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lord of flies

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Everything posted by lord of flies

  1. Your tears are like sweet sweet nectar to my lips.
  2. Still no warnings in my PM inbox or my email, don't get your hopes up. Even if there is a warning waiting in the wings, at this rate it'd take me nearly a year to get banned.
  3. Whoa whoa, wait, insulting to people with alternate sexual orientations? What are you saying here? I refuse to ask questions of those who use blatantly religionist terms like 'thrice-damned' when claiming to be good communists. It's poetic license.
  4. Tasteless, dry, and without any basis in "mature, living, historical materialism," as Comrade Lenin once put it.
  5. Are you criticizing his acquisition of the Nobel Prize from the left, that is, saying "Why did he get the Nobel prize right when he was about to meet with all his top generals and plan to kill Afghani civilians?" Or are you criticizing it from the right, that is, saying "Why did he get the Nobel prize when he's abandoning the War on Terror on behalf of his musselman brothers?"
  6. From the left or from the right, comrade?
  7. So, anybody here got some questions about my experience with the game? I'll answer to the best of my ability.
  8. What a coincidence. Modern militaries also often engage in this sort of behavior. For example, Guantanamo Bay, or the Israeli "Defense" Force's treatment of Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Territories. Replace "open gays in heterosexual units" with "black people in integrated units," blah-de-blah-de-da. Oh, I see, so I have to go kill some brown folks to "earn" the "right" to an opinion? Might I remind you that by definition, if something has to be earned, it is not a right?
  9. wha... who are you talking about? I hope that when you say "going from war to peace" you refer neither to Kissinger (whose involvement in the strategic bombing of Cambodia [which was HUGE scale, like greater than WW2 Japan IIRC] lead directly to the success of the Khmer Rouge and by extension the Vietnam-Cambodia war) nor to Obama (who has been stepping up military presence in Afghanistan).
  10. A certain exceptional mental character can certainly a positive characteristic for a good communist. To call such character "deranged" is obviously quite silly though.
  11. He didn't even bomb the **** out of Cambodia. How can we take this seriously?
  12. He killed the United States President who put the country in Vietnam. If he was "unappreciated" and "miserable," that does not change the fact that one of his primary motivations was Marxism. Emotional causes often lead to great men of action taking a stance; the death of Lenin's brother was a pivotal moment in his political life, for instance.
  13. No. He won't. A US President is a United States President. Same as it ever was. We've come too far to have a president be a dove now. Fun Fact #2: Gandhi wasn't good enough.Ghandi believed blacks were inferior to Indians and believed in an India where Indians and whites would walk all over them.
  14. No. The CIA could not even pull off an invasion of the exiles in Operation Zapata, despite having pulled one off less than a decade prior with Operation PBSUCCESS. They are incompetent pieces of human trash whose rare success meets only the death of third- and second-worlders, not the end of the life of the Man Who Started Vietnam.
  15. It's called entryism, newbie. I'll remind you that the great american communist Lee Harvey Oswald was a former marine. He was a terrible communist, the USSR booted him out because he was a big whiner. He killed the President of the United States at least in part because of his "commitment to Marxism and communism."
  16. It's called entryism, newbie. I'll remind you that the great american communist Lee Harvey Oswald was a former marine.
  17. Add in more options for Marxist-Leninist, anarchist and other ultra-leftist ideologies. I hope.
  18. Pfft. We all know "who she really is" or "wherever she really came from." Cerberus put together some kind of mind-**** supersoldier project, she's totally screwed in the head because of it. Everything else will ultimately be either immaterial or obvious to someone who recognizes hinting within the first few minutes of the game.
  19. "Uncultured?" I would remind you, comrade, that "culture" is a concept foisted on the proleteriat in an attempt to control our minds and to provide distraction from global revolution- in fact, much as religion is the opiate of the people, culture can be said to be its methamphetamine. Actually, you thrice-damned anti-revisionist, the existence of a cultured and educated proletariat is a fundamental necessity for the revolution. Prior to the October Revolution, Marxists all agreed on that simple fact (and thus thought that the revolution could not occur in undeveloped countries like Russia), and even the Bolsheviks built a big chunk of their early foreign policy waiting on a German revolution to occur.
  20. All is not lost, I have heard rumours that the game may have been delayed to fix this very issue. Apparently they are swapping the capitalist running dog 'Bauer, Bourne, Bond' archetypes for 'Stalin, Trotsky, Marx'. It may not be perfect but I think it deserves a hearty 'congratulations comrades' and a spontaneous rendition (not in the fascio-bourgouis extrajudicial kidnap meaning) of the 'Internationale'. It's L'Internationale, you ****ing savage. Or, with a mild translation "the Internationale." The "Internationale" is meaningless, since there is no song by the name of Internationale, you uncultured swine.
  21. Eh I was working on my own superhero setting a while back and I used the name "Subject Zero" for the first superhuman (he was a Nazi who got shot up in Greenland and rediscovered by a Project Blue Book-esque organization in the late 80s with brain damage). It's not a bad name, but it doesn't make any sense for this character. What is she the "Subject Zero" of? A Cerebrus mind-**** project wouldn't be infectious, would it? Fake edit: holy **** I just spent like half an hour trying to find the definition of Subject Zero. It does refer to the original patient for an infectious disease, right?
  22. I always pay attention when anti-imperialism is being discussed. Always. Always.
  23. Maybe if you could make some sense I'd respond seriously to your posts, you silly communist you. What exactly didn't make sense about my post? Answer me that. Oh wait, you can't.
  24. You know what else works great if you're trying to be stealthy? Killing yourself. Wow, none of these pretend bad guys will see me now that I put a gun in my mouth and pulled the trigger until the gun went click, since my character will never move out of a "safe" area wherein he is not vulnerable to attack. Color me amused by your pathetic antics, you little subservient proletariat.
  25. Exactly, you can't kill them with it. Ooh, look, I can make noises which 'lure' them away, then shoot them. Or, I can just shoot them in the first place.
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