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Posts posted by vault_overseer

  1. I thought they really undersold kinect with gimmicky crap. It will work better as an additional level of control to the regular controller. For example, you drive a car and move your head to look around, or you play GOW and raise your hand to call your teammate, or opening doors.


    But no, instead they showed that stupid Wii crap

  2. So, apparently, this Slovakian linguist created a language that can be easily understood by anyone, who knows any slavic language. I tested it on myself and a Slovak:


    Sxto es Slovio? Slovio es novju mezxunarodju jazika ktor razumijut cxtirsto milion ludis na celoju zemla. Slovio mozxete upotrebit dla gvorenie so cxtirsto milion slavju Ludis ot Praga do Vladivostok; ot Sankt Peterburg cxerez Varsxava do Varna; ot Sredzemju Morie i ot Severju Morie do Tihju Okean. Slovio imajt prostju, logikju gramatia i Slovio es idealju jazika dla dnesju ludis. Ucxijte Slovio tper!


    Pred tisicx rocxis vse Slavianis imali odnakju jazika. Usled razprestrenie Slavianifs na ogromju oblastis iz tot jazika tvorili bolsx cxem dvanades dialektis, i usled razlicxju kulturju obvlivenies, kazxd Slaviansk dialekt tvoril svoi sposob pisanief. Poskroz razlicxju pisanie, razlicxju azbukvas i razlicxju dialektis do ne

  3. If there are repair kits in the game, which that box would appear to indicate, that is just groovy and all I can say is, BEST GAME EVAR.


    If you have to buy that edition to get the repair kits, then I will indeed do so.


    Josh, are there repair kits in the game? Or just that edition?


    I read that as the preorder just starts you out with four repair kits vs starting with zero repair kits. I cant imagine that would be the only four reapir kits in the entire game.


    Those could also be additional repair kits, as the starting gear is modified depending on your char, so one with points in repair might get some of these too.

  4. Telling us what the barcode translates into would be better. :)


    If someone could extract the texture file or get a really clear picture/Screenshot i could try it on the scanners we have in the office.


    i can't as i got the PS3 version but i'm sure you PC users can dig around the files ;)



    Some guy posted the code online, but it can't be read by any app. Here is the link. And btw, it's a QR Code not DataMatrix


    Got one iPhone app to read it, it read as a contact, with "AP" as the name. nothing else

  5. O RLY? How is the new Iraq more dangerous to the rest of the world than Saddam's was? Saddam attacked two soverign nations. He paid others to attack other nations. The new Iraq has attacked nobody.


    So, again, how is the new Iraq a bigger threat to the world than Saddam's Iraq? Silly talk.


    Because it was a lot more stable. instability breeds discontent, which creates terrorism and extremism. Crazy arab dictators attacking each other is nothing new, it existed before saddam and it will exist after him. A huge country without stable government or agenda is a perfect environment for growing terrorist cells.



    How is the 'US' talking crap? It's SK that is pushing things, and nobody in power in any country has said we should go to wwar with NK pronto. Don't make stuff up.


    US is always talking crap, that's its job - to bully other nations with tough talk.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncUSZ13T3pQ NSFW

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