have you pushed the hotfix patch? it seems to work now, I did play as client for some time and haven't got the memory error as host now.
as for the autosaves, I never see them when I start a game, they only show when I go to the save menu in game, are they supposed to be erased at logout or at start? (we had a crash when getting out of the pond lab, and had no autosave when restarting the game)
edit: got memory error game crash exactly at the same time, when swimming to the surface after exiting the lab through the siphon
edit:edit: we manage to get out of the lab by exiting one by one and slower (for the first two attempts wich lead to a crash, we were exiting together and straight to the surface). don't know if it's related
edit to the edit of the edit: memory crash again, seems to happen when the host swims fast to the surface (fin flops + sprint)