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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Found his jokes tiresome. http://steamcommunity.com/games/268500/announcements/detail/45397895217812332
  2. Racist.
  3. Turkey, for some reason that is the special bird. Goose might be pretty popular as well. We have the usual turkey, macaroni pie, stuffing, $vegetable_dish
  4. But no Xmas lunch with family Yeah we'll have dinner together, but that's about all, really. Hopefully less arguing
  5. Studying, looking for a job.
  6. Giants Citizen Kabuto is free for the next day or so
  7. Think he can, is a dramatic force push like hand motion in one trailer. Kind of a downer if the antagonist is just a cosplayer.
  8. Surprised he just doesn't knock Finn on his ass with a Force push.
  9. Just as long as those peksy Assyrians don't try to sneak in with them.
  10. Well, generally I've no issue with paying taxes - as long as I can see me getting something out of it rather than it being pissed away to enrich some civil servant's life. Which is the hard sell, depending on where you are in the world your view of the government may be more unfriendly than others, right ? Damn it, missed a chance to quote Peace Sells
  11. Care for your own before everyone else, it's a reasonable thing to do - most of the time people care more about their blood relations than some dude on the street Hazarding a guess, also people hate having to mind others or in some way feel like they are being punished for getting ahead. How accurate those are when it comes to making society fair, depends on circumstance and implementation.
  12. Shut up, you troll.
  13. If humanity collectively believed that, we'd still be living in caves, you do realize that, right? True, but denying the fact that jobs, living spaces, money, etc. are finite isn't going to get you far. Hard to prevent people from leveraging any advantage they have (proper or not, doubt we will ever all be saints), so it won't be really 'fair'. In terms of making it fair for starting points, I guess you could drag up the bottom ranks, so to speak - have to reprogram attitudes so that's not easy to implement.
  14. Why change it ? It's a competition for limited things, in most areas and you're not always going to win. We have to live life as it is, not as it should be after all. To be fair to GD, that is a good argument to have - was one of the reasons I had for not wanting the US to go to Iraq - as it encourages a less interventionist US. Of course, with the US at the level it is in the global game, that's fantasy
  15. Yes it is the same. She's not trolling, I think, as in not trying to wind you all up. She, like Volo, is made of iron - the flames of posters do naught but harden her.
  16. Ahh, blowing through the roof is definitely cool
  17. Ah, I confess I didn't know they announced runners up in their poll.
  18. Should have named ISIS (they've done groups before)
  19. http://www.graphicarmor.com/star-wars-condoms
  20. Doesn't seem like he is really aiming at Finn, but ok, am not a fencer so I'll take your word for it that what he's doing there is genuine.
  21. True, just looks silly, but what are we to expect from these fights
  22. The saber slash by the bad guy at the end looks like it has absolutely no power behind it.
  23. Minus the response, it's pretty much like debating with anyone here. No one concedes and just go at each other.
  24. Does not know enough details to tell how it would work, but it's worth looking at. Seems she should be a bit more informed
  25. Yep, previews at RPS and other places. Sounds like it'll be enjoyable, which means Firaxis will screw it up a bit
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