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Kevin O'Hara

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Everything posted by Kevin O'Hara

  1. Thanks very much! Gamertags Stonedprophet and InfamousCow.
  2. Our Oak Tree Base. Will be opening up the game to visitors soon. Gamertag: Stonedprophet
  3. If you find a solution pleas post it. I resigned myself to the fact that that folder will be 1gb or whatever with all those saves. Until they correctly allow us to delete them (in-game I’m guessing which is tedious), it will be what it is. But at least we can play now?
  4. UPDATE As of 0.32: I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game 3 times and on my 3rd time, after I waited for the cloud syning loop to continue finish, it finally did. After it finished i restarted the game and could FINALLY save the game again. This is on PC Gamepass current patch. For those of you still experiencing the "Mas Save Slots Used" and the syncing data pop-up loop, I suggest just let it go for a while. Maybe takes 20 minutes maybe 2 hours, i have no idea. But that worked for me. Asisde from that I am not experiencing any major issues aside from the ones I was previously having. Lag/De-sync hot/client issues
  5. Would be interested to know if this is fixed completely in this 0.32 hotfix.
  6. UPDATE: I finally heard back direct from OBSIDIAN SUPPORT but it’s mostly what I thought. At least they are aware and working on it “ Hello Kevin, I'm sorry you ran into this issue with the save files . The team is aware of a few variations of this issue and are still investigating the cause in the hopes that they can get a fix out as soon as possible. In the meantime, some players have reported that uninstalling and reinstalling Grounded triggered their cloud saves to resync and brought their saves back. It may be worth trying this to gain back any lost progress until the team can get a fix out that prevents these save issues. If you happen to learn anything else about this save issue or if you run into any other issues, please don't hesitate to let us know so we can look into those as well. In case it helps, we recently created a Grounded Issue Tracker and Grounded Feature Board if you want to check the status and latest information about commonly reported issues and new features coming to Grounded. Thank you for letting us know about this issue with your save files and sorry again for all the trouble it has been causing. --William BeasleyPlayer Support Analystsupport@obsidian.net”
  7. Having the same issue with Ziplines as well. Works great for host but client gets kicked if they are even in the game at all. Client gets kicked when building sometimes but this is a known issue to do with size of bases and number of static assets in the world. Platform: Gamepass/PC Mode: Multiplayer/2 Players In terms of losing items and mutations, that has happened as well. A workaround we have found is to just have the host revert to a previous autosave and then rejoin. Sometimes just rejoining a few times resolves this. May not work for all though
  8. Tried going into “Add/remove programs” and removing it there? The one in the Control Panel Sometimes the windows uninstall scripts are not reliable for one reason or another. Also, make sure your windows is up to date.
  9. Yeah. I had the same issue in terms of a fresh re-install and getting stuck in a loop. It’s acting like the game is trying to ping the cloud server and part of the code just keeps accidentally triggering it over and over without resolution. Well now we know, with more certainty that reinstalling has zero effect. Good luck to us all in patiently waiting.
  10. Game pass doesn’t give you any option to modify the way you save, i.e. disable cloud saves. In the gamepass version (not sure about steam) it won’t even let you get into any game without it syncing with the cloud. I’ve tried any number of options for removing files and replacing them with backups, and while I can sometimes access those saves, it doesn’t matter. the old ones just come back and fill up all the slots which keeps creating the save error. again, hopefully will be fixed soon. Obviously if ANYONE hears of a workaround, we’d all like to know.
  11. Eun, I am having the same issue. The cloud services is re-download/re-constituting those saves from its last known state. And yes, they are all jumbled in terms of data and files being put in individual folders instead a root folder for that save. As Redneck mentioned earlier, it’s a sync issue, and I agree. For whatever reason our cloud footprints are not registering new save activity or, perhaps not even connecting to the game properly. This is resulting in the cloud syncs “looping” and insisting that our saves are maxed out, and putting its last known saves back into our computer. I have tested this multiple times after multiple reinstalls. As of right now I have reinstalled the game 4 times, tried different hard drives, tried turning off all other services that could interfere, and nothing has helped. After my latest reinstall I get the cloud data syncing loop over and over and can’t even get into a game at all. So I’m just waiting. I’ve email obsidian support multiple times and sent a recent save file too. Not sure what else to do.
  12. I did uninstall and reinstall. And the issue persisted. I had 0 saves and then upon game startup it had synced all my old saves and said max slots used. Though I’m happy to try again to see if that helps.
  13. Glad to hear it. As of last night I still have the same issue. I don’t think it’s any better or worse, but I still can’t save. Still getting the “Max Save Slots Used” error in single player and multiplayer. I’ve sent another email to obsidian support regarding the issue after the 3.1 update. It may be user specific, as in issues tied to specific Microsoft accounts and some specific cloud issue with said account. Who knows.
  14. I have just posted about this issue and am having the same exact symptoms and messages. The physical files are repopulating in the “Saved Games” folder in windows after deletion and restart of the game. It is absolutely a cloud sync issue of some kind. And “ESED” is most likely “USED” spelled incorrectly. I have also sent an email to obsidian regarding this issue. I am unable to save my game and can no longer progress. HOWEVER: I have successfully shared my save file with a friend who was able to “re-name” it and run it as the host (he is usually joining and I’m hosting). This allows us to continue playing however there are still bad de-sync issues for us and I get kicked every time he builds something. we’ll just have to wait for a patch. I’m sure they are working on it and are aware of all of these issues. It seems like their net code could use some polishing.
  15. Good to know I’m not the only one. My friend was actually able to use one of my latest save files once he renamed the parent folder with the long number/letter string to the one I have on MY system, thereby “tricking” his computer to think it’s me. At least I think so anyhow. In any case, he can now host my save file, and can save the game from his system, with me joining his game. However, it still suffers from client crashes (I’m the client now) when ziplines are built. Also, when he builds structures in game, I get kicked 7/10 times. The same issue I was having when I was the host. so at least there is some consistency? Hope they get this ironed out soon. We really love this game.
  16. I’ve done some more digging in the save game folders and in the actual game. It seems there is a bug in the cloud saves, more specifically: -deleting the save games ingame does nothing as the reappear after closing the game and reopening it -normally on your PC in the Saved Games folder, your saves are stored in a folder with long number/letter strings as a name for that one save. In my case, the game is making a **** tone of saves, all time stamped the same, for one save. I.e. it’s over populating/repopulating the deleted saves with new ones or the same one a million times. needless to say, there is no direct access to cloud saves via the web and I’ve also experienced a huge lag in even the game showing the saves, or in some cases an infinite load time as it tries to ping the cloud server.
  17. Greetings all! First off, I just want to say to the Dev Team, I love this game. I know there are a lot of issues many are having, but the core building gameplay and survival mechanics are really re-playable for me. That being said, with this latest patch, like many others, I've had a few issues. Really, the first I've encountered throughout the my entire play experience since launch. The first issue, and really its made the game unplayable at the moment, is I can no longer save any instance of the game. When going to save it says "CANNOT SAVE: MAX SAVE SLOTS ESED" which I'm guessing is just a misspelling of "USED" (see image). I have physically deleted older saves from inside the Saved Games folder in windows AND from the inside the game itself, and it does nothing. I can not overwrite any save file as well. I have tried loading it into Single Player as well, but the result is the same. I have been using AutoSave every 5 minutes throughout my entire time playing so I know i've build up a backlog of Save Files, but its as if the game doesn't register any of my deletions. So that's a bummer since any further progress I make won't be saved. The second issue is with the zip lines. They work great for me as the host but placing down an anchor points and connecting them crashes the game for my friend in MP. Literally as soon as he rejoins, it crashes the game for him as long as the zipline is there. We tested it out multiple ways (having him build them, having each of us build one, etc..) and the result was the same. Maybe other's have experienced this as well, I'm not sure. Lastly, and I know this has been brought up here and on social media, but my friend and I experience a 5-7 second lag every time a structure is built, regardless of who places it or finishes it. My friend is also experiencing slow "draw in" of some larger portions of out base, and sometimes he can't even see parts of it. Again, I know this has already been brought up, but I thought it might be relevant to one of the other issues. We think its an inherent de-sync in the Host/Client communication. Also, out base is HUGE and we have probably WAAAAAY to many static build assets in the game so that is probably slowing things down. In any case, if anyone has a solution for the Save Game issue on PC, that would be really helpful. Everything else is not much of an issue at the moment but I can't continue playing until I can save again. Here are my PC Specs for reference: Machine name: DESKTOP-S8Q4OBF Machine Id: {5A2F069F-E1E0-4488-94B9-A2B00671CD66} Operating System: Windows 10 Home 64-bit (10.0, Build 19041) (19041.vb_release.191206-1406) Language: English (Regional Setting: English) System Manufacturer: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. System Model: MS-7B17 BIOS: A.71 (type: UEFI) Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz (16 CPUs), ~3.6GHz Memory: 32768MB RAM Available OS Memory: 32706MB RAM Page File: 9497MB used, 28071MB available Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS DirectX Version: DirectX 12 DX Setup Parameters: Not found User DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent) System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent) DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled Miracast: Available, with HDCP Microsoft Graphics Hybrid: Not Supported DirectX Database Version: 1.0.8 DxDiag Version: 10.00.19041.0488 64bit Unicode Card name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Manufacturer: NVIDIA Chip type: GeForce RTX 2070 DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC Device Type: Full Device (POST) Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1F02&SUBSYS_37311462&REV_A1 Device Status: 0180200A [DN_DRIVER_LOADED|DN_STARTED|DN_DISABLEABLE|DN_NT_ENUMERATOR|DN_NT_DRIVER] Device Problem Code: No Problem Driver Problem Code: Unknown Display Memory: 24383 MB Dedicated Memory: 8031 MB Shared Memory: 16352 MB
  18. Hi all. I too have tried all those methods of getting eggs to spawn. I have yet to go on a full on Ant hunt across the map but I’m guessing it’s what many of you have said. They are glitched out somewhere and need to be killed. My save is from one of the earliest patches and I can’t start over unless it’s for a specific update. My base is to huge and to have to rebuild it would be tragic. hopefully they can work out a way to save people’s working saves through patches but I’ll go on that ant hunt soon and see if that makes a difference.
  19. Still looking for any advice on this. I’ve looked through the .sav files for keywords in the code related to difficulty, but to no avail. It’s not a setting I just change and it may be impossible, which will be sad since my house is pretty sweet with its giant staircase into the sky. If I have to restart on a higher difficulty, then that’s what I’ll do.
  20. Hey there all! Just wondering is anyone has been able to find a way to increase/decrease the difficulty once you have started a game. I started on mild and would like to up the difficulty but I havent found a way so far. I even tried to open the saved game files to see if I could edit a line of code where the difficulty is stated. Let me know if anyone has any info. Thanks! -Kevin
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