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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Ahem...what a bunch of sellouts and whores. Its ok if they want broader appeal because they want to be cash cows, but defacing the name of BG to do it is unforgivable!
  2. Anyone knows what this is about? http://www.nowgamer.com/news/5141/bioware-...-dutys-audience
  3. I must break you....down to your base elements.
  4. AAA comics. Also, just because a comic it's edgy or gory doesn't mean that it makes a great villain. Arguably Magneto has more history than a newcomer making him an enough complex character to merit the award.
  5. I got to Sentinel Island, it's awesome! it spoke to me and brought me slaves. I want to marry my island!
  6. You mean Orcs?
  7. Arrrrrghhhh. :run to hit you with a bat:
  8. Way ahead of you in this game buddy. Puzzles (if you can call them that) are a bitch and no quest map marker its a pain in the ass.
  9. Happy birthday Nep, and remember that 40 is the new 20.
  10. I would had killed to have this information this morning, it would had helped to wipe the smugness of one friends today about DA2 being superior. If anything it would be a surefire way to bring the subject of fellatio in a conversation with her
  11. I have to say I quite liked it too. But it is a trashy movie, really. Sort of a male Thelma and Louise. You Sir, have insulted one of my childhood classics. Pistols at dawn! P.S. My dawn not yours.
  12. @Joe:I've met a lot of on and off couples that have tumultuous relationships throughout the years. I would say that whatever you decide to do, don't regret it latter. No matter what happens, whether you get back together or not you both have valid reasons to. It's hard to have that much history with someone and let it all wash downstream. What I will advice you it's to make your choice clear, to both yourself and her, in order to avoid any painful misunderstandings or mishaps
  13. Crazy stuff obviously, need you ask?
  14. Did they manage to violate the first law of Newton? They violated, killed it and violated it again. But then again i'm not one of those people who complained when Star Wars had sound in space. We should just take ME for what it is, the spiritual successor to Flash Gordon. Shepard AAAAhhhhh
  15. Try and look smart holding a kindle=fail
  16. Might be my scientific background driving me to be anal here, so bear with me. I'm fine with plot devices trumping science, but they need to be well executed - that is, at least consistent with established canon and the observed in-universe tech. This is a perfect example of the opposite, however. In the collector cruiser, you enter the ship through a hole in the outer hull. If there's indeed a breathable atmosphere within, there's no need for the masks equipped by the crew - if the environment is a partial vacuum, you still need to do something about ebullism (bubbles in the blood); if it's an unbreathable but pressurized atmosphere, how come nobody has trouble breathing aboard the collector base? The trap scenario also suggests that the scene was conceived to convey the idea that the collector vessel was little more than a dead, floating piece of scrap. This is supported by the fact that the collector vessel is stated to have suffered main power failure, with kinetic barriers offline. In the intro cutscene, when the Normandy is torn apart, the good old forcefield sci-fi cliche is used for atmosphere containment, so no kinetic barrier = no atmosphere. And the naked EVA antics in the upper layers of a brown dwarf (and near the accretion disk around a black hole!) are even worse. Brown dwarves radiate more heat than they receive from the star they orbit (temp ~1000 K and upwards) and also emit hefty amounts of ionizing radiation. Personal barriers or ship-mounted shields won't help as you need magnetic fields to deflect that (or a lead shirt). Interestingly, they also equip gasmasks for that scene. If there was an atmosphere, such a thing wouldn't be necessary. I'm not really concentrated on finding faults with the game, it's just that this is a glaring hole brought about exclusively by the removal of ME1-style wardrobes and their substitution with nothing. I guess different people have different thresholds for their suspension of disbelief, but I feel this was a pretty silly mistake to make, and one that could have been solved pretty easily. But then... they failed to solve it through DLC. D: I wub this post sooo much Do Dead Space next, what did you think of moving objects in vacuum space?
  17. Moving on to Divinity 2:DKS, what an awful combat system. Lovely game, great atmosphere, every time I kill something it takes the fun out it. Are there any mods to change this?
  18. It's Obsidian enjoy your bugs, that's what you bought the game for right?
  19. Did you forget to copy/paste the meshes and texture files?
  20. Unkillable enemies are poopie. I wanted to walk around and look at the scenery but there I was being chassed by a twelve-eyed freak all the way through the level. Actually, I found out that you can kill him if you push him against the big fan at the end of one corridor. Still I was very pissed when after swaddling through vacuum, filled with exhausts shooting fire, the guy was still after me.
  21. Is it wrong that the pic made me laugh?
  22. Finished DS2, damn that UberMorph. I swear that my neighbor must had though I was killing someone.
  23. I did watched it, so be irked with yourself I'm an artist and I enjoy it, as there are millions of people that enjoy their jobs. But our whole way of living is based on the monetary system without it we have no social class, no form of trade, basically every system depends on some way on money. Going back to the job; as an artist I enjoy my work most of the time, there are time though where I just do not feel it. Normally I would have to work it out because I'm being paid, it's my job and my living depends on it. Without any monetary system what encourages me to not just up and quit for the day? The same parasites which are draining the system now will propagate. I'm all for finding ways to solve humanity's problems and for it's progress, but Macroeconomics and Microeconomics are worlds apart. You can't expect that there is a universal solution to the world's problems.
  24. Warden's Keep Stone prisoner Return to Ostagar Not to mention all the campaigns. Only the promotional Items and exclusive items. Now compare that to ME2, which has 5 story related DLC and the rest is just weapons/armor packs.
  25. Yes, the rest of us know that it's because she is hot.
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