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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/middle-east/ISIS-jihadists-defecting-because-they-are-not-getting-luxury-goods-and-cars-as-promised/articleshow/49053381.cms Jihad's a bad career option it seems
  2. Pretty much, heh, read an article on the story and how it's nothing but a series of money shots and trailer-ready one liners. Well, it will be fun in LoTV when Amon tries to seize control of a big crystal to end creation and we need to blow him up with zerg souls or something. I hope there is a funny twist where Zeratul kills Kerrigan after Amon is defeated As an aside the Russian dub of the cutscenes sounds pretty cool, heh.
  3. http://www.gog.com/news/release_system_shock
  4. Depends, if it's with strangers I'll never see again it's pointless and awkward or they are trying to hold my attention for some nefarious reason.
  5. Ah, that camera woman had extremist-dar. First he's accused of being a smuggler, now this.
  6. Replaying Starcraft 2, shame the SP campaign isn't as subtly a series of "use the new unit" as I recall other games being.
  7. Well, all these people have a destination in mind, and it's not Europe, and Europe didn't send out an invite. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/21/we-must-act-together-on-refugees-says-merkel-as-eu-prepares-for-crisis-summit Pretty funny now, I guess.
  8. Well, he's right in that way. Should push for Germany to foot the bill to move these people.
  9. Yep, and the flaming hasn't worked out well for Sarkeesian and Quinn. Hah. Ah well. Wonder what the net will look like in 20 years.
  10. Might have some of them as leaders but doubt they will turn into a theocracy, at least not without the attempt leading to an ouster or a coup. Always have some zealous idiots that want to subjugate infidels, have them here (lead to a fun ass kicking in Uni once), but no big deal.
  11. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34308716?ocid=socialflow_facebook http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/carson-muslim-president-1.3235920 Something is funny about him saying that, but can't quite make it out.
  12. Yep, have seen that in a couple elections, was trying for a joke. Bit daft to point it out that way rather than emphasizing it in a positive way, in that they can be stronger than they are rather than they are weak, not ready or small. Is very funny, anyway to hear such concerns about the US military.
  13. Well, they are too weak to single handedly subjugate North Korea, Iran and Syria at the same time - perhaps that's what he meant.
  14. I'm waiting until they're available on Amazon.
  15. Does seem to be a conservative thing in the US, liberals in the US always seem to engage in self-loathing (half time is to suck up to Euros online, I'd wager). Bit of a silly to joke to make, not as if her native land has cranks any better.
  16. http://news.yahoo.com/eu-members-dont-help-refugees-wont-money-germany-062737661.html
  17. It is in Ontario, though not many people do it - was a case of some, ahem, 'activists' doing it and allegedly getting hassled by a cop, heh.
  18. Well, just that can't really see much in the way of 'inefficient' text in use here, also that it is so because it isn't a way apparent to just you so far, fancy enough - and not all that surprising I guess. Have to really strive for inefficient text as well, even Gromnir's RPing is easy enough once you ride it enough, as fun as that is. As for the inferior people bothering you, well, is one solution readily apparent, but not like you'd get that. I guess it is too easy to BS about that kind of 'science' in a way, and trying to get proof requires a lot of wasted time. That conclusion that hard sciences is good is right in a way when it comes to the paycheque, hah (another good way to wind up sensitive artsies, in my experience )
  19. While walking my dog, he suddenly perked up and burst into a run (well ok, a trot for a human), got a good laugh when it was a blonde lady rather than a squirrel like I expected. Dog has some issues.
  20. ...That doesn't really invalidate my observation of this practice being highly inefficient from a communication standpoint. And, to be blunt, even if I'm completely in the wrong and Orogun's comment was entirely topic-appropriate and used in a manner consistent with standard forum practice, my points still stand. It's tiring to argue about the validity of research with people who seem to be incapable of grasping even the concept of confidence intervals. It's tiring to argue about biology with people whose education in the subject seems to be fully based on half-remembered snippets from high school and a smattering of pop-sci articles. It's really tiring to see that the most vocal anti-feminists are completely unable to understand what their ideological proponents even mean when they're using the word "patriarchy". Hm, always been easy to distinguish for me and you just launched on an assumption, Anyway, rather amusing that 'efficiency' is in play as well, heh. But yes, everyone here is your inferior, etc. perhaps more fool you for continually wasting your time (or being easily wound up - common here, I suppose, hah)
  21. Not really, some times a quote is just a quote to spring board something else on or as a quote is usually used to build a point on. Hm, I suppose that is why people do that @-tagging stuff I see on other boards.
  22. I doubt any of the subhumans in this soap opera play proper shooters though
  23. Well, as long as it's not a problem for the US it's cool, the thinking is going I assume, heh.
  24. He quoted it, it doesn't necessarily have to be a reply to your point so no need to be shirty as always.
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