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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Although I was actually tempted to put this in under funnythings...
  2. Queen's funny quip when hapless tourists failed to recognise her at Balmoral
  3. BBC = Shambala - The festival that banned cow's milk, meat, and glitter
  4. There's a small arty cinema down here that's doing a season of cult films / 80's classics. So I got to see The Lost Boys on the big screen... Dang, that soundtrack always sticks to the mind. And dammit, now I have an urge to break out my old World of Darkness books and doodle up some characters... Oh, and Azdeus, you're perfectly welcome.
  5. Sith Army Knife.. SithArmyKnife.mp4
  6. On the non military matters... The thought for the day:
  7. Laid things out to see how it looked so far : A few small things to print out and it should be good to get started on the smoothing and finishing. Although I've got to decide whether to find some design for a backplate and whether to re-do the helmet / mask properly....
  8. Well, it could slide into politics... The Terrifying Legacy of David Koch
  9. Caught John Wick 3 finally. Strangely unsatisfying by the end of it. It has some good moments, and it's interesting how they flesh out more of the underworld as such. But it didn't really have the emotional payoff or story depth, and by the end of it, the action sequences were feeling a bit tiring. That, and once again a semi-cliff hanger ending to it all.
  10. Queering Psychology - What is socialization?
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