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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. I have no doubt that I will not like the gameplay in New Vegas (running around, gunning down stuff all the time). What I am looking forward to is how the story will evolve and the general additions to the Fallout canon. Also I am interested in the characters in the game and their stories. As example, I still don't like that the game only features one area and not a real worldmap with various locations, etc.
  2. Yeh, yeh, it's the same thing with the flies and the bull****. Just because many people like a game, it doesn't mean that it's a good game. Maybe it's just damn simple and easy to master for lots of people. Someone remembers "Moorhuhn"? It got millions of players, but damn... it was so ****ty damn boring and whatnot short time game.
  3. Well, Fallout 3 ran ok-ish on my computer with the settings I've assigned. As it has been said that the engine was optimized here and there in NV, I doubt that it will run more bad than Fallout 3 so... And even if, I could simply buy new hardware. Try this on a console. :>
  4. As I am playing on computer, I will not care about such stuff.
  5. I like how super mutants look like super mutants in it.
  6. Or the game still has so many bugs, that they need more hands to fix everything... last minute. I think this for sure might be fore DLCs. Let's just hope we will not see any Area 51 in any DLC. :>
  7. You'll probably kill me for this but I think there's potential for something good on the East Coast too. Just hire some better writers and keep the tweaks to the mechanics made by Obsidian for New Vegas. ... If it's like Fallout 3 I guess I'll just wait for Obsidian's next spin-off. Well, I don't mind to see a next Fallout game on the east coast. But damn. Bethesda just can't make good rpgs. What they make good is big sandbox worlds with editors for players to fill it up with sex and nude and lots of weapon mods.
  8. Well, there is no doubt that a Fallout 4 from Bethesda will suck again. But hey, maybe we would see the Enclave again!
  9. I hope Vault 17's experiment was that there was no experiment. This experiment crap is going far too far.
  10. Yes, I've heard about it (never played any Civ game except the first), but exactly this "unless you do stuff in different order"-thingy is what turns me off again (as it doesn't help the situation). By the way, the research part of Swords of the Stars comes close to what I mean. Now replace tech with some (critical?) skill roll.
  11. A bit off-topic, but I think it still somewhat fits Fallout: As we all know, skill-rolls in the actual game with save&load function are kind of worthless, because players can simply reload an older savegame. This nowdays has been countered by gamedevs with replacing it with fixed skill numbers / levels. Some people like it, some don't care and some (like me) have the feeling that this just feels bleh. Additionally to this, games nowdays have minigames (for lockpicking, etc.), to give everything a more interactive touche (which I hate too, but that doesn't matter now). So, a short while back, a few of my FOnline: 2238 team mates and me have sit down and randomly thought about this issue. We love skill rolls, but we agree that it's ****ty, as soon as the player is able to save&load all the time. Now this gave us a new idea: Still performing the skill roll but not in the moment, where the player is using skill x on object y, but in the very beginning of the game. These "pre-rolls" then will be saved. The player will start a new game, create his character and based on his stats (as example, luck could be involved), the basic values of the skill rolls (d100 roll?) for everything in the game, where a skill roll can be possible (in parts of dialogues, lockpicking of containers, stealing, etc.) will be saved and later used in the real calculation where they are needed. (Example: Roll_Hans_Machine_Repair:=56;) This would make it possible to use skill rolls again, which add a kind of little randomness and flow into the game, but also avoids that players are able to simply save&load until they succeed in a task. If they are not able to i. E. open a lock, they still have to higher their lockpick skill, but it will not be a fixed value like "skill% >= 50 == win" needed. The drawback of this, of course, will be that the more checks you have, the more pre-saved rolls are needed. I'll guess such thing could be helped out with adding kind of skill roll categories (like roll for simple lock, normal lock, simple pickpocket, hard pickpocket, etc.) or such stuff is only used for critical rolls of various kind. Obviously, this all is also a question of "is this even needed at all?" but I would like to keep that under the table for now. :> Anyway... I am a bit tired right now and I am not really sure if I could write it down now 100% like we talked about :> But I still think it's somewhat worth thinking about. If it wouldn't make so much work to test it out, I would try it in my Fallout 2 mod and replace skill checks in there with this. Anyone any ideas / feedback / thoughts about such a system? I especially would like to know what Josh would think about it, that's mainly why I posted this here and not somewhere else.
  12. Ugly piece of ****? Yes. :> Hate the Fallout 3 gauss. Hell, I even hate the Fallout 2 gauss. I hate the gauss in general and the horrible weapon balance that has Fallout 2. I am a german, my live is full of hate. Hurr durr. But I am serious. I don't like that weapons. /Edit: But what I like on that screen is actually the landscape. Helios One in the background looks pretty small, so I'll guess the desert part in between is pretty big.
  13. What the **** is this? Beastman? I mean, it looks better than the fugly tesla armor from Fallout 3, but still...
  14. Doubtful.
  15. For this, you have to see the vids first. :>
  16. Bleh, most of 'em are down already. Looks like ZeniMax is busy reporting videos to YouTube.
  17. Any news on that already? Two and a half minute aren't long, but I am tensed anyway. :>
  18. Neil the super mutant looks cool. But I hope, that straps aren't overused now. :> Also the landscape looks pretty good to me. Much better than Fallout 3.
  19. As I can see, this thread is at a point, where whole NMA is the devil again. This isn't even worth talking about, as it's plain bull****.
  20. To me it looks fallouty enough. Thing is, Fallout was always more Mad Max with 50s touche than 50s all around... In my opinion, Fallout 3 has kicked this whole 50s setting just too far and somewhat ruined it for me because of that.
  21. So it really will be finished by Gearbox now.
  22. Looks like here are posts deleted that have been unneeded to get deleted. What was so wrong with the screenshots from some different site that haven't even been scans? I mean... I can understand if scans are removed, but screenshots from a preview of some other site? A little bit overreacting, eh? Except if posting screenshots in here is forbidden as well. Then I can understand. Even though it's weired.
  23. I never liked that penny arcade stuff for Fallout 3. It is even more stupid than Fallout 3. Especially because I totally hate that vault experiment thing.. bleh. That long hair dude might have blond middle-long hair in the game later. It could look somewhat similar.
  24. Well, stuff like that was never officially said. Also it is still possible, that the player just doesn't know that the dudes name is Benny. So one can say, he doesn't know him. He knows how he looks like, but he doesn't know more about him. It was also said, that the player has *not* amnesia after he got hit in the head, so I really don't know why so many people go yadda-yadda on knowing what the package was. It most likely is nothing more than the ring in Arcanum was.
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