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Everything posted by NotDumbEnough

  1. Hilariously, a Paladin can trigger Inspiring Triumph with self-KOs such as with their immolation abilities.
  2. It seems that Whispers of the Endless Path's AOE attack interacts optimally with Power Strike/Inspired Strike, i.e. each attack in the AOE will trigger the secondary raw damage AOE from Power Strike.
  3. Suggestion for Fighter's Toughened Fury: maybe instead make it a lower % chance to trigger regardless of miss, graze, hit or crit. I feel that the Fighter's role is to tie down and occupy the enemy, but whether or not you have high deflection or rely on healing varies depending on your build. That is to say, Toughened Fury is not that good for a shield-based Fighter with high deflection which is already not particularly strong.
  4. Been playing with a Sharpshooter dual wielding Current's Rush and Frostfall. Interestingly I'm noticing Frostfall's Frozen affliction being applied to targets that I am very obviously not hitting in melee, so it must be with the Scepter. But I also don't see it proccing off of my basic attacks with the scepter. I believe it is proccing off of the on crit AOE attack of Current's Rush.
  5. Despite having an instant damage component, Death of 1000 Cuts does not break charm.
  6. The only way to not get those perks is to go to Ashen Maw before you go to Hasongo. If you do that you don't get to talk with Eothas after Hasongo since he's obviously already left.
  7. There's a really handy mod that adds additional AI conditions: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/88?tab=description Unfortunately there's no condition for the Forbidden Fist curse specifically, as the mod seems to predate it. It still works just fine though as I personally use it. You could probably set the condition to be "Not affected by Damage over Time" and do it manually if you get affected by some other DoT.
  8. If you want something simple and decisive a single class Chanter (Bellower, Troubadour or Skald) is fine. Literally all you do is cast a spell once every 20-40 seconds, all the rest of the time you're just auto attacking which gives you room to manage other members of the party. The previous suggestions here involve more micromanagement for the player character and/or metagaming.
  9. Something I noted was that in a combat after this I heard a chanter voice line in a voice that was not Pallegina's (it was a combat in the same crypt, so not a chanter enemy). Maybe I misheard, but maybe the implementation for Companion's Prelude is hacky and involves having an invisible NPC follow you to provide the aura or something.
  10. Companion's Prelude from Sasha's Singing Scimitar apparently works even if it is in your personal inventory. Here it is affecting other members of the party: And here it is in Pallegina's personal inventory: I wonder if any other equipment behaves like this?
  11. Probably many people already know this, but Kalakoth's Minor Blights will continue cycling even if you summon a new weapon. So if you summon Minor Blights then immediately summon Citzal's Spirit Lance, Citzal's Spirit Lance will disappear after a few seconds.
  12. I wonder if you think Cat Form is a bit too strong relative to the others. The others have better defenses, but attacking much faster and killing the enemy faster is a form of defense in itself, and druids really want faster attack speed for Wildstrike Frenzy and Avenging Storm.
  13. That sounds a bit excessively powerful for multiclassing. I do think that some form of PL scaling with Wildstrike would be good for single class Druids as they currently lack any sort of martial ability outside of Taste of the Hunt, and therefore hit nowhere near as hard as martial classes with Mule Kick/Crippling Strike/etc. But multiclass druids having access to PL scaling lashes would cause double dipping (i.e. PL scaling for both martial abilities and the lash, causing exponential damage growth) which might be too powerful later on. e.g. an Assassin/Druid would probably start one-shotting most enemies on PotD at higher levels even with upscaling. I think it is probably better to address Spiritshift combat's lack of PL scaling by simply giving each form a martial ability (maybe the same, maybe not) from other classes, as mentioned above. The point is not to make Stag Form feel like a barbarian, but to keep up with martial class damage output, without breaking the scaling when multiclassing with a martial class. Even something really generic like Fighter's Penetrating Strike would be helpful.
  14. Minor suggestion: add Cloak of the Theocrat for sale somewhere, rather than it being an entirely random drop from searching tombs.
  15. Yes, I must have misremembered the base damage range for ranger pets. Arguably single class Shifters are worse than the other subclasses right now. Druids are pretty mediocre at fighting even with max level Wildstrike right now, and Shifter's primary advantage (shifting into animal form, quickly using the per encounter skills, shifting back to cast, shifting to another form to use per encounter skills again, etc.) is mostly gone now that they have a cooldown too and cannot rapidly shift back and forth between multiple forms. Actually, I think that is the problem with Spiritshift in general. You are encouraged to shift, immediately use the per encounter abilities, then start casting and never really attack, which just turns your spiritshift weapons into free statsticks. I wonder if a system like this would help improve this issue: 1. Improve martial capabilities while spiritshifted substantially above what they are right now, perhaps like mentioned above or through some other buff. This includes a buff to Fury's form in particular. Maybe keep the PL bonus for Wildstrike, maybe don't. 2. Entering Spiritshift applies a -25% casting speed debuff upon you for an extended duration (same base duration as Spiritshift, reduced by resolve and -% hostile effect duration), and does not go away if you cancel the Spiritshift. You can only wait it out like a priest does after they cast an Incarnate. -25% casting speed is not the end of the world for spellcasting, but is enough to discourage spiritshifting just to spell cast (and will cancel out the cat form per encounter ability action speed bonus). Extending the spiritshift duration would not extend the debuff, so if the spiritshift goes on long enough you can cast without a penalty. Note that you could cast first, then enter spiritshift to benefit from any Wildstrike-based PL bonuses without suffering cast time penalties for long-lasting spells like Avenging Storm. 3. Shifters would have no other downside other than that this debuff would be lengthened correspondingly to their longer spiritshift duration (so entering spiritshift rashly would have a greater penalty than for other druids). But they would gain the ability to cast while shifted just like any other subclass, it's just that you might not necessarily want to. 4. Lifegivers would get an even bigger bonus to Rejuvenation +PL (an extra +1-2 maybe) while spiritshifted to counterbalance the cast speed malus. Either you can cast first and then shift for a lower duration on your healing spells, or shift and then cast for a slower cast but longer duration.
  16. I suspect that the stag pet for rangers is having all their attacks scale by PL and not just their pseudo-carnage. I am getting >12 base damage rolls on their basic attacks, including grazes, hits, and crits. Hmmm maybe I am just going crazy. I tweaked the mod file so that stag carnage scaled by 5000% per PL. Stag base damage is still only a bit over 12 damage but carnage is doing hundreds of damage as you might expect. I guess the stag pet has undocumented naturally higher base damage like the wolf, rather than scaling by PL.
  17. The problem with your proposed Spiritshift changes, I think, is that there is no reason to NOT be in spiritshift form unless it is on cooldown or you are a Shifter. You fight better AND you cast better (though admittedly druids are still kind of terrible at fighting even while spiritshifted). I think Spiritshifting should primarily boost your martial capabilities, and for its duration let you fight as well as a martial class. Some tentative suggestions for Wildstrike Frenzy (i.e. limited to single-class Druids so cannot be utilized by multiclassing with a martial class like rogues): 1. Simply boost weapon accuracy as it is for priest summoned weapons. As it stands right now Tekehu is terrible at fighting even with Wildstrike Frenzy because druids simply do not have any martial-related passive abilities to back up their Spiritshift, and this would help. 2. Or, instead heal for a portion of the damage you deal, like Concelhaut's Parasitic Staff. This gives your spiritshift even more of a unique identity: you can use it as a self-heal if you are injured and cannot afford to keep casting, and it fits the theme of a wild animal tearing their enemy apart and eating them. Druids already have Taste of the Hunt, but it feels more like a meme ability and is not even that good for healing, with the damage over time being the primary attraction. 3. Some sort of defensive boost would be useful on top of the spiritshift armor, such as +max health like Priest's Minor Avatar. The Fury Spiritshift could also be made more unique by gaining +Storm PL while spiritshifted, so it remains a casting-focused spiritshift as it already is right now.
  18. I think Fury Spiritshift is fine, and is in fact better than most of the melee spiritshifts. You can proc Wildstrike Frenzy off of the bounces (making the attack AOE like mortars would be utterly broken), and keep in mind that there are lots and lots of ways to buff ranged weapon attacks in the game (Quick-Handed Ila chant, Shrimp's ring, multiple pets with party wide ranged attack bonuses, etc.) than there are melee attacks. Furies also make better use of Avenging Storm than the other spiritshifts.
  19. Minor suggestion for rangers: Give animal companions +1 base PEN and base AR, and reduce the bonuses in the skill tree to +1 rather than +2. So that rangers feel less compelled to take the +2 pen and +2 AR passives for their pets as they do right now, otherwise the pets feel useless. I also think Perception + Intellect resistance for pets is a bit weak for one skill point. There are not that many intellect afflictions out there (and honestly I often don't care too much even if the companion gets charmed). I wonder if it would be too powerful if it simply gave resistance to all afflictions, or +defenses against affliction attacks like fighter and paladin passives.
  20. It should look like Chanter's Two Fingers of Daylight. A line spell with two lines.
  21. Maybe swap in some druid spells from lower PL as they are too weak to be interesting, such as Winter Wind, etc. By moving them to higher PL and buffing the stats accordingly they may see some use.
  22. I think a Miasma nerf does not address the issue that Arkemyr's Wondrous Torment is not worth using in 99% of the fights you come across. It is slow to cast, it is single target, and it does not deal great damage or provide hard CC. Therefore it is only good for bosses. I think Arkemyr's Wondrous Torment would be a much better spell if it casted significantly faster, so that while it is not as powerful as Ryngrim's Ennervating Terror or Call to Slumber, you can still use it to quickly neutralize enemy casters before they have a chance to act. So maybe a 0.5/4.0 cast and recovery time. Would make it useful in small fights without breaking it in boss fights. By the way, what would you think of removing Form of the Helpless Beast's target restriction? i.e. let the player use it against any sort of target and not just kith. Otherwise it feels useless in too many scenarios and is mostly just a spell the AI uses against you.
  23. That seems like a big nerf for monks and monk+rogue multiclass especially. Might I suggest giving untrained fists very low pen but high base damage (i.e. 14-19 base damage same as what monks have right now but maybe only 4-5 pen) and have the first level of Transcendent Suffering or UMT give large amounts of penetration to compensate (in this case +4 pen to unarmed attacks).
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