Ok last year I did one of these and now I'm doing it again...
my top ten games of the year (and for market analysis, the system i played them on and the price I paid)
1. Fallout: New Vegas (PC) - preordered
2. Mass Effect 2 (PC) - preordered
3. Red Dead Redemption (Xbox) full price, not preordered
4. Super Street Fighter 4 (Xbox) preordered
5. Starcraft 2 (PC) - full price
6. Assassins Creed Brotherhood (PS3) - half price
7. Heavy Rain (PS3) - bargain bin
8. Civilization 5 (PC) - gift
9. Splinter Cell Conviction (Xbox) - bargain bin
10. Castlevania Lords of Shadow (ps3) - half price
runners up: Battlefield Bad Company 2 (bargain bin PC), Limbo (full price, Xbox), Alpha Protocol (bargain bin, PC)
still planning to play: amnesia, Bayonetta, Darksiders, Alan Wake
and my favorite older game which I played this year= Red Faction: Guerilla