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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Mindcircle - Man builds realistic tree in living room for his cat
  2. Little random thing from Neil Gaiman:
  3. Pondering on the job future. The Project Head, a consultant brought in to run this thing, seems overly focused on the High level view, with absolutely no understanding of the lower level and what it actually entails. He keeps making the asusmption that it's all "we just grab x and y and they'll fit together perfectly" and thus, making plans and estimates for like, 2 weeks work. Work that we keep telling him is actually about 3 months mapping before we even talk about cleansing. But he keeps just referring to us as "the cleansing team" in emails, and we have no idea what he thinks we actually do, or what the system provider and integrators will be doing. Of course, that's another thing. Going by the project plan they were meant to have signed all the contracts and started a month ago. But.. no. Still in discussions, and going back to the Project board to increase the budget to get the contracts signed. This does make one wonder just how things will shake out....
  4. Repositioned that mask to re-print it out. Which for various reasons (it needed more supports in that position) turned it into a 70 hour print. Did end up with this: Had a couple of layer shifts towards the end, but it does add a certain interesting pattern to the effect:
  5. Realised Lucifer Season 4 was now out on Netflix and managed to catch the first couple of episodes. Looks like they've done a very focused 10 episode season, so not expecting random filler episodes, but it also seems that Netflix is enjoying the fact that it's not Fox, and can push the boundaries a little more.
  6. " The back end of a motor bike attached to the ****pit of a plane attached to the front end a car. You cannot tell me this wasn’t made in Florida. "
  7. Was planning to start my first, really lengthy print - The back half of my Sith Facemask, so it would become a full helmet piece for London. So, since it would take between 2-3 odd days to print... I set up a Raspberry Pi with Octoprint, linked it to the printer and attached a webcam. Now as the day goes on I can use my phone to check on how it's doing, and in case of emergency hit the pause or stop to cancel the print and not waste anything. Or at least, reduce any wastage if I see it go horrendously wrong. Finally, putting to use that Internet of Things unit I took at university. Edit: Dang. Around 36 hours into what should be around a 45 hour print.. I hear a crash, and find the model had torn loose from the baseplate and was somehow on the floor, with the printer printing strings in the air..... Leaving me with just this:
  8. The Reunion people had to miss...
  9. Grats TrueNeutral. We shall make virtual votive offerings to the grand high poobahs of the Net in aid of blessing the spawn.
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