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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. TheWrap - "Honest Trailers" creator Andy Signore suspended over allegations of sexual misconduct and harassment Hollywood Reporter - Andy Signore accused of sexual abuse
  2. I caught Spiderman Homecoming. Holland managed to capture the geek side of Parker without it being too awkward, and Keaton managed to combine a mixture of sympathy and ruthlessness in his portrayal of Vulture. Favreu's turn as Happy Hogan again is a nice link, but it plays a bit too much one dimensional joke to really mesh well for me. Still, I was amused by the Captain America "Patience" video at the end of the credits.
  3. Yes, she said she ended up getting a lot of schtick from her family when they watched Firefly over that. But it is kind of amusing that for the cast it was such a trial to learn the lines and say them..that they still remember and can repeat them so many years after the show ended.
  4. Apparently that was part of the fun for all the Mandarin phrases used in Firefly. They had a chinese-american in the writers room who spent half her time phoning up friends and family around San Francisco, Hong Kong and various points around China to chase up current slang and sayings and then fitting them into the scripts. Having them written phonetically, and recordings of how they actually sound before the cast had to try to learn them.
  5. A post from an author I know, that might be worth a read and a few thoughts...
  6. The one that amused me a few years back was when Fox pulled up statistics that compared single person murders with handguns in the US, with all murders commited by any means possible in the UK as a "See, gun control doesn't matter, the UK is a dangerous placce to visit." Of course, as it later turned out, they didn't include drive by gun murders, a variety of gang related deaths by firearms, mass shootings, or a few other numbers from the US side of things..
  7. US Military on Puerto Rico - The Problem is Distribution An interesting and informative piece from the Huffington Post...
  8. I have to admit, I have a slightly juvenile humour response to the short advert for it. "We seek. We Discover. We explore. We find. STD."
  9. I have to put this one here just..because. That combination of the picture, and the over the top "Yeah America!" for it.
  10. It's basically a conspiracy theorists wet dream at the moment. They're deep diving his background, but the general word that seems to be leaking out is there are no signs in his background, no odd websites viewed, no strange behaviour, no extremist leanings, no training, no ptsd issues. And then he got x many guns up to a hotel room, disabled security devices in the area, got the window out all without attracting attention from Vegas Hotel security, before actually commiting the act. There are already pictures going out with "Look, broken windows floors above him, that's where the real snipers were. It's a false flag, its this that or the other." Oh the sheer joy of the many, many opinions that will crop up.
  11. Heh, saw this on a Politics/Guns thing that blew up online..
  12. What was that old saying.. "Anyone under 30 who is not a liberal has no heart. Anyone over 30 who is not a conservative has no brain." Or at least, something to that effect....
  13. Netflix send cease and desist to Stranger Things pop up bar
  14. I'm in the middle of a playthrough myself. Though I used to be better at this game... Yeah, I always have to readjust my playstyle when I come back to it - it's actally a tough little title, if you don't prepare the agents are gonna wipe your out. It's remembering to keep your Notoriety low to give you time to build, while still letting it get high enough to open things up for you... A tender balance to set.
  15. Took a little break from the studies to pull out the classic Evil Genius. Still some amusing, although it does move slower than I remember.
  16. For the random trivia elements and amusement value... Things we learned from the Conan The Barbarian Commentary
  17. I seem to remember even less than I thought I did, which is making this first week and a bit of university feel like slightly more of a over my head. I stacked up some background reading, and a few other things to do over the weekend..then this Saturday kind of knocked that all for a six, so I shall hope tomorrow is more favourably inclined to manage that stuff without distractions. I need to bury myself into some in depth sql, mysql, no sql, json, xml, and a batch of others for the Data Science course, while the Internet of Things unit drops you in the deep end on building sensors, activators, single-chip boards, and doing analysis on it all. I've never looked at raspberry pi or cisco packet tracer before now... Plus, it is somewhat disconcerting to basically be nearly twice the age of all the other students. Makes it a touch difficult to connect with the people who share lectures, and you just can't really flirt with the ladies without it being creepy.
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