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Everything posted by Okkes

  1. I think only the abilities directly boost weapons damage affect SA. For example i tested Barbarians Blooeded ability doesnt work because its universal. I am only speculating btw the game mechanics so weird.
  2. I am almost %100 sure the abilities i list boosts SA damage, you can easily check creating level 19 rogue/soulblade vs something like level 19 priest/soulblade and see the damage difference.
  3. Arguably best burst damage ability in the game, but after 20 full game run i am not sure what boost its damage or not. I want to make a full list of it for new build ideas. Also its helpful for new players who might read this topic. I'll add some things i tested, please write the things i miss. Ability effected by: - Power level - Might modifier - Weapons quality enchantment - Sneak attack, deathblow, streetfighter damage bonus when flanked or blooded, Soul whip, Human blooded damage bonus, Fighter weapon specialization - Sworn enemy, Inspired beacon, Take down combo Stalker's patience's ambushing ability doesnt seems like working sadly.
  4. Sadly the last time i tried it wasn t working with aoe weapons.
  5. Forbidden Fist - SB combo so powerful, especially in harder fights when it matters. You can also go with biting whip(%20 raw lash with Community patch) watchers blade combo which i found better than Stalkers patiance.
  6. I actually have a spellblade build you can find it useful. This is optimal for solo btw you dont have to go this much defensive.
  7. Hi, just focus to stay below %50 percent health with blood sacriface and you're fine. Bonus recovery is huge, you dont wanna lose it.
  8. I suggest you to try Soulblade at least one of your run. Soul annihilation + Disentigration destroys tough enemies. You can try Helwalker multiclass for +15 might and +10 int boost, but you need serious healing from a companion, you can go with paladin-chanter Pallegina.
  9. Also disengage attacks has pretty huge accuracy bonus, you can get terrify with trickster.
  10. I find helwalker/soul blade combo with Voidwheel very powerful. Weapon itself gives you crazy focus abd wounds every attack. If you have health draining via chanter draining chant or furyshapers draining totem you re basicly unkillable(as long as you keep damaging).
  11. Single class barbarian very powerful indeed. If you think the best abilities comes very late, what you can do is starting with bounties and the quest doesnt involves fighting. You can get to level 15-16 very easily, and than you ll still have like 70-80 percent of gameplay left.
  12. Thank you Boeroer you explained the builds concept better than me Armor yeah Nomad's Brigandine would be better with deflection bonus but personally i don't like to look. I didn't think about the magnificent escape and wall of draining but yeah its very helpful for riposte.
  13. Hi, english is not my native language so please feel free to correct me. This is a simple build, everyone know these 2 subclasses very powerful, but i didnt see any build shared except the one with spirit lance. This build uses community patch for improved riposte so make sure you install it before try. It starts powerful level 1 so even if you re new to the game you can enjoy this build. For experienced players i also recommend to go no rest run. Difficulty: PoTD with upscaled, i also solo the game with this build PoTD with no upscale Class: Streetfighter-Blood Mage I didn't like to play streetfighter before because trying to get flank or stay below %50 health was hard to handle, but with blood mage you can manually go below half health and regenerate your spells. And with your buffs you re safe to do so. Race: Human We ll be below %50 health most of the time so + accuracy and damage always nice. Stats: Might: 4 Constitution: 18 Dexterity: 10 Perception: 10 Intelligence: 16 Resolve: 20 We have nice damage bonuses so we don't really need might at all. Constitution is important even we have crazy defences better safe to be sorry. I would like to have more Perception but maxing resolve is better way to go with this build. Skills: Athletics is nice for emergency healings, rest is up to you. I'll list the abilities you need to make this build run, rest ip up to you: Level 1: Crippling Strike, Chill Fog, Spirit shield(early game, dump it when you get Llengraths safeguard) Eldritch Aim(it has low duration early game but it will get better, %50 graze to hit very important) Level 2: Weapon and shield style, Infuse with vital essence, Arcane Veil Level 3: Riposte, Bear's fortitude, DAoM, Llengraths displaced image, Ryngrims repulsive image( this makes riposte kinda useless to be honest, but there are many creautres immune to terrify. Thing is if you don't know, terrified creatures most of the time breaks engagemant and give us free disengage attacks, very powerful spell) Level 4: Adept evasion, Persistent distraction, Withering strike, Essential Phantom(surprisingly tanky and we dont have much to cast level 4 spell slot) Level 5: Deep wounds, Tough, Llengraths safeguard, rapid casting Level 6: Toxic strike(very good for bosses but make sure they dont immune poison and lower their fortitude), Slippery mind(immune to 3 afflication most of the time), Level 7: Deathblows, Zandethus Draconic fury(basicly %30 lash, crazy damage buff) https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Pillars_of_Eternity_II:_Deadfire_grimoires We wil use grimoire eventually so make sure you dont take the speel it already have. Rest bonus: Shark Soup. With this and slippery mind we ll immune to ALL the afflications which is crazy. Items: Armor: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Blackened_Plate_Armor Blackened Plate armor, it looks incredibly cool and -1 armor for enemies stacks with everything. What more you want? Ah and also %50 damage taken from poison attacks is awesome because our kinda lowish fortitude. You dont wanna get hit with druids plague for example. Use the heaviest armor you can get till you have this. Shield: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Akola's_Apex_Ward It's tricky to get but this is the perfect shield for us. If you don't wanna mess with Huana's this to works too, and they look cooler https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Cadhu_Scalth since we invent to athletics its deflection bonus get better, also -damage taken better than you think. https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Bronlar's_Phalanx this is the highest deflection bonus shield in the game. You can use escape to move around especially if you use the heavy shield modal. Weapons: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Magran's_Favor We ll use this with battle axe modal, and with our recovery bonuses we ll be still fast. Riposte and terrify disengagement attacks gives us free attacks. Battle axe modal is very good against bosses. You may not wanna use it in easy fights though. Back up weapons for slash immune foes https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Stalker's_Patience My favorite weapon in the game, i have a Monk/Cipher build with this weapon which i ll hopefully share. https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Rust's_Poignard This little bast''' also very good agains bosses. Helmet: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Thaos'_Headdress +5 accuracy and + Intelligence very nice https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Blackened_Plate_Helm Combine this with the armor for epic coolness Amulet: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Token_of_Faith This game has like no good accessoires sadly. Belt: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/The_Undying_Burden We'll not get hit much but damage reduction is nice and +2 cons is also good. Rings: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Chameleon's_Touch https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Kuaru's_Prize Boring but what can you do? Cloak: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Cloak_of_Greater_Deflection Bracer: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Bracers_of_Greater_Deflection you'll get this very late, use whatever you want till get it, maybe +3 accuracy one. Boots: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Boots_of_the_Stone You ll get this start at the game, and won't find anything better. Seriously we need more items. Pet: Cutthroat Cosmo for lower recovery We ll start the fight with buffing, amount of buffs you need is parallel with how hard is the battle. Start with infuse the vital essence for more duration. After buffing use blood sacriface to go below %50 health and go start killing things. With Arcane veil, llengrtahs displaced image and Llengraths safeguard you ll have +70 deflection melee which is perfect for riposte. You can also terrify them and watch your enemies begging for their life at the ground whlie you cut them down. Feel free to experiment things. You can also go with Two handed weapons build if you don't like shield concept. Which is better with terrify disengage strategy since you cant use riposte while doing it. You don't even need to change the abilities and there are cool Two handed weapons like this: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Voidwheel
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