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Everything posted by HoonDing

  1. "Slaves built the White House." interesting not surprising though
  2. Putin is the oligarch of oligarchs tbh.
  3. Kiddin right? Might as well vote in a Flat Earther. EDIT: well, if Trump is gonna win...
  4. lol, Jill Stein is a medical doctor against vaccines and Johnson supports TPP. There really is no one to vote for.
  5. I'd vote Green tbh.
  6. Does US president have the authority to leave WTO and/or NAFTA? Sounds like something that would take years to renegotiate.
  7. Japan does have a proper military, article 9 in their constitution just assures they can only use their military in self defense. There's a political movement now to amend article 9 which might or might not eventually pass referendum (hard to say when so much of current Japanese youth are clueless about their nation's history). In any case amending article 9 because of a perceived China threat is highly ironic. Only tangible threat is North Korea but China keeps them in check.
  8. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article-3705792/Trump-says-US-pull-World-Trade-Organization.html Trump doesn't know countries like Germany, Japan, etc. pay billions for the upkeep of American bases? Gonna be fun times for US army when they're all closed.
  9. If you shoot a gun in a random direction in the center of any European German big city, you're 65% likely to hit a foreigner.
  10. I casually looked over the Putinleaks, seemed like Marketing 101 to me tbh.
  11. "At least with Trump, u know where he stands and what his issues are." Yeah man, he wants to build a great wall. Never mind the cost and logistics (let alone getting past Congress) and that it'll probably never be completed during his lifetime.
  12. What are they going to do about it? Shoot someone?
  13. Openly insulting a disabled person is enough for me. I expect basic human decency in a presidential candidate.
  14. He's gonna make America great again. If you hate him, you're a librul cuck.
  15. "Still, I do not understand people complaining that JRPGs are only grind fests... I have not needed to grind in any modern JPRG, which I have played since I own PS3 to finish the game. Only when I have decided to go for all sidequests. Even Star Ocean 4, the game, which picture is in dictionary next to explanation to word grind, can be finished in less than 50 encounters *shrugs*." Only bad players need to grind.
  16. So we have an immigrant going full Breivik. Next thing to happen will be ISIS blowing up the Qaaba.
  17. In a better world, Johnson is running vs Stein.
  18. Yuroppan police beat you with sticks. Murrican police shoot you dead. Chinese police do both.
  19. Drumpf imitated a disabled person who criticized him live on television. He's liable to make slanty eyes when talking to the Chinese.
  20. Stealth only becomes really effective fully maxed.
  21. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_largest_trading_partners_of_the_United_States anyone can explain why US has trade deficit with Ireland? Switzerland is probably watches?
  22. wir schaffen das
  23. When will Drumpf's tax returns be released tho You just know Shillary will counter every argument about the emails with it
  24. They have to go back.
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