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Posts posted by vault_overseer

  1. Just bought white shirts and an orange tie. Will have to wear that to work every day:(


    Are you managing an Orange Julius?


    nope, I work for one of the richest people in Chicago. And sometimes he gets these "marketing" ideas...


    anyway, it actually looks a lot better on me than I tought, so I'm not complaining( especially since I'm gettin reimbursed for this)

  2. Just got back from an easter weekend in Prague. The beer was not only dead cheap, it was amazing. And the girls wore tube tops. Enough said.


    I wish every American who drinks that piss Budweiser at least once in their life got to taste Budweiser Budwar.


    That's easy, go to Binny's and buy them a Czechvar, that's its american name.

  3. I spent the weekend being sick and watching new Doctor Who. Being sick sucks, new Doctor Who was amazing. Matt Smith is a natural. Karen Gillian is stunning and much better actress than I thought she would be. This is gonna be a hell of a season!


    Agree on all counts! :o


    I was bored with Doctor Who, to the point where I didn't bother watching any of the episodes from season 4. My interest has regained. :)


    Season 4 had 3 good episodes - Moffat's "Silence in the library" & "Forest of the dead" and, immediately following it, great, RTD written(gasp, i know!) episode called "Midnight"


    EDIT: About iPad. I really wanted to hate it, but then I got a chance to play with my boss's one and was amazed with how beautiful and responsive the screen is. Time magazine was frigging amazing, Marvel app looked fantastic, photos and videos were breathtaking. Seriously, this thing seems to be crap right until you get to hold one. I tried reading couple of pages of a book, and while the backlight was too bright for comfortable reading, there was a handy slider to adjust it.


    Now, I'm NOT going to buy it. Right now, that is. I want to see where it goes first. I want it lighter, with stereo sound and a camera. Which means that I'll probably have to wait for third generation or so(which is what I did with an iPhone) but at least now I see a clear use for it in my home and understand a reason to buy it.

  4. I'd like to point out that there are plenty of young Russians, who are not as daftly oblivious to the facts as our prime example here.


    And to Obyknven, are you a member of Nashi or Molodaya Gvardia, by any chance? If not, you should join, they need gullible people.

    No. Don't want.


    Well, you do come off as one, so why not join? You can make a difference in fighting the good fight against those evil CIA aggressors! As you grow up, you could graduate to United Russia and write new laws limiting rights of mass media and creating loopholes for stealing ridiculous loads of cash.

  5. I spent the weekend being sick and watching new Doctor Who. Being sick sucks, new Doctor Who was amazing. Matt Smith is a natural. Karen Gillian is stunning and much better actress than I thought she would be. This is gonna be a hell of a season!


    EDIT: Also, I really like new theme - it's much closer to the originals, that the pompous orchestral version of RTD era.

  6. That's second time you have ignored my question.


    EDIT: For Obyknven, with love: http://esquire.ru/reklama/


    Explanation: Russian Esquire's new issue's ad was taken down by the company that owns the ad space before the contract was over. The reason - because the cover advertised main article: "Why gays and ballerinas join United Russia(Putin's party, new KPSS)" The link is to the article, where Esquire interviews celebrities and pretty much all of them admit that they joined it because it's the main ruling party and they they don't influence and don't think they have a chance of influence any politics in the country.


    Also, the video ad of this issue was refused by every major TV channel.

  7. what happened to Black Isle when Guido left Interplay?


    "Torn" - unreleased - EPIC FAIL.

    "Van Buren" - unreleased - EPIC FAIL.

    "Black Hound" - unreleased - EPIC FAIL.


    in Obsidian:

    "SW: KOTOR2" - unfinished, lots of bugs - FAIL

    "NWN2 OC" - unfinished, lots of bugs - FAIL

    "NWN2 MotB" - worse than Planescape.

    "NWN2 SoZ" - simple FAIL

    "Alien RPG" - unreleased - EPIC FAIL

    "Alfa Protocol" yet unreleased - FAIL


    Meanwhile "Drakensang"(cool, original, not sequel) released by Guido Henkel - MEGA WIN!!!

    Looks like someone just does not know how to work.


    So what are you doing on these boards then?

  8. I'd like to point out that there are plenty of young Russians, who are not as daftly oblivious to the facts as our prime example here.


    And to Obyknven, are you a member of Nashi or Molodaya Gvardia, by any chance? If not, you should join, they need gullible people.

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