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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Now if only they'd released Star Trek Andorian with Jeffrey Combs at the same time Disney released SW Andor....
  2. And for the other somewhat amusing take on things: Michael Cohen: Trump won't run for office in 2024 because he's making too much money by not running (msn.com)
  3. Juggling the assorted mix of life at the moment. Work's being a bit messy for a variety reasons, the ongoing stuff with my father's medical situation, the onset of the seasonal bout of things, and I've also had to book flight to San Diego for end of December / New Year week to attend the quinceanara of a friend's daughter. Printing away at the Mando armour. Not going to have any of it ready for MCM Comic-Con at the end of the month, but I'm stewarding across all three days. I might just throw the steampunk adventurer kit in for something to amusingly strut around in when not working. Also pondering on how the budget might stretch to add a resin printer to my crafting stuff.
  4. As some might have recognised from the above... Ex-Porn Star Sasha Grey Will DJ A Radio In Cyberpunk 2077's DLC (kotaku.com)
  5. The Wheel of Time should've gotten The Rings of Power's huge budget (winteriscoming.net)
  6. And so many utterly forget...
  7. Robbie Coltrane - Aged 72
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