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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Wow, what the heck is going on
  2. Good riddance
  3. Even though he does flop, it does seem Neymar does get worked over a lot Hah, classy Mexican steps on his ankle.
  4. These suspensions are going to hurt
  5. Hopefully Brazil smashes them. But looks like Brazil will have to squeak out a win, not playing well.
  6. Bought Fm2018 because I am a fool, and it was cheaper. It's ok, same old game, but at least I got a DB update. Some of the UI changes are nice, but overall I hate it and the change to scouting is a bit annoying but is just something to get used to,
  7. That was an England tier shootout.
  8. Thought Modric was going to end them here. Day of surprises
  9. This is like an FM game
  10. I love listening to the BBC radio and hearing them ways to bring up England
  11. Great penalty by Koke there. Russia to win WC.
  12. I presume the Youtube version is 'unofficial'- it was on TV here last year (and is on DVD) with the original soundtrack reinstated. Definitely a program which has aged well, but I wouldn't even bother watching without Paint It Black et alia to be honest.Yeah some guy subbed them in Spanish,has that awful intro tune with the flute like instrument. Just search for nam cap 1 Show does hold up well, even if it gets too melodramatic in season 2. Great ending episode though where no one gets a happy one Damn that guy did the same for a lot of shows
  13. Another stellar refereeing job I hear
  14. Now all we need now is for Uruguay to prevail.
  15. Ooh 4-3. Why is Otamendi such an ass
  16. Surprised no red cards here
  17. Oh ffs France
  18. Otamendi needs to take a ball to the face
  19. I have faith in Giroud
  20. Did you laugh in their face as a response ? An old company tried rehiring guys they laid off and got some really abusive responses
  21. Are you kidding ? Tim Horton's is disgusting.
  22. Only because I know you're out there, Volo
  23. What's really wrong with that is that he's sitting with his rear exposed, should sit with a wall behind you.
  24. Rewatching Tour of Duty on Youtube, but with the licensed music out it just isn't the same. The intro music replacement is just awful.
  25. Well flags look sort of the same....sort of.
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