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Everything posted by Zoraptor

  1. By about three million votes. But as we're both aware, and as you'd have to presume Hillary was aware, raw vote count is not how you win the US Presidency and she could have literally won 100% of the Ca vote without it effecting the outcome at all. You can make an argument that a tennis player who loses a match 0-6 7-6 7-6 is a better player than the winner because they won more games, but end of the day that isn't how winning is determined. They aren't, but ultimately the only 'qualification' you have to have to be President (well ok, apart from age/ birth location etc) is enough popularity to beat your opponent. If you can't do that all the literal qualifications, experience, competency etc you bring to the table is for naught. That is certainly a reductionist approach to the matter, but that is because the fundamental aim of the whole process is to win.
  2. The two least popular candidates in US history contested the 2016 election, and it was blade of grass stuff as to which was less popular. The main difference was that Trump was far better at galvanising support from the people he needed to win. As a pure candidate Hillary has to be worse than Trump since she lost to him; and even taking a somewhat less reductionist view the best you can say is that she was marginally better than another awful candidate. If you're drawing up a list of criteria for being an awful candidate being highly unpopular and losing to Trump are pretty big indicators. The sort of voter who hates The System was never going to vote for Hillary- whatever Bernie said- as she's the epitome of the system insider whose career was deliberately sculpted to aim at the presidency and whose campaign was certainly seen as using every insider trick available to win including suborning party machinery for her benefit before being confirmed. Hillary simply was not at all inspiring to the average Bernie supporter, and made little effort to be either. Bernie can tell his people to swallow a lemon and vote for her but it isn't a cult, he cannot force them to. I'd expect much the same if Bernie won the nomination, if Hillary endorsed him (and it was like pulling teeth getting her to endorse Obama) not all her supporters would have heeded her call.
  3. Bit post facto, but her attitude to Bernie voters after the 2016 election and in 2020 suggests she was certainly... not in disagreement with the Bernie Bro stereotype even if she didn't personally and actively promote it. Promoting stuff she didn't want to say personally was, after all, what Correct the Record/ Shareblue et alia were for; also there was the rather ridiculous SM campaign they instituted against Pepe for being a 'racist symbol' so it isn't like they didn't have form. HRC was such an awful candidate and bad loser that it is certainly easy to associate every bad decision to her, but if her supporters were willing to tar Bernie with his overenthusiastic supporters then it's certainly fair for the reverse to happen too and she be tarred with her 'bad' supporters. There was certainly a lot of attempts to blame Bernie for the loss in 2016- "didn't campaign enough for Hillary" when he had more campaign rallies for Clinton once Hillary was confirmed than Hillary herself had- when they were desperately looking for someone other than the Democratic establishment to blame for the loss. On conservatism vs centrism, I would generally regard little c conservatists as being centrists in general. In part because what constitutes left and right shifts by country so the US Democratic Party in New Zealand would be solidly right wing, not left wing. But in both places the bulk of the two big parties are staunchly status quo when it comes to big ticket non social items and differ mostly on implementation and details. OTOH big C Conservatism is strongly embedded in right wing politics. I'd probably make the same observation about liberalism too for most countries, but the US definition of 'liberal' has diverged far too much from other countries' usage.
  4. Centrism is basically maintenance of the overall status quo, so if the status quo is bad then centrism is a bad thing. There may, of course, be worse alternatives to it though. There certainly were some people who'd fit the Bernie Bro moniker, there are always such for all political movements. But the objection to the moniker in general would be twofold: Firstly, on the practical front, it was counterproductive since it didn't encourage people to vote for Clinton, rather the reverse. That ended up being a bit of a running theme with her campaign though, she took votes for granted when she wan't pointlessly alienating others. That, in the end, is how she contrived to lose to Trump. Secondly, and more relevant to why it's typical of the stereotype progressive 'left' it was used mostly to try and shut people up rather than because Bernie Bros actually existed. Having and expressing opinions that others disagree with is not being aggressive, and a lot of the identity politics stuff reduces, ultimately, to trying to get people who disagree with you to shut up by labeling them as being --ist (sexist, mostly for Bernie Bros) so that only your opinion gets expressed. Hillary stans might be disappointed that not everyone supported her acritically, but they shouldn't have been. Bernie Bro had exactly the same purpose and function as 'libcuck' had for Trump supporters; it was an easy way to dismiss those expressing certain views without addressing the view itself. And, of course and as typical with most such things, Bernie Bro is itself an --ist term; they might genuinely believe that no true woman could go against her X chromosome and prefer Bernie (or Trump for that matter) over Hillary, but that wasn't reality. Indeed, ironically, libcuck is actually less --ist than Bernie Bro.
  5. The critical problem there is that all too often being overtly 'progressive' is the only leftist stuff those people actually do, because it's easy to complain on Twitter and there's a built in audience for it. If you were supporting Hillary over Bernie in 2016 you weren't a leftist no matter if you were voting for a woman because she was a woman, you're at best a centrist because all Hillary's important stuff was status quo centre right economic and aggressive foreign policy orthodoxy with a few minimal garnishes to appeal to people who wanted Bernie and a bunch of identity policy hand waving. Indeed, the whole 'Bernie Bro' thing could not have been better crafted to illustrate how moronic the pseudo left's approach was. Sure, label the people you want to vote for your candidate as a bunch of young aggressive white guys bullying and yelling at poor delicate Hillary supporters. What are they going to do, vote for Trump?
  6. I'd expect any rightist to have an interest in supporting similar philosophies in other countries, especially the US since it is important*. It's not really any more surprising than having Obama stans among more lefty international board members. Most of the left leaning international board members supported Bernie; maybe not as assiduously as Skarpen supports Trump but then Bernie isn't President nor candidate. But you can be assured that if Bernie were a candidate I would be regaling the forum with my rendition of L'Internationale in his honour, daily. *I'd very strongly suspect that Skarpen would support Orban in Hungary as well, we just don't hear about it because with all due respect Hungary isn't anywhere near as important internationally as the US is. The current Polish government is very strongly Trumpist (well, Orbanist is probably more accurate but few people know who Viktor Orban even is) and quite isolated in Europe because of it and they need international cover.
  7. Bruce's views are exactly those you'd expect from a white South African banker. The dude trolls like long lines behind a fleet of Chinese tuna boats denuding the Pacific but him being terrified of anything even close to 'violent left wing anarchists' on the streets is and has always been 100% consistent. eg his views are also absolutely consistent with those he has expressed about more local issues like the Marikana massacre.
  8. In some cases what they will actually be getting is analysis of their own influence operations. In others you just get lots of pandering to whoever is shouting loudest. Lots of politicians and the like seem baffled by reality not matching what they're hearing from Social Media. Election campaign here, and the opposition had clearly done a load of social media analysis stuff so tailored a bunch of policy and complaints from it. But that was effectively just targeting the loudest voices; and the trouble was that the loudest voices are almost always those who are complaining about stuff rather than those who are happy about it. So they ended up complaining, a lot, about the covid response and put out a load of contradictory "we'd go harder earlier on restrictions, but also we'd be more like Sweden and take a relaxed approach; and shut down the borders harder and earlier, but also let tourists back into the country!" because that's what the loudest SM voices were saying- but when polls were released there was 90% approval for the covid response and National dropped into the 20s from the 40s in terms of voting intentions. They'd almost certainly have done better literally gagging themselves for the past 6 months rather than trying to cater to those yelling loudly on SM.
  9. Strix Vega64 has 200/220W stock BIOSes*. So the usual simple overclock is +50% power limit -> 300/330W, I'd presume the BIOS of whoever made yours probably has the power limit upped by default. (I've been at stock power for the last year, undervolting and memory overclock gets most of the performance increase of taking the power limit off without the card sounding like it's trying to achieve orbit; and a stable memory overclock is more difficult with the extra heat) *Practical draw averages ~210W on my card
  10. Vega64 is quite an interesting comparison power usage wise to the 3080. I've had my Vega64 overclocked and it has almost exactly the same performance/ power balance for its last 100W as the 3080 has; ie going from 210W stock to 320W gives ~10% extra performance (plus a decent bit more for memory overclocking) while 3080 going from 220W to 320W (stock) also gives ~10% performance. If Vega was notoriously bad at power scaling at the upper end Ampere pretty much has to be labeled the same; though that may well mean that Ampere is very efficient below the top end as Vega was. (I'd pretty strongly suspect that 10% is where nVidia expects Big Navi to land. Those coolers on the FE are not cheap and only really necessary because of that extra 100W, and they could balance lower power draw/ performance with it being a 'great overclocker' for those who don't care about heat. Only reason I can see for it is because they expect competition at that level)
  11. Think there are multiple issues at play there I think 1) nVidia overegged the pudding. The good thing about using up to [performance metric] is that people don't see the 'up to', the bad thing about it is also that they don't see the 'up to'. 1.9x performance/ watt? 2x performance of the 2080? If you're believing that sort of claim without the 'up to' and context of them being very different use cases then the actual performance is a disappointment, relatively, even if performance is objectively good. 2) While Ampere is a big improvement over Turing in value Turing was a historically poor improvement over Pascal. Ampere's performance/ value gain is a correction from the previous 'bad' generation and is nowhere near as much of an improvement when compared to Pascal. That was largely acknowledged by Jensen at the presentation when he appealed to Pascal owners to upgrade because now there was a point to it. 3) The cards are very hot and hungry. At least some of the people who loved to make jokes about how hot Vega was might be seeing the irony. 4) Not so much for the general user but a lot of people really thought they would be on TSMC 7nm and are disappointed at the tradeoffs Samsung 8nm represents.
  12. Meh, that's like the "94% of people dying from covid had underlying conditions" thing. It's true, but deeply misleading, when used out of context. Fundamentally, something you can definitely do that helps (ie mask wearing) is always better at providing protection than something you could potentially do sometime in the future assuming it works and is safe (get vaccinated). If both are available doing both is better than doing one or the other. Digression: Kind of funny in a way, it's generally the same people who embiggen Sweden's failed herd immunity approach who seem to be against vaccination despite it being the epitome of and instant granter of herd immunity theory. Well, so long as vaccine efficiency is above that required for herd immunity and everyone takes it, but even a 50% effective vaccine is most of the way there.
  13. 3080S/Ti at some point seems pretty likely since there's a huge price gap to the 3090 and one of the more persistent rumours is of a 3080 with more memory being produced. I wouldn't expect too much from factory overclocked models though. Per Gamers Nexus the last 10% stock performance increases power draw by 100W, and you'd have to presume reviewers have had binned cards sent to them. An overclock is going to be very hungry.
  14. It won't be an incorrect reading. They'll have had it checked by multiple other groups to confirm it. A mistake there and that simple would be career ending for the researchers and for whoever approved publication. OTOH I'd have to agree that the belief that all pathways except for a biological one have been excluded is fundamentally hard to support for an environment as different as Venus's is from Earth.
  15. Minsc? Brave Minsc, following equally brave Khalid in trying to single handedly attack an Ogre in the Nashkel wilds. That's also how I knew that the 'Minsc' in Irenicus' dungeon was an imposter so left him there to be squashed flat. The thought of Minsc teaming up with Lilarcor, it's enough to make me consider taking a drill to my frontal lobes even without having experienced it directly. Other observations: 1) Jan Jensen is all the comic relief I'll ever need. Turnips >>> Boo. 2) Disturbing lack of appreciation for Edwin in this thread Meh, Anomen was so insufferable I always deliberately 'failed' his quests. I guess that does make him good at eliciting a reaction though and thus by some measures a good character...
  16. IF frequency is meant to be decoupled from RAM speed in Zen3? Grain of salt, I cannot remember where I saw that, I do remember it being described as potentially like the old Northbridge/ FSB overclocking. There are certainly IF 'dividers' added in the new AGESA per 1usmus.
  17. +15% IPC and +10% clocks plus 8 core ccxs and way better inter ccx latency were what I've heard. Zen1-> Zen2 was +15% IPC and ~+25% clockspeed, with a full node shrink, so I'd agree that rumours are probably overstating things. (Zen2 actually has an IPC lead in desktop already, albeit in large part due to Intel being stuck on skylakes for 4 years. Intel's gaming lead is due to its frequency lead and less latency with ringbus. Intel has the slight IPC lead on mobile with icelake, but way worse efficiency, core count and clock speeds there; though tigerlake may improve some of those significantly)
  18. Fun (?) Fact (?) Danish people don't call Danish Pastries 'Danishes'. They call them 'Viennas'. Same as New Zealanders don't call Kiwifruit 'Kiwis', we call them 'Chinese Gooseberries'.
  19. It wasn't just WB who wouldn't let Peter Jackson do his job though. The Sir Peter Jackson who ran The Hobbit project was not the same Peter Jackson who ran the LotR project. Should have stuck to his guns and had an external director- or not brought in del Toro and done it himself initially and asterisk The Lovely Bones- should have stuck to his guns and not had a trilogy, and the development overall was run about as badly as LotR's was run well. Then again I'm just bitter at Jackson that's there's never been a Bad Taste 2.
  20. Wonder how long it takes to get the chips packaged up and distributed. Huawei is out of TSMC come the end of the month, so there will be a lot of capacity suddenly free especially with 5nm continuing to come on line. They might actually have decent availability for both launches, for once.
  21. I will never cease to be amused by reports on Novichok. Ten times more deadly than nerve gas, a teaspoon full could kill thousands, manages to kill precisely none of the people its been targeted at while getting detected both times. Then again officially Andrei Lugavoy was wandering around for days covered in Po210 after allegedly poisoning Litvenenko, which set a low bar for credibility and for credulous acritical reporting. Surely, the capital would have to be Kalmar. There are sanctions on Turkey, for buying Russian S400 instead of the overpriced and underperforming Patriots that the US refused to sell them anyway though rather than for their campaign of ethnic cleansing, rape, kidnapping, murder etc in occupied Syria or the similar earlier campaign in Cyprus with a bit less nutbar cannibal child killer jihadi use but added colonisation instead. Given to Ukraine by Krushchev, a Ukrainian. Strangely enough the one decision by Stalin you will find westerners consistently defend is... Georgian Joe handing over Abkhazia and South Ossetia to Georgia. And since it's come up yet again, Crimea has voted to leave Ukraine no less than three times and arguably 4 times. Firstly in 1991 Crimea voted to leave Ukraine (95% for) but got gazumped by the USSR breaking up. Secondly in 1994 they elected a pro secession government in another landslide, Ukraine sent in 70,000 troops and abolished Crimean autonomy by fiat next year after Crimea's parliament tried to implement its policies. They then wrote a no secession clause into their constitution. While the Crimeans were meant to get a new constitution voted on by them they never actually did, because they wouldn't approve what Ukriane offered and instead got a constitution imposed by the Rada. Then after the coup in 2014- and if secession is illegal by the Ukrianian Constitution then so was that, just stating facts and logic- to remove the President Crimea overwhelmingly voted for they finally got to express their will and leave the country that had suppressed and crushed their aspirations for 22 years. And it was all perfectly legal, thanks to the west's precedent setting invasion of Yugoslavia and unilateral separation of Kosovo from Serbia. Bit more democratic than the referendum declaring Kosovo's independence*, at least, and Crimea had the actual democratic processes of 1991 and 1994-5 to refer back to. They also declared independence then asked to join the RF, technically, because that was the legal way to do it. *Hint: no referendum took place there, but that was OK because western project.
  22. AMD ruining my predictions of 5nm 5000series PCIe5 DDR5 AM5 by deciding to rationalise their confusing and nonsensical CPU naming scheme. (Zen3 announcement 8 Oct with desktop being 5000 series not 4000 series; RDNA2 announcement 28 Oct for anyone wanting a summary)
  23. Xbox Series S specs now released: Targeting up to 120hz/ 1440p. Not going to reach it for most games one suspects. 8/16 Zen 2 CPU same as the X series 20CU RDNA GPU 1.55Ghz (X has 52/ 1.8Ghz) 10GB GDDR6 RAM/ 500GB NVMe SSD/ download software only no optical drive (16GB for X) AI assisted upscaling via Azure (~DLSS; also on X though hardly anyone mentioned it and many seem to be treating this feature as a new announcement) 300USD
  24. Some pistol might be more practical, but it misses the point. They are, at heart, larping as a Basij in some Wisconsin town, whole point is to prominently carry a big gun to let everyone there know you're packing heat. If they could get hold of an M2 they'd probably make a F150 technical and drive around in that as well.
  25. White South African banker? I'd be surprised if he wasn't terrified of antifa/ blm. (Julius Malema, as an example of what might broadly be classified as RSA 'BLM')
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