Latest outrage is Samantha Bee calling Ivanka a "feckless c***" . I guess I hang out with too many Aussies and Scots as that word almost seems like puncutation to me
The argument might have more traction if ABC hadn't dumped Maher while he was still working there after making fun of Bush after 9/11.
Although that was in a time before Fecesbook and Twatter, so maybe that doesn't count.
Well was thinking of the "Left" being hypocritical or the "Right" being so.
Pretty pointless accusation anyway at that scope, I guess
Someday this excuse will work.
As for the target, I'd imagine it'd be the same, not quite sure it is right wing folk being persecuted. Rice is far higher profile and respected (sort of) than the Obama aide as well, so reaction might be a tad stronger.
People need to stop saying edgy crap online.
""I think it's deterioration of the family," Black said. Citing the expression, "idle hands are the devil's workshop," Black said that without a family support structure, teens turn to the Internet, violent movies and pornography."
Idle hands, huh.
Well, they can resist in other ways. And in any case, why would they be hypocrites barring examples where they want no guns at all.
Regardless, reporting about Farrakan is really on the same level as "Some idiot said something online", has been for quite some time, as well.
Isn't that covered by this thread -
Isn't graduation ceremony the one were you are handed your diploma?
How no one's assigned to either? Will a non black person be called to the stand for their diploma or not?
Any Harvard graduate care to throw some explanation?
If they were mandated to attend one it's much more like segregation as the guy is referencing. They had one in Toronto that was an additional ceremony and people got similarly upset, which was funny.
Given how meaningless these things are (my offical one was mailed), is weird to see people get outraged.
The President is the commander in chief of the US Military. I'm hoping that having served and knowing what that is like they will be less reckless about ordering them into combat. I'm recalling Bil Clinton's ill-advised intervention in Haiti where US Airborne troops are landing in a hostile situation with no ammunition because Clinton did not want any casualties.
Given US foreign policy over the years, doesn't seem like former military are any better. In any case, at the level he is commanding, different skillset than one will get from the military. Well, unless one is a micromanager like Rummy was.
For good reason.
I hear If you post too much in multiple forums they make you a mod...
My path to power and the Executive washroom lays open before me!
Emotion - the great tard equalizer of all. Personally, I find it a bit creepy when people celebrate the death of anyone, deservedly so or not.
What's creepy? Everyone has a special person or two they wouldn't mind ending up in a ditch.
Still, silly to put such things to writing.