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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Juggling a little bout of depression, frustration, and isolation feeling. Working on that job hunt in half hour batches before my brain runs into a wall and needs diversion. Kind of amused, found the original "Five Year Guarantee" of the sewing machine - which showed it was originally picked up in 1971. So it is literally 50 years old. Did some playaround practice stuff for how to sew vents, pleats, darts, and a few other things for personally tailoring your clothes.
  2. Not a huge Harry Potter fan but I caught the 20th Anniversary Return to Hogwarts out of curiosity. Strangely emotional, the various people discussing their memories and moments, the interactions that built up over 10 years of shooting the movies.
  3. Also, something that people might have missed the other month and be interested in: Variety - ‘Dracula’ Producer Hammer Films Teams With Network Distributing to Form Hammer Studios
  4. Just watched through The Eternals. I kind of enjoyed it. It's a different pace to the rest of the Marvel films. The story beats mostly work well, when taken with the various spoilers that come out as the film progresses. I'm actually interested to see where they go with the follow-up.
  5. You mean Hollywood lied to me? Next you'll tell me that William Wallace didn't actually seduce the pre-pubescent princess. Or that the Americans didn't actually capture the Engima machine during WW2...
  6. After 2.5-Week 'War' With 3 Cats, Woman Contacts Vitamix Asking For Empty Boxes To Replace The One Her Cats Took Over With New Blender Inside | Bored Panda
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