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Posts posted by vault_overseer

  1. I've seen performance art before, but stuffing your vagina full of spaggetios and then smothering them over canvas is something on completely different level in my view.

  2. The Pitt > Shady Sands.


    The Pitt had absolutely fantastic atmosphere! The story and quests blew though:(



    Agreed. The Pitt felt right, but eh, the content was well less than compelling. Not to mention the quantity of gameplay content was directly related to how long one scurried about the steelyard trying to collect all the ingots.


    Still, as far as a location goes, The Pitt at least felt like it was somewhere where people were doing something.


    I hated hunting for ingots until I got to the highest platform and saw the view from up there. It was absolutely fantastic, instantly reminding me of Necropolis. Very very Fallout. As the matter of fact, that's what I'll do tonight - go crawl around Pitt:)

  3. I know the whole hipster crowd has really misguided perception of what is "art", but this is just too much. I'm really at loss for words



    Bit of warning, while it's not exactly explicit, I still wouldn't watch it around your boss.

  4. OH god, what a load of sensationalist crap. Was it co-produced by Fox News? Shocking articles on the background, porn grade music, fast cutting between interviewees. This is bad journalism.

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