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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. It'll CTD eventually.
  2. https://nypost.com/2020/12/09/17-states-trump-join-texas-scotus-suit-to-toss-biden-electors/ Paxton needs a pardon, I suspect.
  3. That can be your schtick on Twitch!
  4. Let's just all chip in and buy it for LC.
  5. That is fine, but if the day 0/1/whatever patch is a saviour rather than just improving things, is a bit different. In the end doesn't really matter much.
  6. True. But having a day 0,1,N patch be that significant is a sign a delay wouldn't have hurt. Would certainly make having my slow connection less annoying
  7. Really should have delayed it 6 months.
  8. It's rebranded Welch's isn't it.
  9. Hm...so if this goes like Jonestown, what do you think these people will drink ? Budweiser ?
  10. Should try nabbing a 5600xt for Christmas, will be a great step up from my 980. Think they are out of stock entirely though.
  11. I must find one of these non work positions to work at But not a requirement of having epilepsy to think bright flashing lights may be a bad idea (if not for epilepsy but for just being ****ing annoying).
  12. That assumes QA team is good and resourced, no ? My company is too l337 for QA. Sort of explains a lot....
  13. And then that long again to download the patches.
  14. Well, whenever it comes. I feel it'll end up more like Jonestown. Looks like Acti-Blizzard had a hit with Shadowlands - https://www.wowhead.com/news=319757/world-of-warcraft-shadowlands-becomes-fastest-selling-pc-game-of-all-time Rather enjoying it myself, there's always something to do so far but isn't too grindy to me.
  15. Hm, watching CDPR fanboys with this release makes me realize Star Citizen's release is going to be a spectacle.
  16. Yep, surprised it was not brought up in QA. Then again, given the bugs this has, maybe there was no QA
  17. Lady raises epilepsy concerns about CP2077, people start sending her videos that trigger it, predictably.
  18. Chuck Yeager
  19. Tsk, can't even trust reviewers to not give them a crippled build.
  20. r/pcgaming has taken over LadyCrimson!
  21. 3070s should be in stock by then
  22. https://www.pcgamer.com/cyberpunk-2077-review/ PCG's review as well. The real humour is reading the comments on the reviews.
  23. Hopefully that has the day one patch rolled in.
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