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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Not in that photo, thats about 5 months old now. Now he's actually turned 1 year and a month or two.
  2. And for something completely non-political then..
  3. Had a headache, so managed to stay in bed for a few hours..
  4. For the danger zone then.. he's current starring as an ex-military doctor turned trauma specialist turned chief of surgery in Grey's Anatomy.
  5. And for the ladies out there.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0hq4bBnYIM And remember "kittens make everything better..."
  6. Hm, there are times I get some heavy game play in.. especially around weekends on occasion. The first month-two months I was focused Imperial side with my first character, then the last two months I've been more focused on the Republic side.
  7. If I'm getting an hours worth of gameplay for every pound I spend on it.. That works out fairly well compared to renting dvd's, going to the cinema, buying a round of drinks for friends at the pub.... And I'd say I'm getting a few multiple hours of play for every pound spent...
  8. I think it's one I'm going to keep plugging away at. I've got a handful of characters I bounce between, although I tend to focus on one for periods of time.. I'm pretty much approaching it as finishing the class-stories for a character in alternating Imperial / Republic style.. with short breaks on my other characters and using higher-level characters to occasionally send gear/credits to my new ones.. If I'm in the mood I'll get in an hour here, and hour there, maybe a locked in evening as chance allows.. then might have a week where I hardly touch it at all. Only to return once more...
  9. See, to me he's always going to be the guy from "Dog Soldiers". Actually this inspired me to pick up a copy of Bunraku and watch it myself. A fairly enjoyable flick.. And the Narrator has some nice lines..
  10. According to Wiki a "nonce" is British slang for a sex offender. What a weird thing for one random stranger to say to another. Were you walking around with your junk out? Well it was equal opportunity for "sex offender" or "gay" depending on your generation. And nope. General laid back jeans, shirt, jacket, bags of groceries in each hand.. Just..bizarre.
  11. I'm not quite sure how to take this, but whilst picking up assorted groceries (ie; parsnips, potatos, broccoli, mashed swede, salmon fillets, chicken kiev and such-things) I also picked up a bottle of Port.. and then got stopped and ID checked by the lady on the checkout. Then, as I left the story carrying my goods some venerable gent glared at me, spat on the ground at my feet before calling me a "F'ing nonce!" and stormed off. That was a slightly odd five minutes.
  12. The Admirable Crichton was on tv in the background today. Now that's a classic film from '57, based in turn off a play from 1902. A nice, old-fashioned light-comedy. Lord Loam has modern ideas about his household; he believes in treating his servants as his equals - at least sometimes. His butler, Crichton, still believes that members of the serving class should know their place and be happy there. But when the Loam family are shipwrecked on a desert island with the self-reliant Crichton and lady's maid Tweeny, the class system is put to the test. Crichton being the only one with the practical knowledge of how to survive, ends up in the position of leading the small community...
  13. At the moment I just can't stir my enthusiasm to get into multiplayer again.. knowing that over days the war readiness score will drop..and I'm having that "wait and see" urge on what dlc they might have to fix/add to things before I finish my second playthrough..
  14. Raithe


    Hm, and for the sweetness.. Amazon Kindle are doing some great collections of some classic authors.. Robert E Howard - Collected Omnibus 99 Stories, The Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft The Collected Works of Jules Verne And assorted others, all from around $1.50-$3.. or so http://www.amazon.com/The-Robert-Howard-Omnibus-ebook/dp/B003O86R5M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1335198634&sr=8-1 Groovy. Methinks a bit of loose change will be spent...
  15. As has been noted before, the books as a whole do tend to go the grim-dark route by being incredibly rapey. Is that a proper adjective? But pretty much every female character in the books (whether teenager or adult) seems to end up with at least one instance of abuse, and/or rape by some random guy, some enemy, their spouse, or family member. Or at least, that's how it felt by the time I'd finished book three.
  16. Well tis an intensely wet and miserable day here. The sky is grey and the downpour is heavy.. The garden is definitely a mud pit.. But at least the dogs are somewhat settled. Trying to figure out what I need to do this afternoon and whether I have motivation to actually do anything. For some reason I keep having semi-flashback memories of an old girlfriends voice, has that hazy sort of recall and old emotions.
  17. I have to say, I've got the first season downloaded for viewing at some point.. but I just can't seem to get in the proper mood / enthusiasm to watch them. Maybe it's because I didn't overly enjoy the books that much. The first one was kind of enjoyable, and I forced myself to read the next two, but eh, it just didn't capture me.
  18. I have to admit, it puts me in mind of the old Afterburner arcade game. For that slight break in normal gameplay, you get to learn the "waves" as such of the enemy and the bonus mission objectives, then do a whole lot of shooting with good star wars music playing heroically in the background..
  19. And, most importantly.. You get to shoot Kilran in the Face! Man, that was a happy dance moment for my smuggler.
  20. It's all in arranging things on four ability bars in a way which makes sense.. of course, if you take time off from playing one character.. it can take a little bit to figure out exactly what everything is and where you put it on those bars... Had a fun couple of hours running through the full Taral V / Maelstrom Prison with my sister and guildmembers. First time I'd actually done that. Was quite entertaining and fast paced.
  21. Of course, the really bizarre thing that amuses me when I think back on it.. it was the early 90's, and half the tourists going onshore were wearing nike trainers and shell suits.. which amazingly, really stood out in Russia at the time.. Hell, some of the crew walked up to a cop directing traffic and gave him some dollars for his uniform hat and he was quick to take the deal..
  22. "I want to visit to Germany.. Before Germany decides to visit me!" Actually, talking of Russia, I visited Yalta and Odessa back in.. oh, hm, must have been '93-'94ish. That was quite fun, family went on a P&O cruise up through the Med, up the Bosphorus and around the Black sea. We went to the trouble of getting proper visas rather then just the "part of a day trip" that the cruise organised. When we were at Odessa, the Russians would flog anything for dollars. Creepy guy in long trenchcoat walks up to the family, does the shifty look around, then opens the coat with broken accented english of "Want to buy some caviar? 5lbs for 10 dollar" It was a little freaky. Did the morning tour, and we mentioned to the "Official Russian Government Tour Guide" that we had visas and planned to wander around during the afternoon. So she offered us her services to show us around.. That afternoon, she took us up to random private houses, would rap on the door.. eyeslit would open, she'd bark some firm russian at them..and the doors would be opend and we'd be shown around with much general bowing and scraping in her direction... Some nicely impressive architecture..but I do kind of have that feeling she had some official party pull.. Especially since she was considered reliable enough to deal with western tourists during those days of glasnost...
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