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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. To be fair, we're really only aware of her commiting one act of mass murder - the male Frey's, with a couple of lone killings in the form of the house patriarch and two other Frey's. All of whom had commited a revenge-worthy atrocity. It's not like she's running around randomly killing off people. She has a list. And she's checking it twice.
  2. And the Guiness Book of Records is now replaced by a smartphone, google, wiki, and IMDB as the means of settling most pub arguments.
  3. Heh, Baen have put out a flow chart to help people get into the Honor Harrington series.
  4. The Sansa / Arya thing is a bit annoying but it's also understandable to a point. Think about it, last time they were together.. Sansa was 14/15 and the "perfect" girl of the family. Disliked the big boring uncivilised Winterfell keep and always dreaming of the fancy dresses, "civilised" life down south and marrying a shiny King. Arya was the 12 year old tomboy who loved the North and was always struggling to not be the princess and just play with the boys. Neither sister really got on well with each other. They go south, Sansa lies in questioning which forces Arya to chase away her dire wolf to prevent it being killed. The next thing, Arya gets to watch (sort of) her father get beheaded whilst Sansa is stood next to the people who ordered it.. in one of the pretty dresses she always wanted. Now they've met up once more after several years apart, but neither knows the true story of what each other suffered. You have the initial happy-joy of family together after so many have been thought dead. Then you start to get the normal sister relationship they had kick back in, just combined with Sansa thinking Arya basically ran around happy as a scamp and picking up sword tricks, and Arya thinking Sansa had the court life and dresses she used to wish for. There's going to be friction. You'd expect both of them by now to have picked up enough awareness to pick out some of the manipulation going on, but eh, the nature of their relationship isn't too glaringly out of context.
  5. Trying to decide if I really should fortify myself to watch the last 3 episodes of Iron Fist before watching The Defenders....
  6. For the very British headline...
  7. And a Zombie Polar Bear they've been trying to put in for 4 seasons. You can never forget the Zombie Polar Bear....
  8. Obituaries - **** Gregory passes
  9. For the random interest (also,remember for those who haven't seen the latest episodel; spoilers) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yx9dRL1BCCQ
  10. PoliticalWire - Secret Service has blown its budget protecting Trump
  11. On a certain area of current political thinking...
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