to shoot down the shields or whatever first.. by which point, its normally just as quick to carry on shooting them rather then try a Power to finish them off.. Suddenly I can't target Shockwaves at an enemy because he has shields.... But, if he happens to be stood next to someone without shields, I can target that person..and the Shockwave mysteriously damages and throws the shielded guy as well..
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