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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Maybe not strictly politics but still.... AR15-worshipping MAGA group purchases holy retreat in Tennessee (msn.com)
  2. I was pretty much the same. I had heard his family is pretty set against any biopic of him at the moment, which added to the weirdness factor when I stumbled upon that.
  3. Well.. test footage. I wonder if they're trying to find backing for a full thing...
  4. PUbMed.Gov - Trauma, treatment and Tetris: video gaming increases hippocampal volume in male patients with combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder Well, who knows...
  5. https://newsthump.com/2021/10/12/blue-origin-crew-concerned-by-new-uniforms-ahead-of-shatner-space-flight/
  6. Well I have seen a few editorials making a point of talking how 51% of Americans are expecting US politicians to be attempting to overturn votes on claims of fraud in the next decade, and how there's a large increase in gerrymandering and potential voter restrictions in the near future related to that. The joys of democracy and increasing zealotry in a two-party system...
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