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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Blood Sweat and Pixels is underwhelming so far, one purchase I regret.
  2. How many of these people do you encounter? And it's not applicable to his situation as he's using older equipment that still meets requirements, not archaic stuff.
  3. I know about Puller, didn't know about his son though - yikes, amazed he pulled through that.
  4. I rather enjoy the Satanic red my sound card has, Creative are odd people. Should really compare that with the RealTek again
  5. Could also be him coming from a military family rather than him being a war junkie type.
  6. Would be funny to picture Trump in Vietnam. Maybe he'd be Lt Wolfe in Platoon
  7. Well much as you can use your PC as a space heater, you can use it to light your house as well
  8. Hm other than the memory issue, should be ok. I have a 980, myself, I may upgrade everything next year though as I like to do that on a 4 year cycle
  9. https://www.usgamer.net/articles/28-08-2018-cyberpunk-2077-pc-specs-demo-build-pc-specs-gpu-system-requirements
  10. Apparently this is the source https://pjmedia.com/trending/google-search-results-show-pervasive-anti-trump-anti-conservative-bias/
  11. Guess we will have to wait for the evidence of this, I think Fox News did a test.
  12. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-news-on-google-is-rigged-against-him/ Going to force Google to show 50% conservative and 50% liberal I guess ?
  13. Also you need a case with maximum RGB
  14. US Evangelicals are amusing people.
  15. That is going to hurt IBM a lot, apparently.
  16. And Nvidia will push you to get a line of credit.
  17. Haven't seen anything like that. Assume he did palliative care.
  18. I thought all 40k games were bad with the exceptions of DoW1&2 Gothic was pretty fun to play for me, just don't pay too much for it. It was worth the $15 I paid
  19. Finally did Mythic Siege of Boralus, I think the problem last time was other people really - tank had the AoE facing the group and DPS wasn't doing enough damage. I still did manage to screw up and die but luckily one party member lived and got into the cannon and killed the boss. Still have room for improvement. I guess I can take a breather from WoW and get into Phantom Doctrine some.
  20. Would be interesting to have very lethal combat though, ammunition will evolve to defeat defenses.
  21. Play Battlefleet Gothic as it isn't an RPG
  22. https://www.thedailybeast.com/nratv-host-grant-stinchfield-bashes-madden-shooting-survivors-for-wearing-headsets
  23. Future paramedics don't screw around. UI doesn't seem all that bad, the health bars over the people being shot seems unnecessary to me Wonder how long it is before some one asks Gibson what he thinks
  24. Hopefully the OST is good
  25. Finished reading Empires of EVE - good marketing for the game. Was funny to read the exploits of SirMolle, I remember him from the EVE alpha when the Relicnews people arrived (I miss frstkor13). Second volume in the works, so will look for that. Starting Blood, Sweat and Pixels. Might be interesting to read a behind the scenes approach to game dev.
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