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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Forgot to put 4. Your Social Security Number
  2. And they're off - https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/johnpaczkowski/amazon-parler-aws
  3. Sure. But had meant, they can stamp their feet or fix the problem - although I guess they'd present the same headache for Azure or Akamai. Was more a jab at the kind of people on there and their general attitude to complaining such as this. So when should a company be free to decide whose money they no longer want to take ? Also, this is just Amazon workers demanding it.
  4. Sounds like Parler needs to buy some servers.
  5. So every time I read a post here....
  6. Hm, on what grounds ? Apple's next, although I guess they got the courtesty of a threat - https://9to5mac.com/2021/01/08/apple-says-it-will-kick-parler-off-the-app-store-in-24-hours-unless-content-is-moderated/
  7. Yeah, not really sure what was up with that. Could have sworn I got the wrong videos or something.
  8. Yeah, that'd be a **** show with the MAGA legion present. Well, maybe they'll still be there. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/08/politics/us-capitol-riots-arrest-pelosi-desk/index.html Some of these people forget cameras are a thing.
  9. Amentep is obviously Illuminati, as well.
  10. I dunno, sounds like more reason they'll have Trump TV.
  11. Cops in DC are being pretty equal with how they were treating BLM folk I like the "you're unfriended, cops!!" rhetoric.
  12. Games may still be good, right .
  13. Times we live in, can get multiple camera angles of everything.
  14. Odd logic for this puzzle in Secret Files 2, but not sure how I was to figure out I was supposed to drop a candle on some Italian dude's Ferrari which would make him miss a minibus with his friends zipping by which would then splash some lazy French street cleaner.
  15. At the point they moved those barricades, that position was already flanked, I guess they moved it to avoid people getting crushed ? Odd, but in any case their perimeter was gone by that point. https://twitter.com/KySportsRadio/status/1347031398176223233 Premise that it must be Antifa because Trump supporters are angels is pretty funny, though. Also, that tattoo looks like the Mark of the Outsider from DIshonored (what was someone saying about neckbeards earlier? :P)
  16. Cops had a less aggressive stance than, say, the NYPD,still had people trying to punch them and pepper spray them, though.
  17. Woman who got shot was on her way into the room, had thought she was backing away from another video. Looks like got it through the throat. What a stupid thing to die for.
  18. Disappointed by the lack of tacticool crap, to be honest.
  19. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1346954970910707712
  20. Well, would depend on a group existing that would say the police acted well against them, then you can judge the cops by having two groups complain. Cops seem they've acted similar between the two, DC cops didn't really do anything OTT during the BLM protests unlike the NYPD. Other than getting caught cold and their inept response, been ok. Running theme in a lot of the comments are the protesters thinking they are owed better treatment because they supported the cops I did like the random guy that said that the cops were actually from the Department of Health and were sent by the CDC to separate people from families.
  21. Listening to some of these people jaw at the cops and some are saying "If we were BLM you wouldn't be roughing us up" Also some dude saying they don't want socialism. Also, saying the cops would let ANTIFA walk in. Oh man, this is a great comedy show, feel sorry for the cops having to endure this nonsense.
  22. It's even better to read his words "I know your pain I know you're hurt we had an election that was stolen from us, it was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other side, but you have to go home now. We have to have peace, we have to have law and order, we have to respect our great..people in law and order. We don't want anybody hurt its a very tough period of time, there's never been a time like this where.. such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us, from me from you from our country. This was a fraudulent election, but we can't play into the hands of these people, we have to have peace. So go home we love you, you're very special, you've seen what happens, you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil, I know how you feel but go home and go home in peace."
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