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Posts posted by vault_overseer

  1. I hope you can find the implants or research them (like in F2), not just buy. and since it's initial announcement I thought it was pretty obvious that Obsidian ars gonna include as much Van Buren material as they can. seems logical to me. and I really do hope they get to develop Fallout 4... fat chance though


    Fallout 4 will be Bethesda's baby. Deal with it now, otherwise you'll be disappointed later.


    Unless they buy OSI by then.

  2. I'm a supporter of legalization of MJ, although I don't know how I feel about heavier stuff. The Prohibition doesn't work and only fuels the trade by supporting street gangs with easy cash flow, so that's gotta stop. However, I'm not exactly sure how to proceed with regulation of top tier drugs - making people register as drug addicts for government supply would work in helping addicts control their usage, but would be little too big brother'ish for my liking...

  3. First, ammo subtypes are purely optional for the player. The base weapon system has been designed so that if you want to stick to standard ammunition types, there is always a tactical choice available to you. A hunting rifle has a high DAM and low DPS. A 10mm SMG has a low DAM, high DPS. If you're up against armored targets, the hunting rifle will usually be a better choice, especially if the targets are at range. If you want to push things, you can use AP or HP ammo to nudge the tactical applications a bit more. In some cases, the use of a particular ammo type can venture into "overkill" territory, but because variant ammo types are not as common as standard ammo, you're using a high cost consumable for that effect.


    Also, there's always a tactical drawback to using certain ammo subtypes. Using HP (hollow point) ammo on even light armor will almost always be worse than using standard ammo. AP (armor piercing) ammo does a little less damage than standard ammo, so using it against lightly armored or unarmored targets is counterproductive. +P (overpressure) ammunition does more damage but wears down the weapon more quickly.


    The exceptions to this are hand loads. Because hand loads require skill/perk investment and have to be built at reloading benches, they are pretty much "just better" than standard ammo. I've given two examples before: .308 JSP (jacketed soft point) and .45-70 Gov't SWC (semi-wadcutter). Both of these ammo types offer a bit of DT negation and increased DAM. This isn't necessarily due to the inherent properties of those bullet types (JSP would likely penetrate less than FMJ) but because you are hand loading the case and are just that good.


    EDIT: Oh yeah, and you can cycle through ammo types in real-time or you can equip them directly from the Pip-Boy.

    JE at beth forums

  4. Yeah, it obviously isn't the whole cast, but they simply announced the more famous cast members playing major roles. The rest of the actors are likely to be less known.


    Well, Ethan from Lost is probably slightly higher profile than the regular "unknown" VAs. So perhaps another announcement down the line?

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