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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. Inspired by all the ironman action on the forum, here is mine: BG2 Ironman: Watcher's Keep Yep, WK only. I will create six characters and Shadowkeeper them the way the playaz want. Your character will be in the 15th-23rd level range, depending on class (i.e. one and three quarter million XP, in your early high-level ability range). Ask for appropriate equipment / goodies that you'd reasonably expect at that level. You must use your forum name, but apart from that post a quick character bio, stats, profile etc. The six that amuse me most will make the cut. Obz staff are also welcome, if you could be arsed. Remember: It's Watcher's Keep ironman - core rulez. Dead characters will be replaced by the next on the list. Who will pwn Demogorgon? I can't remember what mods I've got installed at the moment, I think I have that crazy tactical mod you get at the start of WK that we could do for the lulz. I, as you all know, am a traditional kinda gamer and a complete Nazi as a Dungeon Master so we need: Fighters x3, Mage, Cleric and Thief. Obviously, you can mix and match kits and multi-class (no dual-classing kids, can't be arsed micro-ing in shadowkeeper) and you can be as twinky as you like (Ranger / Cleric? No problem). Cheers MC
  2. Then it's not really Syndicate is it? It's a FPS based on Syndicate. Nothing necessarily wrong with that, the sky won't fall in, but there's nothing wrong with veracity. You can call vodka and pineapple juice a bloody mary all day, but it doesn't make it so.
  3. State of Play is very good.
  4. A follow-up story: Police (& Media) Now Playing up D&D Connection to Murder We all have a duty not to take seriously the way the MSM treats serious stories in August.
  5. Hilarious. The link is FUBAR.
  6. The chick outside WK sells the Short Sword of Mask +4, it has a 25% no save chance of entangling an opponent and retails at about GP14.000. You don't even have to set foot in the place to buy it.
  7. None, it'll be fine. It's pretty robust, I installed it off of a seven-year old freebie disc from a gaming magazine on top of a clean install and it was fine. I like Windows 7.
  8. No, that chemistry is intrinsic in the process is obvious, but appreciation of the end product is an art. Not a science.
  9. A page is turning, every game store I go into these days has one small shelf of PC games and rows and rows and rows of massive displays for console.
  10. ^ Did you try crying when the cop got the ticket out? It always works for me.
  11. ^ Agreed, it's one of the reasons I can't be arsed to re-install it. Which is a shame because as a tactical, turn-based 3E D&D combat sim it's really very, very good. It also looks prettier on the screen than on the pics posted here, it's not butt-ugly. Yeah, the GUI is horrible and the portraits are a disgrace but the actual avatars etc are nicely done, like a really polished infinity engine game.
  12. I spent a full half hour playing with the alienFX on my new laptop, making pretty colours.
  13. Why not learn some proper life skills, like how to navigate a wine list and also how to cook properly. Where you live is a wine and foodie heaven in terms of produce. And let's be honest, the ladies love a man who can cook... but chemistry? Unless the chick is strange and digs crystal meth labs, I suppose. Cookery is full of science, I didn't give a fig about physics or chemistry until I started cooking properly!
  14. ^ Yes, you should. ToEE is one of those games I just weep about when I think of installing it and setting it up, but I guess Nightshape might be able to help. Did you use the circle of 8 patch? Am pretty sure that fixes it. I am thinking of doing a BG2 ironman. Edit: I don't have BG1 / TotSC installed, but if anybody is thinking of doing another IE game one a Durlag's Tower only mini-ironman would be awesome, would love to see it.
  15. Shadowkeeper, every time. I edit her to ++ in scimitars and +++ in two-weapon style, give her the scimitar that gives 2x attacks / rd and a girdle of giant strength. Then she turns into a half-decent fighter.
  16. It's a bug, one of many. Patch it.
  17. Monte Carlo


    ^ Ha ha ha check out what the language filter did to that URL! Moderators, can you get a grip please this is ludicrous.
  18. Monte Carlo


    Am reading the Jerry Cornelius books by Michael Moorc0c..k damn that language filter! Louche, acid-trip hipster science-fantasy straight outta the 1970's you need to read this wearing a velvet smoking jacket and silver loon pants whilst taking a sip of absinthe. It's like, crazy, man. I urge you all to check it out and to get into the author, for my money one of the best sci-fi and fantasy authors of the 20th century: wiki entry for MM.
  19. I speak as an atheist of the "I-don't-give-a-damn-about-anyone's-imaginary-friend" wing. But you are very, very wrong here. You need, with respect, to go back and take a look at some medieval and renaissance history. Christianity was a core part of what became the separation of powers, it provided early cohesive glue in a pre-nationalist age, it looked after the poor and extolled virtues essential to the development of pre-industrial society and it was the cornerstone of educational provision and attainment. It was also in parts venal and corrupt. All organised religions have a capacity for this in abundance. But Christianity before and after Luther was an important and in many ways positive feature of the ascent of Western civilization.
  20. [techn00b]how do i post screenies?[/techn00b]
  21. B team need a thief, am happy to multi-class as Ftr / Thf, archer / dex fighter.
  22. :: sigh :: Now I've got to find my discs, install it, fiddle around with loads of voices and mods and portraits and patches to see if the community tidied it up properly...
  23. Maria, have you tried Titan Quest?
  24. Yeah, Virumor is on the money with Sacred 2, a very solid hour of hack'n'slash before bedtime. Plus it's dirt cheap now.
  25. About Gromnir, I think he'll turn up eventually to confirm or deny but I was about on the forums when BG2 came out... and I think the original GiK character was a high-WIS, low-INT barbarian. IIRC he stole the Cernd portrait for it.
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