No, just pass time reading inane conspiracy BS and inevitably always seems to end up being some anti-Semitic nonsense. Stating he's a figurehead and asking who's really pulling the strings with not much else does sound like some QAnon tier stuff. I do like some QAnon people thinking Biden is secretly controlled by Trump or something, second favourite to the Clintons being Illuminati-tier power level, heh. People have an aversion to some things in life being really that simple.
Of course it's silly saying Putin is a killer. But that is stuff said in public, and it sells well with people he needs it to. It's like working in a corporation, people say and do a lot of things that maintain a reality no one actually believes in
Saying two people should have sex when they spend their time sniping at each other is a fairly common joke and regardless of genders involved (well or even if one is a program, we used to tell one guy that about emacs ), at least in North America. Not really seeing the homophobia here, really, but have to pretend you care about these things as well.