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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Having a slight break from Cyberpunk to do sci-fi survival and build things in Empyrion.
  2. Maybe this discussion point should be in politics but, eh...
  3. After that whole lengthy Cyberpsychosis string from Regina, I was kind of expecting there to be more of an outcome. I'd managed to KO them all and not kill a one, and all I basically got was a pat on the back and an "atta-boy" from Regina.
  4. Single dads without health insurance trying to make it in the gig economy The Mandalorian: Who Are you? Geralt: I'm you, but I can say "****" The Mandalorian: Well, I have a jet pack. Geralt: ****. Geralt, pointing at lil yoda baby: what is that? Mando: a magic baby that evil dudes dressed in black want, I'm adopting him Geralt, now pointing at Ciri: I got one of those, how'd you get yours? Mando: I was hired to bring him to aforementioned evil dudes, then I raided their base to break him out, yours? Geralt: I won her at an engagement party through ass-kicking and sarcasm
  5. C'mon, it's 2020. When we were in the 80's we were told by now we'd have solved most world hunger issues and be ensconced in flying cars.
  6. As an Englishman, I can only whole-heartedly agree with this:
  7. I actually watched the Bruce Willis remake a couple of months back. Aggressive, some oddly placed moments of humour, but Willis still struggling to actually give a damn about acting.
  8. https://www.ign.com/articles/cyberpunk-2077-class-action-lawsuit-filed-against-cd-projekt-sa?
  9. Killing Gunther. A group of young (and slightly crazy) assassin's team up to take out the Best Killer in the world and gain the glory, and to record the process they get a documentary crew to follow and film it all. It then turns into a slew of bungled encounters as they get killed one by one, with no-one actually knowing what Gunther actually looks like. Then in the 67th minute you get the reveal that it's Arnold Schwarzenegger, a master of disguise who has been playing different people through the entire thing. He has about 15 minutes (maybe) of screen presence (and apparently got paid about 20% of the entire films budget), but somewhat entertaining in they give him a bunch of lines from Predator and such to re-use as another nod and wink to the audience. It rolls along on that mish-mash of action-comedy-thriller (very loosely thriller) with everyone playing it very straight that its entirely silly. The end credits even include Arnold singing country and western....
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