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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. I salute you Jaesun, this thread is carved from a solid pillar of 22 carat win.
  2. You used to work at Guantanamo Bay, didn't you?
  3. In which case I nominate Prince Metternich.
  4. If we'd sent two sabre squadrons of Ewoks this never would have happened.
  5. ^ You are Charlie Sheen and I claim my ten dollars.
  6. Hmmm. The Indiana Jones movies are an interesting case in point as the first three movies aren't at all bad. In fact, I really like the third as much as the first. So I'm prepared to understand, if not forgive, the steaming pile of cack number four was. I suspect it was script-doctored / marketeered in a way that wasn't done in the 1980's.
  7. I'm glad you understand!
  8. ^ It's a very long time since I did my 'A' Levels but that was more or less how a question was framed, to wit: "The Congress of Vienna sowed the seeds of the nationalist movements of 1848" Discuss.
  9. By the way, if any DA2 players could post their favourite bits of epic Bio dialogue for the delectation of the forum I would be grateful. You might be astonished to learn that I am giving this meisterwerk a miss, but am still strangely compelled.
  10. Seeing as Nepenthe has declined, the heavy burden of let's play falls to you, young Tale. It had better be good, though.
  11. Looks like Rupert and Lofty have been sent home, somebody is in for an interview sans coffee...
  12. Cultural Studies 'A' level paper 2011 Charlie Sheen is a post-modern Chuck Norris. Discuss.
  13. +1. For the lulz.
  14. I don't know, at least Bay had Megan Fox wearing a pair of Daisy Dukes in one of his movies.
  15. I am now quoting myself, but that's because I have tiger blood running through my veins. Not only were the adventurers attacked by an airborne fruit salad, but there was a giant orc hiding amidst the fruit. Now, maybe I'm missing something, but a giant fruit salad with an orc hiding in it? We're firmly in Naked Lunch territory there, ladies.
  16. I don't doubt you, but I saw the trailer and it appeared to show three adventurers being attacked by a giant airborne fruit salad.
  17. Worse. They actually believe their own hype.
  18. BFBC2 is pretty tough for me, a non-FPS player. But it's fun, it's better than the original Crysis IMO. It looks great too, maybe as a RPG / RTS gamer I've never really be spoilt with uber-eye candy but the graphics are very satisfying on this game. Am terrified of MP though, because I have the reflexes of a house brick. Like the wise-cracking NPCs in my squad, too, am getting a Predator vibe in the central American rain-forest and hosing down shacks with MG fire is very cool.
  19. Personally I couldn't care less about what's inside the box a lot of the time, I want to talk about playing games. We're all gamers, right? And guess what? Most of us here have jobs and in those jobs there is BS, internal politics, egos, internal processes and systems that ain't optimal... it don't matter whether you're a civil servant or a baker or a code monkey or an accountant.
  20. I'm trying Vol, honestly I'm trying ::sobs::
  21. I think you're right IIRC.
  22. I'm playing a bit of Chaos Rising and I forgot how much I suck, am struggling to beat a CPU opponent!
  23. I can't wait until they announce DA3, I want to see how emo and cheesy they can get before they cause a schism in the cheese - emo continuum and herald the ascension of the ultimate emo-cheese akshun game daemon. Or something.
  24. Of the myriad of criticism one can level at the Dragon Age franchise, not being agreeably profitable isn't one them.
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