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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. And somewhat buried under the whistleblower news and yesterdays downtime... https://pocketnow.com/personal-data-of-over-half-a-billion-facebook-users-leaked-online-publicly
  2. Free Guy. Charmingly feel good in its own way. From the trailers I was almost expecting more riotous action-comedy, but it doesn't rely on slapstick humor as such, and just has this warm-hearted feel running for the whole thing. Not so much a deep thought provoking one, just that fuzzy warm vibe to it all.
  3. There is a full thread, but to make it easier I've got the chunk of wall-o-text:
  4. Telegraph - European political parties "forced to take more extreme positions" by Facebook algorithm tweak, says whistleblower https://www.cbsnews.com/news/facebook-whistleblower-frances-haugen-misinformation-public-60-minutes-2021-10-03/
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