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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Pressing onward in Gamedec, the skill system is a bit weird, finding it hard to get the red points I need. Some of the professions are amusing, at least the Infotainer one where you are just someone with a large Twitter following. Odd to use that to intimidate a drug dealer Pretty sure I did the wrong deductions in one mission after breaking drones that would have given me evidence as I didn't go about figuring out the hacking puzzle first, maybe will save scum and re-do that. Still, is pretty fun, there's a lot to read as well although the in game Codex is broken in some places but is good for world building. Note - increase the text size.
  2. Surprised you needed to spell that out, heh
  3. Sort of funny that the protagonist in Gamedec owns a lot of ships in the ersatz Star Citizen game Also got to blow some teenager's head off, so good stuff. Had to redownload the game due to GOG somehow seeing my copy as invalid. Haven't encountered too many bugs. Did have one character speak to me in Polish and one puzzle seems to have glitched out but I solved it by fluke, looking back at it.
  4. I'm just glad there wasn't any more Korn in that trailer.
  5. France recalling ambassadors from Australia and US now, hm. Guess the Japanese might get a chuckle out of all this, they got sniped out their bid to equip Australia with subs by France - Australia's military procurement seems lousy in all of this.
  6. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-58604655.amp?s=09 Well US admits they screwed up and wasted 10 people for nothing.
  7. I knew I should not have bought Titan Quest 4 years ago
  8. Debit cards are pretty popular up here, although a bit dangerous as the default tap amount per day is ~500 so if you lose your card you can lose that amount and the bank is no help. Credit has overtaken it over the years, at least what I see, due to apps and devices. Oh and that sweet 1% cashback.
  9. First mission in Gamedec is fun enough, some rather interesting characters, if not somewhat tropey, so far. Will need to screw up that unicorn guy on another playthrough, am a super charismatic hacker type - even though I managed to piss off two hookers or something so no information from them. It's no Disco Elysium, but feel confident I'll get my money's worth.
  10. The French strike back! https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/09/16/us/political-news/expressing-fury-over-the-australia-submarine-deal-france-cancels-a-gala-celebrating-relations-with-the-us But in all seriousness, seems like an unnecessary situation to generate.
  11. Decent enough reviews, PCG gave it 58, did say it was very buggy. But I paid for it, so will see how my low standards self finds it. Adventure games, evolved.
  12. Thought Gamedec was out yesterday but guess it's today. Caesar 3 is almost done, using Warehouses to route food around is unsightly but is working well enough. Seems warehouses do not need roads when "Getting Goods" though, so that is something interesting to learn about a game 22 years late. Also left my beloved Brno in FM18, for Arsenal. Who are 17th. And have signed strikers who are mediocre all earning 150k a week. Was funny when I let the AI manage them against my Brno team and Brno beat them 4-0. Might just go back to my old save
  13. I like how the T&T minister of health got involved - https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/14/rap-artist-nicki-minaj-faces-backlash-after-tweeting-inaccurate-information-about-covid-vaccines.html Best thing for Trinidad was exporting her
  14. Hah, thought I imagined that, was eating dinner and half listening.
  15. Reminds me I haven't turned my camera on on calls ever. So my coworkers haven't seen me in 18 months
  16. Well, the IPCC as well.
  17. Never really found him all that funny, but is shame to die that young.
  18. I can still fit in my 16 year old suit, although the pants is beginning to, shall we say, experience structural stress when I wear it. Clearly the fabric shrunk. Somehow did manage to shed 10 lbs over the past 2 weeks, I guess cutting out bread helped. Had two days off this week for appointments but the hospitals are having anti-vaccine passport/anti-vax/muh freedom wackos protest outside them so those got moved to phone ones, so hooray, can spend the days learning something.
  19. Canadian politics also has its share of, uh, interesting people as well. https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkb95z/this-guy-running-for-canadian-parliament-wants-men-not-to-ejaculate Bernier is too desperate to grow his party, seems their vetting is making sure you have a pulse.
  20. These huge patches are an annoyance for me.
  21. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/572087-larry-elder-campaign-spreads-baseless-claim-that-recall-election-ended-in Interesting tactic.
  22. Got a creative insight here, I can't feed the plebes with fish alone, the patrician area is swamped with food, but if I link their networks, everything goes to hell as the ladies go to get wheat instead of nearby fish and then nothing evolves. And you can't have a granary servicing two road networks as the walkers can use it like a road, so that's out. Then I remembered, if all granaries are full, food goes to warehouses, and then that I can transfer between networks Well, so far so good, feeding people a bit more. Not sure if I have a path to victory here still.
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