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Posts posted by vault_overseer

  1. I guess I'll make a post on point. I've been relistening to Orbital discography. What an ace band, absolutely brilliant throughout their entire career!

  2. Here's the email I got(funny thing is, I don't play WOW, only tried demo once about 4 years ago):


    from WoWAccountEU@review.blizzard.com <WoWAccountEU@review.blizzard.com>

    reply-to WoWAccountEU@review.blizzard.com

    to xxxxx@gmail.com

    date Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 3:38 AM

    subject World of Warcraft -- Character Faction Change Notice

    mailed-by hotmail.com

    hide details 3:38 AM (13 hours ago)



    A Character Faction Change is now pending for the World of Warcraft account dpashkin@gmail.com. Please allow several days for the faction change process to complete. An email will be sent to you when it is done. You can also track the status of your request by signing into the Transaction page here: http://eu.battle.characterverify.com/facti...nge-status.html.


    Below is a summary of the transaction, which you may want to keep for your records.




    World of Warcraft Account Name: xxxxx@gmail.com

    TRANSACTION ID: 60600192




    Please note the following additional information:


    - This account is not available for play while the faction change is pending.

    - If you did not make this transaction, you should immediately check your account to prevent character lost.

    - This account cannot change factions again until 3 days have elapsed.

    - You can review this and other Account Management transactions by logging into Account Management and going to your Transactions page at https://eu.battle.characterverify.com/facti...nge-status.html.

    - For more details on Character Faction Change, refer to the Character Faction Change FAQ located at http://us.blizzard.com/support/article.xml...categoryId=2327.


    You can find World of Warcraft Account Management at: http://eu.battle.worldofwarcraft.com/login.html


    We hope you enjoy your new faction!




    The World of Warcraft Team

    Blizzard Entertainment


    mailkey tqimom.hoyj7p8k.aiyh


    As you can see, all of the links but one are legit. And the phishing page has all of the right links. So keep an eye out for that one

  3. Right, but in TW they still share some common themes with the folk monsters, while the DS3 ones don't seem to have anything to do with it.


    We know nearly nothing about them for now, it's a bit premature to say that, don't you think? :devil:



    Well, it doesn't look like a vodyanoi and it lives in a cave, so I'd say it's enough to assume that its pretty different from the folklore version of the monster. Not that I care that much, tbh. I'll still be whooping its ass:)

  4. Does anyone know who originally designed NCR?


    Care to elaborate a little bit more? What do you mean by 'originally designed NCR' ?

    You mean the area in Fallout 2? The faction in Fallout 2?

    Or the idea of NCR (which already appeared in a Fallout ending, but I'm sure you know that already)?


    Anyway, I don't have clue for any of these answers.


    area and the faction. I don't think that NCR in F1 was anything more than a mention in the ending.

  5. Didn't we have vodyanoi in The Witcher? And weren't they like D&D Sahuagin in that?


    Vodyanoi is a Russian name for a folk monster common in Eastern Europe. So it makes sense in a polish game, where it actually appears in swaps(although it's weird that it uses Russian name, in Polish it's wodnjak or wodnik, or something similar) The thing in the screens doesn't look like a vodyanoi at all, so I wonder if they named it like that just for a cool name...

  6. Pardon me while I hijack the thread for a sec with my own question for the Brits. What will happen when the queen dies? Will the senior prince become king or is there some system where there will now only be queens and there is some other woman waiting to become queen?


    AFAIK prince Charles will become the King.


    Which brings another question, will everything that's currently dubbed "Her majesty's" will have to be redubbed "His Majesty's" ?

  7. Right now, she lives in Cambridge though. And while she loves the school she works at, she hates living in UK. But then, she was always the crazy one...


    Cambridge. Picturesque, interesting, cultured. And bloody windy. The wind comes across the fens like a whip, and doesn't stop. It's really flat out there (then again, you are from Chicago, the Windy City, right?). I prefer the western side of the UK TBH, and I'm originally from deepest Sarf Lunnon. As for schools, a country the size of the USA is inevitably going to have an amazing diversity of provision, from superb to disgraceful. You'd call it a zip-code lottery, what we call a post-code lottery.


    It's strange for Americans to move here unless they are sent here for work reasons. Having said that, I've met a few (more Canadians TBH) and they all seem to like it. Unless they're from somewhere hot. I'd prepare myself, were I an American, for the following:


    * Very long conversations about the weather. This cliche is completely true.


    * Dreadful, prurient tabloid media that makes the National Enquirer look like the Washington Post


    * No guns, well not very often and certainly not anywhere nice unless you happen across one of these wierd rural death-wishes we've had recently


    * Football. Lots of football. Jesus I hate football, get into rugby it's far more interesting


    * Excellent beer. Good wine is cheaper than you find in the States, too. In fact, get used to British drinking. The British are drunks, we will look at you strangely if you are not partaking...


    * ... which brings me onto pubs. Find a good one, dig in, get known, enjoy and you won't go home. Literally.


    * Old buildings. Yanks get really freaked out by the old buildings. My local church is Norman.


    * Driving on the correct side of the road


    * The Queen. Don't diss The Boss


    * London. London is a post-modern Rome, a city state that is part Blade Runner, part 16th Century Venice and completely loopy


    * Walking. We walk. We don't drive everywhere, mainly because that gets in the way of us having a drink


    There's a starter for ten.





    let's see...


    TO start off, I'm not American, I'm Russian, but I've lived here since I was 15(will be 26 this year), finished high school and stuff. That being said:


    1. My currently favorite TV shows are: Doctor Who(watched all of the nuWho, watching classics), Green Wing/IT Crowd/Black Books, Top Gear and Skins(first two seasons)

    2. My Favorite beer right now is Samuel Smith's lager

    3. I really like steak and ale pie.

    4. I like EPL(even though it does look like volleyball sometimes)...

    5. One of my favorite bars to visit is called the Globe and is one of the best football bars in the country. It's owned by an Englishman and a Scotsman and on Saturday morning, during EPL is filled to the brim with British expats. Love those chaps.

    6. I also like walking, old buildings(I live in a historic neighborhood, although here historic means 100 years) and whiskey(and by whiskey, i mean scotch, not bourbon)

  8. I'm pretty sure US has the highest educational spending in the world, and no one teaches creationism.


    The only problem is in the way those funds are spread. Also, a lot of the teachers are lazy and lackadaisical(check me out showing off)



    Where? Trenton? Newark? :-


    Not sure, but it was full of ghetto kids. Right now, she lives in Cambridge though. And while she loves the school she works at, she hates living in UK. But then, she was always the crazy one...

  9. As mentioned earlier, the quality of the schools in the US is based heavily on how affluent the town its in is. Richer towns (taxes) have more money to dedicate toward their school systems. If that is your major sticking point it would be much cheaper to send your child to a private school then to roll the dice on finding a "better school system" in another country.


    And yet, here is our beloved Chi-town with only two good public high schools and some of the highest taxes in the region. But anyway, schools are far from the only reason why i'm interested in moving to UK.

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