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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. That seems like a pretty accurate way to frame it, actually. At least reading the whole sentence there.
  2. Maybe it is a fuse and not a breaker
  3. Can't wait until people seriously rank Antifa up there with Al Qaeda.
  4. And you have the best song about any state
  5. First day of vacation, wasting it by learning HTML (well ok just stuff that came after I stopped making web pages 17 years ago)
  6. http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2017/08/29/judge-wont-vacate-former-sheriff-joe-arpaios-contempt-conviction-without-oral-arguments/614854001/ Arpaio not totally clear yet, I guess?
  7. I am glad her daughter was murdered.
  8. Frame, box and mattress. Maybe I will spend all weekend testing it
  9. Memorial Day ? You've gone back in time ? This bed is far too expensive, but supposedly it is to last 20 years. It damn well better else I will find that salesman
  10. Good. That movie sucks.
  11. Have a six day weekend. Not sure what I will do in order to be productive. Am getting a new bed though, that is exciting I guess
  12. New WoW patch. Not sure what we do after defeating Sargeras. But power creep provides.
  13. Pick whomever has the better VA (female IA was the best one) or just randomly.
  14. Eh. Not as if the club is Leeds.
  15. Antifa sure is moving up in the world.
  16. Yep. Eventually we'll see them using Predators to tackle pot grow ops I assume they have to publicly state reasoning for needing such equipment though?
  17. Why are you soft on criminals ?
  18. Arsenal lost badly today so am spending the day abusing their fans. Sports fans are precious when they take their entertainment so seriously.
  19. Finished off Thimbleweed Park. Ending was kind of ehh, fourth wall breaking was kind of funny but still a bit of a let down. Still, not a bad game and at the very least the backers got something more than the usual KS dreck
  20. Went to a market downtown to get some bread and West Indian food. So many damn hipsters there.
  21. Uh huh.
  22. At least one of his deputies got a trip to Hawaii out of it. http://archive.azcentral.com/news/politics/articles/2012/05/21/20120521arpaio-obama-birth-funding.html
  23. Well, that was what I meant, re: the hurricane. But can't expect much subtlety. Ah well, maybe Arpaio will get in trouble for something else.
  24. Nice timing to boot, heh. Plays well with his acolytes.
  25. And they savagely beat white guys with rocks.
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